Chapter 151: Keep An Eye On Him

Perseus POV

We'll come back and you guys can know about Tehios later, but I'm gonna focus on the eastern continent for now, my parents and Vince are more happy about my trip out of home this time due to the fact that I was home for the past 6 months and bonded with all of them more.

I also got to know them a bit better, Vince have a dislike for apples and my parents practice martial arts during the weekends, all the weird things, especially the fact that my parents' guilty pleasure of seeing me turn myself into a girl. Ruka found that out and told me about it, they had plans to dress me in all kind of clothes the next time I turn myself into one.

And as for my relationship with Ruka, it seems that hurting her pride a bit worked well since she's been trying to appeal to me ever since, by focusing on trying to appeal herself, she's learning more and more about me, won't be too long I guess because she feel something, if it doesn't work with her, I might just go for Dawn...risking my life in the process.

Anyway, I got to the eastern continent and nearby the teleportation arrays are shops that sell things at prices beyond the average pricing, sure enough, everyone is friendly, so I can't generalize everyone even those of the church, but it's an undeniable fact that it contains racists since even the people here know about it.

An old gentlemen was even nice enough to warn me to not associate with anyone belonging to the church due to the large rumors of racism being true for those of my kind or whatever. I asked him for a hotel in a nice area and he directed me to one.

"Nice guy." Leilah commented

"Yeah, no hostility or even an ounce of lies in his word, you don't see those a lot, but I guess people like him are the reason why others fight on the front line, they want to protect the peace of everyone by risking their own."

I asked the old man for one located near the main cathedral just so I can observe the top followers and stay close enough to deploy my fox, it's where the cardinals are and the lord of the yellow rose should be nearby as well, so that's pretty good.

I personally can't go out and spy myself in case the guardian of the yellow rose can sense Leilah's presence on me, it'll be safer to just send Buddy out even though he stands out a bit due to the lack of his kind in this continent.

It's been so long since I have a couple free days to spare, so I collapse on the bed the moment we got into the room.

"It's been so long since my muscles felt this relaxed, I should go to get a massage or something, I've heard there's one close by."

"What's wrong with just me?" Leilah asked "Even Ruka and Buddy can help, the fox is small and yet strong enough to help massage your muscles by walking on you."

"I want the local experience, you know, I got all of today to relax and we can start working early tomorrow so we can get back to the prelims early and relax more safely in Tehios...don't actually look sad, anyway, I plan on going to a nearby bathhouse to relax today, I'll discuss things with Buddy there."


3rd Person POV

"That one right there?" an old man in a red robe pointed on a map

"Yes sir." a priest replied

The cardinal then took out a small scope to look out of the window to see the hotel. It was in an area where the hotel wasn't in his control and he's a bit angry at that, the boy chose a good one, because he had planned some interruptions.

He remembers the call Perseus gave all of them that one particular call before most of his allies are caught and most are then executed for the work of the kraken. The cardinal knows that he's currently living on borrowed time, there's a reason why those put are prison are still alive, security is currently too tight to eliminate them.

It won't be long till they spill or they might already have, but unfortunately words only cast suspicion and even if they're sure it's him, they need a lot of concrete evidence to prove it, he's a very recognizable figure, words and suspicion are casted on him all the time, but the kraken incident is something that may result in his down fall.

Perseus is a hard target to kill as well, alongside him are the blue rose and the black rose, the latter being one of the strongest beings in the world who hasn't showed her full strength yet.

There's also that pet fox that is smaller than most but yet can deliver large scale spells that make even the watchers of the Paradis village fear for their own safety. But the cardinal don't really trust the rumor that much, he estimated the fox to be around the 8 star level.

"We need to rid of him." the cardinal said "He can blow the lid up and get the lord of the yellow rose in trouble."

"We're trying our best sir, but it seems that he's always out in public." the priest reported "It's hard to pull anything off, especially with those guard of his, the best we can do is to get someone accidently kill him in the tournament and take the fall for us, it's one of the only times where he's alone."

"I know." the cardinal then put down his scope "Surprise and isolation are the only element that we're missing, and we can then eliminate him from the equation and take all the attention away to investigate the next biggest case, for now, keep an eye on him, and make sure he don't give any of us trouble."