CHAPTER 001: Abandoned Princess

HULYO 19, 2019. [40th Generation of the Seerian's Monarchy; King Mertl and Queen Eriela of Menotalis; King Mangus and Queen Coisan of Toliream; King Arran and Queen Sylviana of Dytalic; King Heron and Queen Ellana of Vortrion]

Yanarym came back to her senses, she could not open her eyes, she was hot-feverish, but the surroundings felt cold. Her throat was itchy as was her nose and her whole body felt weak, she could not lift a finger. She coughed, then sneezed, she was sick! It was not a normal fever, she could not even compromise anything because of her burning forehead and body.

Guide-sama: "Should I cease the pain?"

"Why is there no one taking care of me?" Yanarym asked.

She was too accustomed to Spencer's caring for her during those few months in the fifth world. She was so pampered by her boyfriend and habituated to playing the Original character in that world that she suddenly missed him.

Guide-sama increased her pain tolerance, and it was relieving, she could breathe finely again and there was a slight sluggishness. Although she still felt cold, it was bearable.

Yanarym opened her eyes, and she was greeted by this large-king sized bed and an enormous room. The room sure looked glorious, however, there was something wrong.

It was dusty and stuffy; dark and lonesome.

She creased her brows as she sneezed.

The condition of this bedroom was poor—under maintenance.

It was like no one was living here. Was she a ghost? Everything seemed haunted.

"I'm a ghost?"

Guide-sama: "You're not."

"... If that's the case, then I'm not an illegal tenant, am I?"

Guide-sama: "You're not."

"Okay. Guide-sama, give me the plot and my memory."

A princess, she was a princess, a royal princess of the monarch epoch.

An abandoned princess.

She read novels of a similar category, but she was not even a female lead in this world, nor a villain.

"Another sacrifice for the main character, huh."

Yanarym frowned.

"Wait. What?" A smile appeared on her face as she absorbed the rest of the details.

"I'm not even surprised that Original's life was so depressing—but what?! She wanted to become a King in this setting?! Of men leading the world. This is a patriarchal feudal era! Even the story is about the oppressed crown prince."

"How can she become a King? Excuse me- I mean, how can I become a king!? In addition to that, uniting the four kingdoms."

Yanarym wanted to laugh.

"She just didn't want to become a King, she wanted to become an Emperor. The first emperor of this world… while the main character, Caius, only wants to have his throne back," Yanarym said. "She's a very ambitious woman, but it didn't show in her personality. I like her."

Guide-sama: "You like all of the Original."

"Why not like them? They are all exciting."

Staggering, Yanarym stood up from bed. She walked to the full-length mirror in her room and examined her appearance.

She had platinum blonde hair, it was long—really long. Her eyes were turquoise, like a blue or green shimmering crystal.

Small pointy nose and plump lips, an innocent face. Seductive body, she put her hands directly on her bosom, and it was huge.

Yanarym blinked her eyes, "What's with the Male-Lead stories and with their harem of women with big breasts? Why are harem authors obsessed with round and tremendous breasts? Well, reverse harem authors in the smut category demand massive—" she paused as she shivered when the thought struck her.

"No. No. No. No! Not again. Just thinking about it…!"

Guide-sama: "Haven't you had enough play already? Why is that what concerns you the most? You must get serious in this world. This is difficult."

"Don't nag. Why can't I have fun while I'm doing the tasks?" Yanarym pressed her lips tightly and wiped the sweat on her face. She covered her mouth, "Achoo! ...Agh. It hurts." She exclaimed and laughed, but that was cut short.

While the act of laughing, sneezing, and other similar actions caused significant discomfort, it was not her main focus. Rather, her thoughts were consumed by a more fascinating subject, effectively distracting her from the pain.

She licked her lips, which were starting to grin mischievously.

She had not seen the other characters yet. She could guarantee that they were beauties based on Original's memory of Caius.

"Hmm, there are plenty of options."

Once she became a king, she could have her harem too!

How many of them should she put there? A hundred?

No, a three men harem would be too tiring, and the internal conflict would be impossible to monitor. Plus, she would have four kingdoms to run. However, the people in the harem give strength to their king…

"Fine. It's decided. I will have five men in my harem. It's perfect."

Guide-sama: "You were planning things like you already conquered this world."

"I'm thrilled. I always wanted to become a girl king, but this world will make me an emperor. Isn't that thrilling?" She coughed, which made her winch once more.

That was so painful. Every movement was causing her entire body to throb in agony. Her condition was too severe; she was suffering so much that despite the aid of Guide-sama she was still enfeebled. The muscles of her body were too weak, she could walk and move but very slowly.

Guide-sama: "I did my best to remove the pain, but there are still left…"

"I think this one is inevitable."

The surroundings were making it hard for her to breathe, the place was collecting dirt and cobwebs. She did not have to roam her eyes around to say it was a filthy place. She could see those particles flying and insects crawling just by staring at the space. She and this castle were forsaken for a long time.

With the plot of the story and the memory of the Original passed on to her, Yanarym thought that it was such a miracle that this Princess was still alive.

Yanarym clenched her teeth and forced herself to walk up to the window.


Guide-sama: "Forget about what I said. You should have fun. Do what you want. You should be excited! I'm not going to nag anymore."