Chapter 56: Calm

Perseus POV

We then sat down and grandma Lynda gave us all cookies and my moms prepared hot drinks.

"Now now, let's all calm and relax, the decision on whether he choose to be the assistant or not is up to our young boy." Grandma Lynda said as she tried to put out the spark in the air "Ah Leilah, I'm curious, what is your relationship with Perseus?"

"You can just think of me as your future granddaughter in law." Leilah replied

I'll be honest, she's been tame thus far, I just hope she don't get too bold and make me work twice as hard to preserve my reputation.

Only my parents know that she's the black rose s far, should my grandparents know or should I just leave them to find it out on their own?

"Huh, see, this is why I said in those letters to discipline the boy, he's dating at such a young age." Grandpa Lake spoke up "Your wife is clearly taking away my strict discipline method."

"Hey, Rylee's a good partner for your daughter." Grandpa Wager argued "It's you that's the problem here."

"Alright, as much as I enjoy and live for chaos, it's getting annoying, this is my problem here, I do the talking, and I'll make it clear, I have no intention of working with the heroes."

"Why not?" Grandpa Laker asked

"You're asking me to go with the most targeted group of people in the world here, and by accompanying them, it means that I have to risk my life for some unknown people."

"Well, it's for honor and we get to kill the demon lord once and for all, this time, we have assemble many resources to end this ongoing war, the demons are doing the same."

"Hey, I'll live as a coward, besides, can't we just, I don't know, negotiate for peace? The first hero is the one at fault for the birth of the demon lord, can't we just offer the Tartians and be done with it?"

"It's been centuries, they'll want all the royalties and one continent at least."

"That's a small price to pay for peaceful coexistence, I heard demons are pretty hot too."

"I heard that you want to explore the world as a true adventurer anyway, why not join us?" he questioned "Even though we are technically the most dangerous group to be with, the more they learn from us, it will actually develop into the most safest group to be with."

That's a lie, well not fully. I know it, he's hiding something in his convincing, mixing in truth with lies to make everything sound better. I'm sort of lucky that my same body was brought over even if I wish that I was taller and have better genes so I can look like JoJo characters.

"Tell me the truth, why am I being recruited? You're clearly being promoted partially for bringing me over, I don't doubt your skills and experience, but it's clear that there is always another purpose."

He sighs and his face have this small expression of admiration and pride.

"I guess being the grandson of former watchers makes you a bit cautious, that's a good thing." Grandpa Laker chuckled "You and Reiner are being recruited for the sole purpose of stopping the heroes if they are led astray."

"You mean I'm being hired as a hitman?"

"An assassin, if you want to word it better. Demons will try to offer the heroes a lot of things, things that might sway them, throughout history, there have been one or two heroes who left the party and joined the other side, your job is not to just help me teach them about this world, but to also learn their weaknesses."

"What's Reiner's answer?"

"Like you, he declined." Grandpa Laker sighs "He rather help behind the scenes and build the army needed as the heroes act as the spear while he act as the shield."

"Well, look, I'll be helpful, I'll satisfy my desire as a wanderer and yours at the same time, but not by joining you. I'll help solve problems at certain villages or cities that the heroes have to skip and reach their next destination, it will also hasten their progress when they can skip point A to C directly while I'll help with point B."

"Well, I can't force you to get involved, but having you wandering around will at least solve small problems that the heroes will never reach." he sighs

"And if you need help killing, just give me a call, and I'll run to save your life."

It's not a bad deal, even in fictional stories, the heroes only solved big problems, some small ones that are on their way maybe, and at the end of the story, they lived happily ever after.

But not everything is solved 100%, example, they killed a poison dragon that's been terrorizing a city, but then they will leave after the extermination, who will take care of the corpse?

The people of that city, they will have to probably deal with the poison fumes let out by the corpse. I'll just be the guy who deal with the aftermath as I wander around, it's not a bad thing, I have certain immunities and powers.

Even if they managed to kill the demon lord, peace and coexistence will not take place immediately, I'll just speed up the process if they want. And there seems to be lots of things that is mysterious in this world.

I asked the rose and they seem to always avoid the topic...the sun and the moon god, where are they? Why have they gone silent? So silent that many people now don't worship them at all nor consider them with any importance, only the people of our village are the ones who still care.

I plan to just wander the world for answers and once the times come, I'll go back and visit my previous world, I need to thank some of my saviors, say my goodbyes and...return. This world gives me some sort of purpose at the very least, and this is my world now, I will retire here.