
During the hostile tensions that clouded April G's mind, June chose to skip her next class and go straight to her dorm.

"I can't imagine what type of crap the other girls are going through," June said as she laid on her bed. "There's no way I'm going to class after Veronica betrayed me like that."

"Vic, Stop it." Veronica's voice yelled as June drifted up to her head."

"Veronica?" June asked before walking to the door.

"Why are you trying to see her?" Vic yelled.

June cracked open the door to see Vic and Veronica yelling at each other.

"We went too far, Vic.," Said Veronica. "I got to see if she's okay."

"You saw that fire that sprung up from that bracelet," Vic said.

"That doesn't mean she had anything to do with it."

"Of course, it does. That bitch is freaky and you're not getting anywhere near her."

"You don't get to choose for me." Veronica toward June's dorm.

But Vic grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall.

"Tell me you're not falling for that lesbian," Vic said.

"No, I'm not gay. I…."

Before she continued, Vic smacked her with the back of his hand.

"Don't lie to me."

June grit her teeth conflicted with the belief of saving the girl who betrayed her multiple times for the same boy who was now abusing her.

"I see the way you look at her," Vic said.

"No way I'm going to let a goth lesbian take my girlfriend."

"Vic, please…"

"Tell me you love me and not her."

"Vic, stop. I…."

"Tell me."

Vic shook Veronica rapidly, prompting June to rush out to save her.

"Hey. Let her go, Asshole." June yelled.

"Get your girlfriend, Freak," Vic yelled.

"You want to beat on a girl, try me."

Vic released his grip on Veronica and turned his attention to June.

"This is all your fault.

Vic ran towards June as the veins in her wrist glowed purple.

"Go to hell," June yelled as she trusted her hands away from her.

A gush of wind was released from her hands and pushed Vic across the hallway and smacked him against some lockers, indenting them in the process.

Vic fell to the ground and rendered unconscious as Veronica watched in horror.

June looked at her arms, terrified and confused about what she did.

"How did I…." June said.

"June?" Veronica asked.

June ran away as Veronica stood traumatized by what she had witnessed.

Leaving the future love life of the two teenage girls unknown.

Terrified of what transpired June ran through the hallway.

"This is not happening. This is not happening. June uttered as she shut her eyes.

She eventually bumped into April G who was running in the other direction.

The two girls fell to the ground as Madison eventually caught up to them.

"Ow." April G said.

"Sorry, April" June said as they both sat up.

"It's April G.," Madison said as she stood Infront of them.

"Yeah." April G said. "Guess we both choose to skip class."

"Make that three," June said as she and April G stood up. "Looks like Chan, had the same idea."

"You could say that," Madison said. Something happens in the cafeteria."

"What? They ran out of pudding again?"

"No. This serious." Madison said. Wai. Why are you to hear?"

The girls all looked at each other, nervous to explain what each of them had gone through.

"How about we all say it on three?" April G suggested.

The three girls nodded at each other and began to count to three.

"One…. Two…... Three…."

"I think I have superpowers." The three girls said together. Wait, you guys do too?"

The bell rung as the rest of the students flooded the hallway.

"We need to talk," Madison said. "Follow me."

The girls left together unaware that the strange white cat was observing them from the end of the hallway.

"Soon my dears." That cat said. "You shall know the truth."

Desperate to share their dilemmas, the girls walked to Madison's room and locked the door.

April G and June looked around Madison's room as they saw posters of female basketball players and the Taiwanese flag.

"Nice room, Madison." April G said.

"Thanks. Not use to having guests here. Go ahead and sit on my bed."

The two girls sat on the full-sized bed draped with a black comforter with on rose design on it. While she sat in a wooden chair.

"So, apparently we all have powers?" June said.

"Sounds crazy but then again, things have been crazy since we ate that damn cake." Said April G.

"Well, I had no idea eating cake could make me shoot wind from my hands.

Guess that makes up for the calories."

"You have wind powers?" Madison asked.

"That's crazy." April G said.

"Tell me about it. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a good feeling to get back at Vic. Especially when I found him beating veronica."

"I thought you were done with her after she stabbed you in the back.

"I was but…it's complicated."

"Well, I guess you blew him away." Madison joked.

The two girls folded their arms and scold Madison's remark.

"Sorry. Just trying to lift the tension.

"I don't think just have wind powers, said June. I overheard Veronica and Vic before I attacked him. He said that the bracket I threw away caught on fire after I got sent to the dean's office.

"Seriously?" April G said. "That's almost as freaky as freezing my entire class in time."

"What?" Madison said.

"I got so mad at Roxy's friends picking on me that I shot out this energy from my hands that froze everyone in the room."

"Time freezing? That's pretty cool." June said.

"Yeah, but then I touched an apple that was thrown at me and it rotted super quick."

"Sounds like you aged it," Madison said.

"Guess so." April G said. That would explain how that spatula rusted super quick when I hit Roxy.

"You know. After hearing what you two went through, I don't think I was going crazy while I was in the library."

"What do you mean?" June said.

"All those voices I heard sounded like my classmates," Madison said. "I think I was reading their minds."

"You can read minds?" April G said.

"Not just that. When I was in the cafeteria, I caused the roof to cave in and bruise up one of my teammates that was giving me a hard time."

"Whoa, Chan. Who knew you had it in you?" June said.

"I didn't mean to hurt her."

"Of course not." April G replied. "None of us did. But whatever is wrong with us, it should stay between just us."

"Yea. It should." June agreed.

Outside of her room, Madison heard a bizarre noise. Almost as if something were scratching at her door.

"What that?" Madison said as she opened the door.

As she looked in the hallway, Madison saw the white cat from before sitting on the ground.

"Un…. Guys."

June and April G walked to the door to find the cat standing before them.

"I knew there was a cat in this school." Said June.

"Guess Baxter was wrong after all." April G added.

The cat stared at the girls as its eyes burned red.

"This is getting too weird." Madison panicked before shutting the door." Sorry but I'm terrified of cats."

As the girls turned around, they discovered that the cat was now sitting on the floor.

"Creepy powers. Creepy cats." April G said. "What was in that damn cake?"

Suddenly, a loud knocking came from the other side of the door as June opened the door.

"Dean Trask," June said, alerting the other girls.

"Hello, Ladies. It is time to clean the auditorium."

"Sir, we found a…." Madison said while turning to where the cat was only to discover that the feline had vanished.

"Found what, Ms. Charis?" The dean asked.

"Nothing, Sir." April G spoke for her.

"Shall we then?"

"Yes, sir." The girls said they followed the dean to the auditorium.

Many questions hung on their minds as they walked to their punishment and the answers would prove to be more and more puzzling.