Chapter 155: A Really Tempting Offer

Ruka POV

I don't know what's going on between the 2, they look like they've gotten closer and yet Leilah is no longer as clingy, what happened? Leilah is like nicer and sweeter too, which is more and more resembling her old self before she was sent to the moon.

Did Perseus somehow managed to unlock her true self? The kind older sister that maple idolized and the one that Lilith was compared to has now appeared and despite living with her, I didn't understand how it happened.

As for Perseus, I seriously don't know what he's thinking, when asked, he'll say I look his type and yet he has no attraction to me, unlike him, I can't sense with my gut feeling whether he's lying or not. It's annoying and hurtful that I'm the one rejected, I'm literally one of the best looking woman in the world.

Trying to physically appeal to him isn't working, bein nicer will earn the reaction of 'drop the act, I prefer your regular self'. Maybe he's playing hard to get? No, he's always forward with his approach.

Perseus POV

"Think of the scenario of it happening, if I marry 2 goddess, what happens to the chances of co existence?"

"Well IF it happens, the fight will happens no matter what." Lilith replied "The demon lord and the heroes are existence so powerful and dominant that they are always going to clash to see who remains, and the demon lord is the one that have always won.

"Humans and demons have always thought about peaceful coexistence, so you'll get a lot of people out of it, but the military will still fight and the victor will become a superpower in the new peaceful era for several decades."

I keep insisting, because I need to instill the thought of it into their heads, but it seems that based on that statement, it means that there are people who really don't wanna fight, but it means that I'd still have to kill the demon lord and heroes after it's all said and done.

I now have the power of 2 roses, and my village will become the strongest military power in the world after the end of the 2 side clashing without a question since their numbers would be lowered and their numbers are what the world think is keeping my village in check, so my plans doesn't change.

"You are quite entertaining, you don't think like what I expected." Lachlan commented "Your people are quite prideful in your abilities, the fact that your first thought is coexistence, you are different."

"I know right? But you're here trying to convince me to get on your side, so get on with it then, I'm expecting good offers."

"Then allow me to ask, what have the humans offered you?" he asked "I can't blindly shoot in the dark, I know that you have a certain threshold where you'll falter if you know that choosing a side will benefit you."

"A wife, nobility status, and an opportunity to be in a party along with the heroes, and some level of wealth."

"That's a bit insultingly low for a person of your caliber." Kano commented "His majesty doesn't even have to provide that, I can offer 3 times as much myself at the very least."

"Well it's because I have shown quite a huge disinterest in the prospect of joining in the war."

"Then what about of the rumors of you training to match up to our ranks with your grandparents? One of which is a former instructor for the heroes."

"That's because I know some of y'all are already thinking of plans of trying to take over my village right after, there's gotta be some guy preventing that from happening."

There was then silence and it spoke volume because what I said is true, there's a reason why the adoption ceremony included my people, our blood is powerful and easy to pass on. If a regular human and demon tries to procreate, the chances of having a child having a good 50/50 of each side is low, one usually overpowers the other.

That's what make the people of Paradis village special, we achieved the 50/50, and by that, both of the traits of each side compliments each other in a way that boost them and make us what we are, the current hybrids are just weakened demons with human looks and slight demon traits.

No one knows why the pure hybrids like the founders of my village don't happen as often anymore, and so people seek to improve their descendants by getting people from my village. It's a mystery why we still retain the same type of blood despite our more human like look.

Something happened, I know the cause, it was because of the moon god, I won't say it just yet, but he's the cause why my village still remains special despite being a smaller Tehios.

Our blood is used to create soldiers, they hate us, but they would love for us to be amongst them at the same time, the demons are attempting the same thing because I know a good numbers of us are living at their continent.

"You think that we would target you after the humans?" Lilith asked

"I know so."

The demon lord then laughed in amusement as we all then sat there in silence during the tension. After a while, he took out a paper and hand it to me.

"Us demons always keep our words, if you choose to side with us, that paper will guarantee your people's safety if we win." he offered

"No, I am in no position to sign that paper and even if I am, I won't, we aren't safe if our safety is only guaranteed by documents."

"You're smart." he chuckled and retracted the paper "Alright, here's my offer. I will create a new general position just for you, and you will get every benefits that comes with it, I will arrange spatial mages to teleport your whole village to our continent and be integrated with our society while remaining as an independent nation if you wish.

"You are guaranteed wealth, status, power, authority only second to mine along with other generals...tempting, isn't it?" he asked "This is just the start if you want to hear more, I have come here prepared."

"That is tempting." I admitted