CHAPTER 002: Aquarium

"That's good—agh!" Yanarym could not finish her word.

Guide-sama: "Are you in so much pain?"

"This is not the worst one so far," she softly said as she ascertained the circumstances. "But I'm hungry."

She felt so hungry, when was the last time the Original ate?

"That aside, this is the crucial time to transmigrate to the Original," Yanarym uttered to Guide-sama.

Guide-sama: "Is it? Take more rest."

"Three months from now, the crown prince will arrive." Those people were determined to kill her before the arrival of Caius to the kingdom.

Guide-sama: "Yes."

"At this time, everyone is thinking that Caius will choose me in the bride selection. They don't want me to be breathing when he arrives. I still haven't shown my appearance in the public after all these years. If they want to kill me, these days are the best time to get rid of me. No one will suspect a murder."

Guide-sama: "You won't die. At least, as of the moment."

"That might be because I'm royal blood, despite that they poison me every day, my blood just develops antibodies or something. It might also be possible that I have some magic in me since this is a fantasy world."

Guide-sama: "There is no other information about the Original regarding that."


Yanarym described 'her' as an abandoned princess, but that was not the case in the beginning.

The Original was the first Princess of the Northern Kingdom, Menotalis.

Tragically, both of her parents, the king, and the queen died in an accident—that was what they said.

The first Princess isolated herself from everyone after discovering the death of her parents. Some of the loyal servants of the recent king and queen struggled to knock some sense into her but her grievance was so deep that she pushed people out.

A kingdom could not be left without a ruler, so a new king was placed on the throne, King Mertl. He was the husband of Original's aunt, the current queen, Queen Eriela.

Gradually, Original's people were leaving. It was involuntary, they were forced to retire from the first Princess' side. Queen Eriela was evil towards the Original—like the stepmother of Cinderella. Funny enough, she also had two cousins: Jasmine and Liezel.

With no one as her ally, once the first Princess grasped reality. It was too late for her to come back to have some influence or power in the inner court.

The Original was a hindrance and a nuisance to Queen Eriela. Princess Liezel identified her as a pest and see her as a rival. Princess Jasmine thought of the first Princess's death as a way to have her mother's validation. Other than the three of them, many people want her to die too. She got no knight in shining armor or a friend or any ally in this vast kingdom.

She was completely ostracized.

Ever since the Original was cornered, Queen Eriela attempted to kill her now and then. For ten years and most, Queen Eriela was patient in killing her with the intention of displaying in public that the first Princess died during her decade of isolation.

"The more I think about it, it's not those three women I have to watch out for in this phase. I have to be more prepared for Caius's arrival," Yanarym said.

Guide-sama: "That's true."

Caius fell in love with the Original, but romance had no space in his life. He vowed to never fall in love with anyone.

Then, again, he was smitten with the Original, yet… He did not want to.

He did not want to become like his mother who was deprived of affection by the King of the South, his father. Caius feared that he would be the same craze-in-love man as his mother.

When he realized what pit, he had fallen into… he killed the Original. He killed his first love. Might as well say, his only love.

The only thing that was on Caius's mind was to rise to the throne and eliminate all of his enemies. He was the main character, he did rise to the throne, eradicated everyone who defied him, and lived with prosperity as the ending.

"I pity him."

Guide-sama: "You do?"

To become worthy of his male-lead position. He had gone through things, but still, he was an admirable character. He sacrificed many things… including Original's life.

"The story was fabulous and every character in this world was amazing. It's making me greedy to have everyone in my harem."

"What? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Guide-sama: "Nothing..."

"What? Say it."

Guide-sama: "I'm saying nothing."

"That's why I'm telling you to say it."

Guide-sama: "I've got nothing to say."

"I can feel you frowning right now."

Guide-sama: "I don't have a face."

"That's why I said `feel` not `see`."

Guide-sama: "I'll shut up."

"Hey! Don't think of me as a sybarite! I'm not a sex-indulgence person, okay?! And this time, I'm gonna make this world-rated PG!"

Guide-sama: "I'm not saying anything, Yanarym. Don't explain."

"Y-you! … Anyway! You shut up! About Caius…"

Caius would not have his way this time because she came to claim the throne for herself. Instead, she would think of Caius as a potential candidate to become one of her wives.

He had so many benefits, she could not waste him, could she?

Yanarym smiled, "What should I do…" her aquarium would be open to this world. She had exactly three months to prepare for how she would conquer every man on her list and the four kingdoms.

Guide-sama: "There's enough time for you to figure that out."


Guide-sama: "Rather than him, why don't you start studying this world?"

It was a monarchy, royalty-based, and this had too many plot-twisting events and entanglement of characters with one another. Also, the setting was a wide range, it involved many unfamiliar things that Yanarym never encountered before.

Guide-sama: "The law and ordinance, becoming a king are like becoming a president of a country. You should know it's not playing house, right?"

"You're right."

It was necessary to grasp Menotalis so she should set her priorities first.

Guide-sama: "Let's make a plan. I will do my best to assist you in this difficult world."

"Thanks, Guide-sama."