|Author's note: I'm adding a pic of Rowan in the character album and will be putting Reiner's and Edward's there soon. So be sure to check it out after this.|

Perseus POV

The author is childish, isn't he? And he's a legal adult and here he is freaking out over as stupid funny number. Your world truly is fucked up if literate people are wasting their times on funny numbers.

What's next, you're gonna tell me a certain percentage of the people from your universe believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows?

|Well...about that...I think it was about 7% of people from a certain country.|

Y'all are fucked, but let's get back to my story, it will distract you from the fact that humanity is a mistake.


3rd Person POV

*A couple days earlier.*

A demon general sent by the demon lord disguised themselves as a tourist hailing from Tehios and visited the tree of Paradis, she was sent as an envoy to apologize for the attack they arranged a while ack by a demon duke who was adamant on eliminating the heroes at their weakest point even though the heroes were located at the spot where the strongest people resides.

She came only to find out that he's not even there so she head to one of their shops to buy the anti aging cream. Some ports of the demon continents accept trades from the humans, mostly from Tehios though, and this cream is famous amongst noble of both race.

The people who resides at this village didn't mind demons since they are after all descendants of a mixed breed even if they identify more as humans now due to their looks. In the ancient times, there were barely any difference between demons and humans as they both looks similar, hair, skin color...the only differences...

Their tail, they all have tails, and that's how you can you determine if they're a demon.

Some other features are their teeth, demons tend to have at least 2 pairs of fangs or instead of regular ones, it's just rows of sharp teeth. And the other, their wings, almost 50% of their population have wings even though as generations go by, evolution caused them to slowly lose it.

As she wander around, she then spotted Rylee, the mother of the boy that she's looking for. Rylee is helping a newbie around and made sure to help both her employees and the customers and the general then approached her to ask for where he is.

"Sorry, but he's on his way to Yena island." Rylee apologized "What do you need him for? He won't be here for a while since he's heading to the southern continent afterwards."

The general thought


*Present time*

Perseus POV

"Hey Zach, what do you need? Do you want me to help market your product in the black market as a poster boy?"

He popped in as I'm reading over the files, so far we found no idiots yet, and there's so many more that the naval base lent us. It's mostly confidential with some public ones but Ruka's and Leilah's influence helped us easily to get what we want.

"No!" he retorted "You have a guess, a female who claims to be a demon with 2 guards following her, she said she's here to bear gifts. Doesn't really dress rich, but she looks important."

"Oh, let her in then."

I then put away the files and prepared myself for the guest, the demons are probably trying to apologize or trying to sway me to their side, that's for sure.


"I'm Lilith Dusk, nice to meet you." the supposed demoness said

"You don't look like a demon."

"That's because I'm hiding my tail well, now let's get to business.

She came here wearing a formal drew and everything. She's got black hair and blue eyes, about 172 cm, so a tad bit taller than Leilah. A simple but formal dress, yet pretty.

But I noticed something strange, it's quick, but her expression quickly switched when she spotted Leilah and then switched back to her smile and turned back to me where I then averted my eyes like my usually attempt to escape every possible eye contact.

Her guards sure are freaky looking though, fricking over 2m tall and over 150kg of pure muscles at the very least.

"I'm one of the general of our esteemed demon lord." she introduced herself "I am one of his fingers that shall be used to carry out all his order. And my trip here today is to apologize for the atrocities of what our people have done. If you desire the head of the person who proposed and order this attack, our lord would grant your wish.

"If you want to grant him mercy, we shall also respect your wish. We do not want to make an enemy of your people nor do we want an enemy of the strongest lord, as long as you'll forgive us, we are to grant you and follow any reasonable request."

"Alright, that's cool I guess, I'd plan to visit the demon continent in the future, is there a way that when I do that, I can have an audience with the demon lord. Of course this request extends to my 2 colleagues or those who I may pick up on the way."

"That can be granted and not count as part of the request, his majesty already wishes to meet you." she replied "Would you prefer to save the request till you see his majesty personally?"

Oh, awesome, I get to meet the demon lord, you don't hear that often...wait...I can actually win the record for the first protagonist in history to be able to take a selfie with the demon lord...

I need to buy those picture capturing crystals in stock, I'll make the demon lord do a peace sign and everything. Maybe I can get his autograph too...

Take that isekai protagonists!

And readers, if you know that someone's already done that, let me know next chapter and don't let it ruin my mood.

"Yeah, sure, that sounds great. Now you don't mind me asking several questions right? Don't worry, I don't need any state secrets."