Chapter 98: A Seed of Fear


3rd Person POV

"Forced evolution huh, to think that he possess the ability." Keith commented

"That's why he's special despite being just a boy." a colleague replied

Forced evolution, something that the project has managed to do less than 5 times before, based on the previous subjects, it depends on the level of the mutation in one's blood, and project Loki possess about the same amount, if they manage to succeed in not only copy his ability but forcefully evolved it as well, the team will get heavily rewarded by the bidder.

"But say, won't it be dangerous, he's a borderline black level threat." Keith pointed out

"It is, but if we can hold an apocalypse level threat, we can hold him too." his boss shrugged

"What about the chances of, and this is a huge if, let's say if he somehow managed to work and evolve somehow, won't there be a chance of him becoming an extinction level threat where we have to kill him?"

"Extinction level might be pushing it since even natural evolution of their abilities never go past black and he started with orange, the only way he can reach that level is if he managed to find a way to control reality as well, but that's a 100% impossibility, just worry about an apocalypse level threat."


*Present time*

Perseus POV

"Are you seriously not going to do more to bid me a proper farewell, I'm a goddess, you know." Lilith said

"I have a brother to bond with at home so I'm making this quick. Besides, your sister already did it, why'd you expect the same out of me?"

"For a guy who's tying to get into my pants, you sure are very lax."

"I don't want to get in your pants, unlike my readers, I'm not desperate, like I said, it's either you or your mother...or possibly both."

"If you flirt with my mother, I'll join in killing you." Ruka declared "Even Leilah wouldn't allow that to happen, this world doesn't run according to your fantasies and every woman just happen to accept a guy who goes for any woman that breathes."

"It's not just any woman, it's your m-"

"Stop it before I start killing you, anyway, I'm heading back, say your goodbyes since the rest of us said ours."

Maple already replied that she will help me just out of pity for the kraken she interacted with and those 2 I asked for should be on their way and she recommend me not actually fighting the heroes if I can help it which she didn't see coming so she made sure to get those guys to make haste.

I then turned to Lilith who took the opportunity for a goodbye hug.

"I heard you hate physical contact." she whispered into my ear

"Yeah, most of the time, Leilah is sometimes the exception."

"I wasn't lying when I said that I'll steal you from under her nose, grow up quick, because I can make my moves better then."

"I'll visit the demon continent soon, I'll pray to you and we'll meet then, so for now, just wait for the news of me beating the heroes."

The sun and moon gods, I need a way to access teleportation to the other side and coming back, but Lilith doesn't know how the humans did it and have experimented it, but even then, she can't do it solo as it require lives and a storage of a lot of mana.

When I get to the other side, I'll solve my issues and I'll help locate those 2 gods if they're actually on the other side.


I then spent the rest of the day setting my trap and got my preparations, as much as I hate fighting unless necessary, this is to send a message, my grandfather has been calling me each day, and all of the heroes have been hired on a very high reward to capture me.

They are bringing along high status nobles and other people to try and intimidate the chief from interfering even though it's his fricking territory, they're sending a message that no matter how strong you are, you should bow down before the heroes.

The reason for the high reward is because they expect resistance, the heroes excel in a group fight and they doubt anyone from the village will back me up, my grandfather is a teacher who's retired and fight unless absolute necessary, they're expecting him to watch this from the sidelines and asked him to try and get me to cooperate.

I mean, they asked for this, let's just hope that those people Maple asked to come arrive early cuz they definitely don't want to boost the morale of the demons when they hear that the heroes lost to 1 guy, a 15 year old at that.

I head home to find Vince trying to read one of the books I left here while grandma Lynda and grandpa Wager helped him every time he couldn't understand a word, I just head for my room for the day and rest.

But Ruka then came in which I didn't expect since usually it's Leilah who already made this her room.

"What do you want?"

"I have a serious request." she replied

"Alright, I'm all ears."

"Don't kill the heroes if you can help it, not even by accident, I will stand by you no matter what happen, but the heroes serve as part of the balance that is keeping this world intact when coexistence is not an option."

"Before I came, the world was pretty much fine."

"Yeah, it wasn't going to be for long without the constant summoning of the heroes, that is what usually kept the demon takeover at bay, so if you fight them, don't kill them."

"It's the first time you asked me for a favor...well apart from that tim-"

"We swore not to speak of that." she interrupted me

"There is no we, you had your chance of making this a we, this is a me and you situation and only you swore to not speak of it."

"Look, just don't kill them alright?" she's now blushing from embarrassment for the first time

"Yeah, I wasn't gonna, I only want to implant a seed of fear inside of them