Chapter 177: Urgess Family

3rd Person POV

"Do the Urgess family know about Perseus?" Dawn asked

"No maam." her agent answered "The powers of the black rose is still a mystery to many as the oath held by your children has never been broken, so I guess that's the one thing we have over them."

Dawn then thought about the problem further and it just keeps getting more complicated, Perseus already plans on killing the heroes anyway, which would include Rolan to ensure his survival. And if what her agent is true, she wants him to be quick about it, but if he does do it quickly, the chances of the heroes even becoming strong fast enough to confront the demon lord will be low as there's one less hero after several already got wiped out.

Even though she doesn't necessarily agree with killing most of the time, she understands why Perseus is planning to kill the demon lord and the heroes, and she does agree that it's about time that the world rid the demon lord and the need for heroes.

Although Rolan needs to be eliminated, the heroes will need him for a while, so she will keep this off for now, probably for another year or two, but after that...Perseus will need to eliminate him before Cain and the Urgess family on this side do something that messes with both world and erase everyone from existence.

Dawn thought


The day of the tournament's preliminary rounds has started and all the strongest participants from every corner of the world have now made an appearance. And even the top brass comes along to Tehios, the strongest people on the planet and the people with the most authoritative figures came to watch the representative of their homeland.

The council of Tehios has to carefully place participants and segregate certain people so that they won't fight in the case of them just making eye contact. Though there's one group in particular that they find hard to place and they are put in the place of stay where they keep the miscellaneous.

Perseus and his group got to their hotel and got the keys to the rooms that were reserved for them. And in the hotel have people from the village of the golden sand and others who are of a neutral alliance.

Perseus POV

Man, luckily I registered for the free suite for me and my group, the inflation is crazy due to the endless amount of tourists coming to this fricking continent though the place we're staying at isn't the fanciest, it's still free.

As for the guards I have for my family are, of course, the chief and Maple, who I convinced for her to come along since she's the strongest person I know apart from Lilith who can't be with us due to her job.

As for the offer of the demon king, I plan of rejecting it, and am I going to regret it? Yes, greatly. But there are just too many restrictions that will come with the duty bestowed upon me at the moment I get the job of being a general, so yeah.

My chief is meeting with the enchanters and his acquaintances that he knows from the village of the golden sand, I can see Zach actually accompanying the group while wearing that stupid dark robe of his to hide himself, but he's pretending to knot know me in public, so we'll keep on the charade since it won't be good for either of us if the world knows I have a connection to a person in the black market and him who knows me on a certain level.

I just leave the lobby since everyone knows where to go in the hotel, I got to my suite which I'm sharing with the 3 sisters, my little bro, and my parents while the chief is having a separate room with my grandparents.

"So we get a free brunch buffet and a dinner buffet, you should participate in this tournament more often." Ruka said as she read a pamphlet

My first opponent is some 9 star holy knight from the eastern church, which the chief called foul play, he said that the arrangement of the preliminaries is not random unlike the main as the people in charge would arrange it in a way where the strongest or most famous will not eliminate each other early and save the best for the main tournament.

Though, this is a secret only a couple of people know, which I managed to get out of the chief's mouth. He was stubborn at first, but he told me later. His reason was that, if I didn't know that the prelims were arranged for me to win and qualify for the main tournament, he knows I'll not take it as seriously, which he is correct, he knows me too well, cuz I would definitely not take it as seriously if I know that my path has been made easier deliberately.

The main tournament should be the biggest show and the guy I'm going up against have a lot of support from the eastern continent, making him one of the favorites along with me, and that means we shouldn't even be in the same block since we should be arranged in a way where we'll both make it to the main tournament.

"Are you always this lax?" Maple asked "Shouldn't you be nervous and pressured since you're the sole participant from that tree?"

"I am always like this, but in my brain, I am thinking of a lot of things."

"Are you projecting yourself to be smart because of you being insecure of the fact that you're actually average?" she asked

"Yes, there's no one more depressing in this world than me."

"Son, that's no reason to be proud, come on, let's go explore the nearby town a bit." mom Rylee chimed in as she popped her head in my doorway

That's not going to be good.