Chapter 150: Dominate (6)

Perseus POV

The guy tried to pull a quick one by pulling off a quick sweeping kick, but I jumped up and die a backflip and dealt a hard axe kick right to the skull which left a dent in his helmet and it definitely dazed him a bit as the dent pushed against his head.

He took it off and throw it away, in that split second, I deliver a massive left hook to his liver, I threw my right and he got a hand out in an attempt to catch it, but I pulled my hand away at the last moment, did a spin and deliver an elbow to his ribcage.

After training with the chief for so long, this guy's speed is a bit too slow than my normal speed without using my ability. And I know I got him beat in terms of stamina.

I then delivered body shots over and over blocked some of it with his arm, the fight went on for long as his armor is around the 5 star level and all I could do is fight with my fist, I then noticed the cracks in his armor and the plating around his forearm. I aimed my attacks precisely and hit the same spots over and over till it cracked.

And as I continued the attack, he completely forget about his defenseless head, he couldn't even catch up with my speed, so he's just doing his best to hold on until I get tired which will be a while, as he realized that he isn't holding out for any longer due to his now damaged armor, he started swinging.

It was all reckless and sure enough, it left his face open, I ducked under his fists and deliver a powerful uppercut, he stumbled backwards and I started delivering hits to the cracked parts till they were about 3 hits away from breaking, he almost regained his senses, but I jumped and delivered a spinning kick to the side of his face.

My body rotated and build momentum during the spin and caused the kick to break his jaw, I didn't give him a time to think as I blow past his armor and start delivering deadly strikes, the guy didn't give up, so I didn't relent any of my attacks either, he falls backward and I beat his face senseless till the ref came in and put my hand up as the winner.

Total domination, hell yeah. Now, I just gotta do the same in the prelims and the main tournament if I don't want to be split in half.

In the corner of my eye, I see the official gave me a nod of approval which means I passed, so I then left the area to go book a hotel and explore a nearby town for a week before finding a teleportation array to go to the eastern continent, I need to find out what the eastern church has in store for me.


Currently I'm at a small nearby church dedicated to the summer god, where I made a 'prayer' to him, and by that I mean I cussed the hell out of him which he then retorted by injecting his voice into my head with his own insults of 'poo poo head' and your mama jokes.

"Dumb god, you cheated and still can't win. I dominated that guy."

"You're lucky that Maple is here, otherwise I would have come down there and smoke you myself!" he threatened "Just know that one day, you will die by my hands."

Hands? Aren't you the god of weapons? Well anything can be a weapon, I guess.

"Oh, she's there? She must be here to see me, tell her thanks for her support."

"Hell no, tell her yourself, wait don't say anything to her you vile-"

He then just throw out this world's version of racial slurs which I then heard a smack to his head.

"Apologize, that's low even for you!" Maple scolded "I may be weaker, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you! Apologize."

After several repetition, he did, though I can tell that he didn't mean anything by that, so I left after I got my fun and went to the hotel, by the next morning, I saw a letter that is slipped under my room's door. It has all the 'you've been invited to bla bla blah' and at the bottom of it says 'Block H'.

Block H should be the block I'm in, the top 2 of each block in the preliminaries are the ones who are qualified to go into the main tournament, I don't know how people are chosen or how many blocks there are since the officials are the ones who arrange them.

And if patterns is a thing, like the 4 continents, Tehios should have its own issues, maybe civil war due to the tension between the 2 races or something else. It took a while to find out and it seems that compared to the others, the only problem is corruption.

Mostly amongst their council whose members are still infighting between the decision to join the upcoming war or not, basically wanting to choose a side, they first determined the benefits each side offered and the human continent side offered more, but they are very reluctant about joining in.

And the problem now is that a couple politicians are bribing their way into position and those guys in particular are all for the war helping the human side. The citizens don't want the war since the old guys and politicians are running their mouths but when the time comes, none of them or even their family will be on the frontlines.

Tehios seems to want peace but their council of 7 members want something different, currently, the head councilor is abstaining his decision which is what keeping everything going somewhat smoothly, and now the council, in fighting or not, they're trying their best to stop people from climbing the ladder easily.

Should be fun, no matter what world there is, corruption always exist.