Chapter 52: I'm Not Dense, Am I?

Perseus POV

"Hmph how immoral." Maple pouted, it seems I may have made somewhat of an impact in her feelings "You keep flirting with me and giving stupid embarrassing lines while you're dating my...friend."

"And here I was betting money that you're secretly dating Ruka behind our backs." Mom Nyra held her head "But the black rose...if anyone found out..."

"Yeah, I don't know whether to be impressed at his flirting skills or discipline both him and ourselves for bad parenting." My other mom shook her head.

Please be impressed, even for a protagonist, I'm the most normal one and that's including all my ridiculous and messed up past.

"Why do you believe her? This could just be an ordinary tattoo."

"You don't drink alcohol despite us saying it's fine and our blood will prevent anything, if you can't even drink alcohol, why would you get a tattoo?"

Told you these people were weird, they've tried getting me to drink alcohol many times.

"I don't know, looks cool when I don't have a shirt on?"

"I thought you said you feel uncomfortable when teenage girls look at you like a hunk of meat."

"I do, that's why I have Ruka usually chase them away."

This may be one of the times where I wish to share the same characteristics as my own readers, being ugly as fuck. Why do I only attract young girls?! I thought girls like fit's cuz I'm short, isn't it?

Due to my previous southeast asian genes, I grew to only about 176cm, sometimes the measurements vary and I will get 174 or 175...I checked, it's about the world's average height...but my preferred demographic probably prefer those who are taller, damn it.

"It actually doesn't work." Ruka joined in "If anything, it gives them a weird sense of thrill and adventure, they are starting to call YOU, the unobtainable rose."

"Huh? You're saying my ingenious plan of using you, who is considered an honorary founder, to chase them away backfired and made the situation worse."

"Nothing is perfect, I tried my best." She shrugged "But teens are teens, they love wanting something they can't have."

"You mean you haven't heard your nickname?" Mom Rylee asked


Based on my parents' expression, it seems they've known for a long while...wait, how come I don't know?! I have enhanced hearing from plucking the blue rose, why am I the only one who haven't heard of it?!

No...this can't worst nightmare...Am I dense?

No! I can't be a dense romcom harem protagonist.

|We actually have a romance and comedy tag, so you can actually qualify.|

Shut up author, you don't get to break the 4th wall so you can make me feel worse.

|I just did, loser.|

Damn it.

"Well I can scare them away." Leilah offered

"No!" Ruka cut in "You don't get to just threaten everyone's lives over a simple crush on a thick headed idiot."

"Hey, I've behaved all this time, I would just ask them to talk~."

I think my parents were smart enough to connect the dots on what Leilah is like, the type of woman that they promised to break us up. But Mom Nyra just coughed and handed me a letter ignoring it as closed mom Rylee's mouth.

"It's from my father, he delivered all of us a letter and this one to you." She said

"Now that I think of it, I've only met him once, I've barely remembered his face. What does grandpa Laker want?"

"I don't know, read it."

I teared it open and read the whole letter, just greetings, how his career as a teacher is going smoothly, yes, one of my grandpa is a therapist while the other is a teacher, anyway, there's also slight disapprovement of my mother loving someone of the same gender and...

"He's got promoted."

"Oh good for him." Mom Nyra commented

"No, he's promoted and is now tasked as one of the teachers of the heroes."

"Huh?" Both my parents responded

"He said since I got my diploma and degree plus all the other things...he wants me as his assistant, here read it."

I then handed them the letter and Ruka joined in.

"Should I be here?" Maple asked

"Oh, you'll join our family soon enough, so you can stay."

"What is it with you and ughh, I'm waiting in the living room, Leilah, join me, I need the full story." she demanded and Leilah followed.

"No way, Perseus, accept this!" mom Nyra exclaimed

"Yeah, by interacting with righteous people, you might become a normal person." mom Rylee added

"Seriously guys, this schtick of me being a terrible person is getting old, and why would I accept such a stressful job?"

"They're paying you a wage more than a teacher's wage at prestigious academies, you just have to sign for 2 years as an instructor's assistant." she insisted

"I don't care?"

"Look, I may not like my father in law very much since he hated me at first for seducing his daughter, but just give it a try." Mom Rylee suggested "We don't even have to worry about money, so even if you reject it, I don't care, but this is an opportunity to make a name for yourself."

"Yeah, they travel a lot, so you get to explore the world." mom Nyra added "You get to join them in dungeon raids, protecting people from waves of monsters..."

"You want me to go kill myself is what you're saying? Why would I be selfless and sacrifice myself for the benefit of others?"

"Look, like your mother said, go apply, take their test, if you fail, come back and we won't say a thing, but if you past, give it a one month trial and see how it goes, it's an honorable position to be a heroes' mentor."

"But sleeping at home and lazing around is better."

They both facepalmed and sigh.

"Look, I get it, you guys are clearly passionate about people who were forced to protect the fate of one race and want me to do this, so I'll give it a try, but just know that I will not like it when I return and you guys are disappointed."