CHAPTER 023: This Is Getting Exciting

"What do you think Third Princess?" Princess Liezel was unable to repudiate. Her hands trembled as her feet as stoned on the floor.

No one was stopping Princess Yanarym, meaning she was not lying. Her head or tongue could be cut.

"We should set a good example to people, Princess Liezel. Your name will be known in history as the princess who doesn't know how to conduct her proper manner."

"Princess Yanarym, that's enough!" Princess Jasmine said.

"That's right, I'm Princess Yanarym, the first Princess of Menotalis! Even the second king or the second queen cannot be this disrespectful to me. How could a mere third Princess speak without discretion directly at me?"

"A-ah!" Princess Liezel's face turned pale as if her blood were drained from her body. She thought she was doomed. Her mother was not even saying a word to counter the absurd first Princess.

The ambiance in the room was heavy, this place was always suffocating but this time, Princess Liezel could feel the intensity of Princess Yanarym's dominance.

Then, there was merry laughter. Princess Yanarym laughed, "I was jesting, my dear cousin," she said looking at those dumbfounded faces. "Why would I want to cut your little pretty tongue?"

The fact that having revenge on those who caused the original harm sounds childish. It was still so satisfying to make them look so stupefied.

"Y-you…" Pale to a flushing face, Princess Liezel's expression changed from fright to rage.

Yanarym blanked her smile and stared at them stoically.

When she was a reader, she found out what kind of villain was the most annoying one.

It was the kind of person who was not that strong but able to defeat the most beloved hero. It was so frustrating to witness the main character of the story being trampled by an undeserving person.

A trash person.

Trash comes in many forms.

It could be the kind of people who were pointing out their flaws and blaming them on someone else.

A person that was so entitled and self-centered that they failed to see people around them.

It could also be a person that did not have an ounce of self-respect and dragged those around them.

Everyone could be that person at some point in their life. No one had a permanent role. Yanarym played this trash role a few times, she was still this kind of person depending on whom she was dealing with.

Anyways, these two princesses were not as irritating as she thought. Even the Queen was not as threatening as she expected. Before they could become a villain in her life, they already lose the quality of becoming one.

Yanarym jumped down from the window frame, landed on the floor, walked towards the bed, and lay down.

"I had fun conversing with you after a long time. Now leave, my head's aching."

There was a stillness that filled every corner of the room, without any sound being heard.

"Ali," Aliah who was still kneeling on the floor was startled hearing her name.

"Y-yes, Y-Your Highness?!"

"Show our visitors the way out."

The first Princess waved her hand and closed her eyes.

Queen Eriela had nothing more to say, she quickly strode her feet and dragged her skirt out of Princess Yanarym's room.

"Mother!" Princess Liezel quickly followed the queen and Princess Jasmine remained for seconds as she keenly gazed at Yanarym.

Princess Jasmine kept on having ridiculous ideas running in her mind after she disposed of the thought that the first Princess was a different person. Instead, she thought that…

It was absurd, but she had no other way of explaining what was befalling her right now.

'She faked her death. Did Princess Yanarym really fake it?'

That was the most possible explanation there was. She could not come back to life, so it must be… she faked it.

What was the primary goal of the first Princess in carrying out these actions, specifically at this moment in time?

To gain sympathy from people? To get back to them from poisoning her. To get ready for the arrival of the crown prince. For what? To regain her authority in the inner palace. Was she mad from the suffocation of the pillow?

Princess Jasmine simply did not get the purpose of any of this. Because she was convinced that the first Princess had lost her will to live a long time ago.

Even with all that said, how could she fake her death?

The pulse was no longer beating, her complexion earlier was as pale as paper. She wasn't breathing, she wasn't moving, and she was losing the warmth of her body.

She was dead.

'It is an outrageous idea. However, it is not… too impossible.' Princess Jasmine gulped; she felt her fingers bruising.

Did Princess Yanarym orchestrate all of this to declare that…

'She is coming back…to get back everything that belongs to her?'

"Jasmine, let's go!" Princess Liezel brought her back to her sense and chased after her mother.

Feeling that she was left alone, Yanarym opened her eyes again and stared at the ceiling.

She was right.

It was just the second Princess who knew that something was wrong. Princess Jasmine was the only person in this room that was thinking about the first Princess' drastic transformation of the personality.

Based on Guide-sama's warning about her; she cannot be caught by anyone altering Original's personality or character. She had to redo everything from the point when she was transmigrated to the world if she was detected doing so.

Being caught by Princess Jasmine after the suffering she went through all these three weeks and had a reset…

Yanarym would probably murder herself repeatedly until her dissatisfaction from resetting disappeared.

But pretending to die; making herself appear as a reborn of the first Princess solved the current biggest hurdle there was for her…

Contrary to Yanarym's thought; appearing to die and come to life for her to shift her brand-new persona.

Yanarym succeeded in her main goal. Whatever it might be going on in Princess Jasmine's mind as long as Yanarym's new persona was justified —all was good.

"This is getting exciting," she mumbled and smiled.