Chapter 133: Golden Sand (5)

Maple POV

Saber seemed to be excited to see me, but as we talked, it seemed that he realized the only reason I visited despite this being his territory, wasn't to meet him, but to help Perseus out which launch him into rage.

"...Why is it always about the others?! I'm always the forgotten one!" he complained

In terms of forgotten, that would be me, and Perseus doesn't know that, it was what caused me to also vote in favor for every god to have their own territory and making the decision unanimous, my ego wanted me to show the others that I'm no pushover. But of course, when it involve my brothers, it's always about them, my problems are always forgotten.

That's when Leilah came in, us gods and the roses have a huge age gap, but we share some similarities, and Leilah helped me feel appreciated and I saw her as a mentor when my siblings do their thing, she helped me understand my powers and I definitely won't be who I am today.

"He's willing to apologize, and that does not come easy. His parents have made prayers to our parents and me just in hopes of him learning to apologize without a sarcastic remark. And he's learned."

"No, I don't want an apology, I wanna castrate him." he replied

"You want to do what?!"

"You know-"

"Don't. The visuals are already horrible, just stop and no, you will do no such thing. He's got a good thing going with Leilah, and I don't want you to ruin it."

"You and your stupid sister complex again." he groaned "He's also after you, his lust is worse than your average teenage boy, stop defending him, and certainly not Leilah, she left us."

"You know that's not true, look, he has a request and need your help."

I really tried, but it seems that the more I pleaded, the angrier he got, I managed to convince him not to attack Perseus out of rage, but there is no way that Saber is willing to help Perseus and Lilith out.


"Yeah sorry, I tried my best."

"Oh that's fine." Perseus replied

We're both currently on call since I did not want to overstay my welcome on that continent, so now he's just going to have to find something as a substitute to give to that chief, but knowing him, he'll find a way to pull a heist and steal the item because he don't want to spend all that money.

"Are you sure that you're well? You don't sound like it?"

"I'll be fine, are you worried about me?" he asked

"If anything, his flushed face all red up is kinda hot." I heard Ruka muttered in the background

"Are you sure you don't wanna come here? Lilith is free right now, we're basically several days worth of rest because of me, you 2 can go on a date or something."

"You're definitely in bad condition, even when you called me earlier, you haven't tried to flirt with me once."

"That's your concern?" he asked

"Is it because Leilah is there with you?"

"A bit, but I think that I'm not gonna work too hard to pursue other women, I'm pretty happy with Leilah."

"You're just confirming my suspicion at this point."

"Well, thanks for your effort, I'll put in a notice for a small time skip and I'll go to that cult while also finding a way to prepare the the gift."

"Ok, love you, bye."

...Wait, what did I just say? I can just play it off as saying it to all of them and most of it is towards my sisters.


*Time skip till Perseus recovers cuz he totally did not bribe me with $5*

Perseus POV

Finally, I'm all better, it's been a while since I can walk and do things normally, I woke up to Buddy watching over my from the edge of the bed, and it's time to make my appointment with a cult, I guess.

I try to wake Lilith and Leilah up as I then got a quick shower, got my breakfast and leave with my new fox.

I arrived on the site and it seems that they were not that surprised to see me as they gave me this tour of their small building while taking about God and the story of how this religion came to be.They are apparently popular amongst super small villages without any religious foundations.

Imagine those televangelists, but in person, constant asking for money and all that good stuff. These are what these people are like, when they need money, they ask you for money, but when you need money, they tell you to ask god. It's contributed a good estimation of 20% of their income, it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's more than you think, their influence seems to have reached other continents and it's all about quantity for them, the more followers, the more money.

They even got a fricking bible which is seriously, let's word it more nicely, fucking racist. They should get along with the eastern church, it seems that they are very selective. Even amongst heroes, the ones who taught and gave them this religion in the first place.

Though the religion wasn't taught this way, it seems that it is also influenced by the eastern church as one of their head priest was amongst the founding members and then established their headquarters on this continent due to them being prosecuted and killed in the eastern continent. So that's where the racism comes from.

But at least the racism isn't as strong in the southern continent since people here are mostly those of color, but even then, they have a bias to hire those with lighter skin.

Why can't this world be more like a normal isekai world? Why does it have problems no other protagonist have to deal with?

"Our current plans are to get the heroes to join our cause, it's already known that about half of the current ones believe in God." the guide said

"Half? It's most of them."

"We do not particularly want those with those ah...unwanted features."

"Such as...?"

"Small eyes...dark skin..."

Yeah, no way am I making an offering for this, I'll go negotiate with Saber, cuz I'd honestly rather just march in their headquarters, kill them off and leave one alive for the information I need.