Chapter 68: She Can Talk With Animals

Perseus POV

"Eh?" the salesman gave me a baffled expression "Not that I know of, I've lived here for decades, all I know is that that zone was always a yellow zone cuz of the danger, dangerous pirates or sea creature, but it just rose one day and started to destroy everything that goes by, even though it only comes up in the day, those who dare to get in its range at night will awaken it and wreck havoc to their ships and themselves."

"Do you know where I can go to get information on the ships or any navy force that have routes in the area?"

"Yeah, you can go to our navy information center." he answered

As thanks, I bought this strawberry bread which he's selling on the side for those who's hungry. I shared them with Ruka and Leilah too, Ruka loves sweet things so she thoroughly enjoyed this on our way there.

We need information on the names of the ships that previously travel through there as a part of their route and the most reputable people on those ships whether it's good or bad, we need to know their hobbies and other things.

But on the way, we got a bit distracted. The kraken problem isn't being solved soon so we got time to spare, we also got a lot of money to spare since we solved the treasures when we arrived, we restocked supplies and everything.

"2 kraken shaped cookies please. I want one vanilla one and one chocolate." Leilah requested as the stall owner got a bag to pack them up.

"I'll finish your stock of these pastry right here and put her stuff on my tab.


We got to the navy base and sure enough, they recognize who I am and heard from some rumors that I was coming here, and they greeted me. They were glad that I am here to help but they said a small minority doesn't.

By eliminating the kraken problem, I will be driving away tourism from this island by about 70%, people will come back to this island for the memories of it being one of the places that capitalize on its destruction.

Though the islands that were evacuated would capitalized even more and business would boom as tourism would be a good factor in their income. The main land aka the southern continent though are different, the trade routes heavily compromised everyone else so they want to rid of it, but no one is willing to help and even though they have a force to take it on, they aren't willing to kill so many people in order to just eliminate a monster that destroyed their income.

The demon lord always take priority, and with the heroes making their arrival, commands from further up support that notion, the natives on this island mostly pity those who had to evacuate from their homes and want to rid of the monsters, but they won't really voice those sentiments aloud due to those minority.

So we are also warned to be careful when we sleep, someone may try to break in and try to kill us, some people just value money over people's lives.

After we talked with them and the rose guardians giving them a couple autographs, we were given some files to read over.


As we got back to the ship and snack around in the lounge, we read over the files. I got an idea, but it involves someone who can talk to animals, we just need to know why the kraken is angry.

"How will you find someone who can talk to animals?" Ruka asked

"Maple, she's a goddess." Leilah answered for me "Even though the god of spring is the one who specializes in animals, she's still a goddess who possessed more powers than us, one of which is the ability to talk to any animal."

"You do realized we're now in the southern continent territory, right?

"Not entirely." Leilah replied "We're on an island that is only governed by the continent, but this territory can be intruded by any god, so as long as we can summon her, she can be here."

Shouldn't be hard at all, I got up and opened the window and clasp my hand together for a small 'prayer'.

"Oh goddess of autumn, can you please bless my humble self with your graceful presence..."

She really want me to escalate this, huh...well if she won't listen to the regular prayer.

"I ratted your secret of you idolizing Leilah to her on our trip here, this is your chance to prove my statement wrong."

Silence. I then said my next sentence slower to make sure she hear every word.

"Maple, Leilah's pregna-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence as she popped right next to me and shook me by the shoulders.

"Are you serious?!" she exclaimed

"Don't worry, I'm not." Leilah giggled

"Why did you have to agitate me for? What's so urgent that you did that?" she asked

"At least you listened."

I then proceeded to tell her my request and my findings.


"Yep, now that you understand, go and talk with the giant squid...or octopus."

"I'm impressed." Maple replied "Most people don't really arrive at such a conclusion, why would you quickly pity an animal when you kill humans so easily?"

"Monsters have feelings too, the demon lord was wronged and yet no one apart from certain percentage demons feel strongly enough to side with him even though he was originally a guy who sided against them and his status is still respected till today, sometimes, all it takes is just for you to listen. There's always 2 side to a story or an argument, if this kraken is truly a monster who wreck havoc for fun, then we kill it, if not we'll try to restrain it and get it to listen."

"What if you know the cause but the kraken chose to fight till the death anyway?" Maple asked

"Then we fight to the death."

"You're actually a pretty decent person."

"I know, that's why I'll owe you a date after this."