
The dean escorted the three girls to the auditorium which was riddled with discarded chairs and litter.

"I will be back shortly to supervise your progress. I suggest that you begin in my absence."

"Yes, sir." The three girls said.

The dean walked out of the auditorium as the teenagers started to clean.

"Don't you think it's weird that the three of us always have to clean something?" June said.

"After what we told each other in Madison's dorm, is that the weirdest thing you can think of?" April G said as they rearranged the chairs.

"To be honest, I kind of like cleaning," Madison said. "It takes my mind off everything."

"Come on, Chan." June said as she cleaned up the trash on the floor." "You like cleaning after a bunch of creeps instead of dishing out some payback?"

"You mean using my powers on my teammates?"

"Duh. Do not get me wrong. I did not mean to knock at Vic. But I'm not sorry about it either."

"Hate to agree with the goth girl here but it was pretty cool to stop those girls from pelting me." April G said.

"Are you sure we should be enjoying our abilities?" Madison asked. "We still don't know-how on why we got these powers."

"Maybe we should like these powers. This school has been a living hell for us."

"April is right," June added.

"It's April G."

"Things are going crazy, and we shouldn't be so…."

Before Madison finished her sentences, the girls heard a strange rumble in the ceiling.

"You guys hear that?" June asked.

"Yeah. Sounds like a monster growling." Madison said.

The vents above them shook vigorously as the girls looked upward.

"That doesn't sound." April G said.

The vents collapsed and out released several bats with silver fur and red veins throughout their bodies.

"Bats" the girls screamed as they ducked from the flying terrors.

The bats stormed out of the auditorium and filled the hallways of the orphanage. Sending the students in a frenzy of fear.

"So, which one of us caused this?" April G asked.

"Not me?" The other girls said.

The girls kneeled to the ground as the bats swarmed above them.

"Bats and Cats?" June said. "If we live through this, I'm getting a damn goldfish."

"Let's try to make it out of this place first." April G said.

The girls stood up and rushed to the exit only to be blocked off by the swarm of bats.

"Are we cursed or something?" June asked. "All this energy stuff keeps happening to use."

"Tell me about it." April G added.

The horde of bats swarmed at the girls with razor-sharp teeth in their jaws.

"No," Madison yelled as she leaped forward.

Her wrist surged with orange energy as she trusted them toward the bats, casting a forcefield to protect herself and the others.

"Forcefields," April G said. "That's new."

"Yeah, Chan how long can you keep this up?" June asked.

"Not for long," Madison said as blood dripped from her nose.

The bats rammed their bodies against the forcefield as Madison began to lose her control.

"Madison?" April G asked.

Madison fell forward as April G caught her just as the forcefield vanished.

"Oh crap," June said as she watched the bats fly towards them.


June folded her arms and released a ring of fire around the three of them. Incinerating the bats on contact.

"So, I can make fire. Cool."

April G held Madison as she began to regain consciousness. "We can't stay here," Madison said. The flames will burn out all the oxygen."

"June Turn off the flames." April G said.

"I can't," June said as her arms began to shake.

The bats continued to swarm as the fire grew.

"How do we get out of here?"

As those words, April G's arms began to pulsate with pink plasma.

"Quick. Take my hand." April G said.


"Just do it."

June rushed to April G and grabbed her hand right before April G shut her eyes and teleported the three of them out of the auditorium.

They reappeared back in Madison's room as they all began to catch their breath now that they had a larger supply of oxygen.

"How did you…." Madison asked.

"I don't know. I don't... April G said before the three of them fainted.

Seconds later, the strange white cat appeared on Madison's bed and looked over them.

"Perhaps it's time for introductions." The cat said.

A chilling sensation crawled down the girl's spines as they soon regained consciousness.

However, they were started to find themselves tied and to wooden chains and their mouths were taped closed.

"Hello, Ladies." said the Cat.

Terrified, the girls wiggled in their restraints but to no avail.

"My name is Hughley. I have been observing you three for some time now."

The girls continued to struggle despite Hughley's pleasantries.

"I apologize for the restraints. But I had to find a way to speak to you three without you running off or panicking." Hughley said. I'm going to remove the tapes from your mouth so we may calmly discuss. Is that okay?"

The girls each looked at each other and then nodded to Hughley.

Hughley's eyes glowed blue as the tape from each of their mouths peeled off.

"Ah" the girls all screamed together.

"So much for that," Hughley said as he waved his tail.

The tape wrapped around their mouths, muffling their voices as they continued to scream.

"Please calm down," Hughley said.

Sensing no other options, the girls looked at each other again and nodded Hughley once more.

Hughley's eyes glowed as the tape around their faces disappeared for a second time.

"Who are you?" Madison asked.

"What are you?" April G added.

"Are you going to eat us?" June asked as the other two stared at her, baffled at her question.

"To answer each of your questions. My name is Hughley. I am a warlock and I don't eat teenagers. At least not anymore."

The girls stand at Hughley, unsure of how to respond to his last remark.

"That last part was a joke to relieve the tension."

"The week is getting crazier by the second. June said."

"I know this isn't the most ideal scenario. But I wanted to meet you three in a peaceful manner."

"We wake up tied to chairs by a talking, magic cat." April G snapped. How is that peaceful?"

"Human teenagers from my understanding are a bit separate. I hoped this would be a suitable way to converse with you without you fleeing."

"You said you're a warlock?" Madison asked. "Then why do you look like a cat?"

"That my dear is due to a curse by a powerful demon," Hughley said.


"Yes, My dear. He is known as Zai, the Delta demon."

"Talking cats' Magical bats. Now we have to deal with demons?" June asked.

"Never even seen a demon before," Madison said.

"Madison. Each of you has seen a demon before." Hughley corrected her."


"Every time you look in a mirror."

His words adding nothing but confusion and fear, April G asked what neither of the other girls could.

"Are you saying that we are demons too?"

"Yes, April G." Hughley said.

"To be more specific, your half-demons. In ancient times, the proper word would be cambion."

"Cambion?" said June.

"That's such a lame name."

"At least it explains why we half these powers," Madison said.

"I'm sorry but we seem way too calm about talking to a magical cat while we're tied to chairs." April G lashed out.

"I'm afraid your sister has a point, Girls."

"Thank you. I... wait. Did you say, sisters?" "I guess the cats out of the bag. "Said, Hughley.

The girls raised an eyebrow at his comment.

"Dude. Leave the bad jokes to June. "

"Hey, "June said.

"Very well. "Said, Hughley. "But yes, you are each half-sister and the demon known as Zai is your father. "