CHAPTER 003: Seerian

There were seven continents on this globe: Tedah, Rezom, Cyklo, Mazinou, Aubany, Kikupo, and Seerian.

Seerian was the continent that the Original would want to conquer. The continent was divided into four countries; there were four kingdoms; Menotalis, Toliream, Dytalic, and Vortrion.

The geography was not exactly a circle of land; however, the countries were still determined by their cardinal directions.

Menotalis was the land of the North.

Toliream was the land of the East.

Dytalic was the land of the West.

Vortrion was the land of the South.

Each country had its individualities, although they were kingdoms with diverse cultures, they had distinct laws, myths, and legends of their own. Nevertheless, there was a tradition that made the continent unite.

It was through the blood of the royalties.

As of the present, Seerian was the most peaceful continent. There was no internal stifle with the countries in it, unlike the other continents that were always raging war with the civilians and the neighboring territory.

In Seerian, each country was assisting each other despite their differences and providing the necessary relief or aid for those who needed them. It was an ideal place for anyone who did not want bloodshed anymore, it was a dreamland for those who are tired of fighting and struggling to live.

It was not always like this…

Seerian was once the most terrifying place to live. It was as if hell surfaced from below. The main reason for the constant conflict was that Seerian had a variety of people living in it. It was a huge nation; however, it could be seen as tiny as an island because everyone was so eager to end someone's life because they could not stomach breathing the same air or walking on the same ground with a different race from them.

In the beginning, like how every ancient time started, there was no monarch, regulation, or constitution. If there was no line to cross, there was no limitation; nothing was forbidden, and it would just be chaos. Everyone was just living their life and it was the survival of the fittest.

Some people were good at trading and cultivating their land. Some people were known for their advanced inventions and fast calculations and theories. Some people were strong enough to crush someone's skull with their fists. There were also those people who could make miracles with their abilities.

It had such a long history.

Because people were different from one another, they hated each other; they feared the difference. They despised that someone else was behaving as if the other race was higher than them when they should be beneath them. Everyone had the same mentality; they did not want the other race to become superior to them.

There was constant warfare between the races, they were constantly trying to prove who was the most powerful entity among them.

They have different strengths; wise, smart, strong, and quirky. They were equally strong from one another. The outcome was always tied, and the war was just dragging for a long time… it was unending.

Having no end or ceaseless struggle of the competent people to prove their strength to supremacy.

It caused countless deaths of those who were not capable of surviving in that terrible war.

Vortrion was also known as the land of Salamanca. People who were living there had this ability where they can make things float in the air with their hands, they can make someone die with just a chant, can manipulate the weather, could touch and meander fire, earth, water, and air.

There was this country that was not terrified of the salamanca, they were curious about the Vortrionian. They want to unravel what was the enigma of that land. They want to know everything and debunk them. That country was Toliream, where people were known for being intellectual, who were questioning anything and everything. They desire answers. Vortrion was a big mystery to them… so they took a bunch of children from Vortrion to study them.

According to the three other races, Menotalian was the weakest out of the four of them. They were not as talented as the Tolireams, not as strong as the Dytalicians, nor as mystical as the Vortrionian. They were the most average people among the normal. Despite those claims, Menotalians would always survive the battle even if they do not fight. Because they were wise. None of the three other countries could make it without the Menotalians. It was the country that provided for everyone.

In these four diverse countries.

Through the bleak circumstances of Seerian.

The tale of the first king was told.

An infant was abducted from Vortrion. Fortunately, he did not end up in the hands of Tolireams. Instead, a married couple found him. They were traders from the land of the most resourceful people. They came from Menotalis.

That infant grew up in the care and love of the Menotalians couple. He believed he was a Menotalian not until his abilities as a salamangkero awakened. His parents accepted him despite his origin; he thought he could live happily in Menotalis, but the village was annihilated by the war.

His loved ones perished.

The boy did not seek revenge. He sought to end the war. He did not want to lose anyone anymore.

The boy became a man.

A person skilled enough to gather capable allies to defeat the infuriating war. He had someone wise, he had someone smart, he had someone strong, and someone who was mystical.

He led various kinds of people, and they were wishing for the same thing, they wanted the war to be over.

Various people began to see a light in that dark phase. They began to believe that the battle could end. They fought for peace. The weak began to have strength, they fought for their wish. They want to stop living in a crusade, they want to live as in living a life. Where they can sleep without worrying if they were still alive the next day.

They hang on to hope. That hope became their strength. That strength won.