Chapter 154: Keep An Eye On Him (4)

3rd Person POV

A priest came to report to cardinal Morris of where Perseus is and he is potted going to meet someone in a café, but when one of their agents got in, it seems that Perseus isn't at any of of the seats on the ground floor or the floor above, so he must have booked a VIP room.

"Good, tell them to enjoy their time and stay there." the cardinal ordered "Monitor him and don't make any moves, just report to me if something is strange."


Perseus POV

"Nice to meet you." the demon lord greeted as we sat down on the opposite of is group "I'm Lachlan Alastair Taavi Vale Nixus Hadwin Hagan Grimaldi XI."

The XI?! What the hell is wrong with your family? Why would you torture your children with that kind of name?

Anyway, he's a guy who looked to be in his mid 40s, got 2 black horns from the side of his head, has a thick brown hair and beard, blue eyes and his chest got thick hair visible above the clothes he's wearing as well. And on the back, he's got a lion's tail.

"Do you recite that every time you introduce yourself?"

"I heard you're not good with names, but regardless, it's a formality on my part." the demon lord chuckled "I'll give you the privilege of calling me informally by any parts of my name."

"Well, I'll be calling you Lachlan. Nice to meet you." I replied which I then see the other general slightly tighten the grip of his fist "I'm Perseus Silver."

"These are my 2 guards, you're familiar with Lilith." he introduce his 2 generals "And this is Kano Griffin."

The other general is a super muscular guy with dark purple skin, looks to be in his 50s, got black hair and a trimmed beard, and he got dark red eyes. His armor is super thick and heavy as well, I'm surprised that the floor is holding up, apparently Lilith said he specializes in defense and is very loyal to the current demon lord.

A recently made general with defenses so strange that he is regarded as the king's literal shield, even without armor, his skin is so tough that he has the ability to withstand attacks of 9 star mages with little to no scratches, he's one of the guys that I need to look out for if I were to go after the guy in front of me.

"Well, you should know these 2, Ruka the guardian of the blue rose and Leilah, the black rose." I introduced my companions as well as a sign of some formality "Buddy the fox, the friend of the first demon lord, is currently out on a mission I'm assigning him, but I'll let you see him the next time we meet."

"Very much appreciated." the demon lord nodded in appreciation "I heard you like people being forward, so I'll get to the point, I would like to bring you to my side."

"You know that I can't do that, coming out of neutrality with hurt my people."

"I don't ask for the alliance of your village, but you alone along with your treasured companions."

"Yes and that will cause the rest of the world to target my village, there's not a lot of benefits for me in any scenario, so I choose to opt for neutrality until the 2 sides settle their arguments and I'll help join in during the treaty period or something. Assuming there's a victor or both sides choose to coexist."

"The latter scenario is very impossible." Lachlan shook his head "You see, many demon lord in the past have also tried that method, but the humans have always refused and humiliate the demons that at least put in the effort to meet both sides' demand in the middle, so we have given up on the method."

"The human side can say the same thing, if anything, they have more attempts of attempts for reconciliation, didn't the demons once killed a human official during one of these meetings."

"Well, see why we can't get along?" he asked "Our desire and selfishness to be the dominant race, it has clouded our judgement, I admit. But it's been centuries of non stop conflict, the war must end and one side shall come up the victor, though we will try to spare as many as possible.

"And coexistence will then come into fruition, though not in your preferred way, the loser will have to live with discrimination for the rest of time even if the laws treat them as equal."

"What if I marry your goddess and a goddess from the human side and use myself as a bridge to join the 2?"

The guy then laughed at me along with the 2 generals, Lilith is in her disguise and character, so she has to play it, and my idea pretty much sounds impossible and stupid to them, but I can't wait to see their faces when it happens. I will gloat my ass off.

"You people identify yourselves as humans due to your look, right?" Kano said "Our goddess is infamous for drinking human's blood for breakfast, you'll die if she is within 10 meters of you.

Lilith's voice then projected inside my head.

"It was a 3 times thing, long story, don't ask." she said

"It may sound ridiculous, but I found their missing sister, the strongest rose, I can get their attention."

"Our great goddess, Lilin, the goddess who was discriminated by her own siblings, the only attention that you'll be getting is getting eliminated from the face of the planet." Lilith responded "You are very amusing, we should have you as a comedian in our next festival, you would be very entertaining."

That comment earned an agreement from the other 2, but Lilin? Seriously? That's the name that you're rocking with? Well, it works since these guys aren't noticing their goddess is sitting right next to them while just making a joke good enough to earn their laughter.

The mood maybe light, but as every story goes, something will always come up and I shall be prepared for it.