Chapter 191: I Beat People With Depression (2)

Perseus POV

Tonight is my match with the guy from the village of the golden sand, Zach apparently said he'll be raising his prices by 5% if I were to win, which is super dirty, I can't believe that guy, I thought we were friends and not just business partners.

Just when I go out of my social comfort and try to make actual friends, damn it.

The guy in front of me is taking it serious as well, fucking hell, the rest of the people in my block are just 7 star mages at best, I think there's one more in the 8-star level, but it was eliminated by the guy in front of me, he's the only last real competition before the main tournament where I'll meet a guy on his level at minimum.

I turn to see the giant bell get rung and the match started and this guy didn't wait at all, he just cast a large magic circle in the air that rained these huge sharp jagged rocks from the sky. He then cast another spell as I protected myself from above, he cast a miniature dust storm to hide himself in.

I then see several clones of him around me, and I beat them up, but they all explode in dust after one hit, which is annoying as I had to maintain the barrier on top of me while fighting dozens of his copies.

The storm and the broken rocks on the ground then gathered and formed a gigantic dragon which the guy sent in my direction.

3rd Person POV

Perseus cast a barrier around himself to shield him from the attack, and the dust dragon hit him and he flew to a wall and crashed against the barrier that was placed in the arena in order to not break the arena itself, but the attack was so strong that it caused a small crack in the barrier.

"Heh, for an 8-star mage, that's not bad." the demon lord commented as he watched the fight from his private room with his trusted generals by his side "The barrier is made to hold a 10-star mage with an incredible success rate. Roxa, what do you think of your fellow lord?"

Roxa Serrano, the lord of the purple rose and general of the demons. A woman about 163cm tall, looks to be in her mid-30s but with an actual age of at least 2 or 3 times as much, has hazel-like skin, dark green eyes, and black hair. Next to her, Amethyst, the guardian of the purple rose and the purpose rose itself, is a woman about 181 cm tall, with white skin, dark purple hair, and dark grey eyes.

They were initially assigned to stay back but asked someone else to substitute for them instead since they wanted to come and meet Perseus themselves, though one thing that Amethyst didn't expect was...the appearance of Maple.

What was Maple doing sitting there with the Silver family? Roxa was told of this, and she was even more intrigued, the autumn goddess, in person and with the man who they're trying to recruit over to their side. It's even more interesting since they noticed that every time Lilith was absent, she was seeing Perseus behind their back.

Unusually when she's absent and asked time to be off since she finished her work early, Lilith is known to sleep for days at a time since she likes to pass time that way due to boredom, or at least, appear in every local pub to play several games and have a drink or 2.

There are no rules against meeting the boy, but Lilith is not the type to go absent for such a thing, is there a reason why, they don't know, the demon lord is the only other person who does, but he's the type to go meet Perseus just for fun since Perseus is a very interesting character, so he didn't mind her going out to meet him.

"I would say that he sounds like a fun character, but I heard that the therapy business is booming in that village ever since he learned how to talk." Roxa answered "Lord, do I have your permission to go meet him if I were to ever have the opportunity?"

"You can, though, do try and recruit him." Lachlan gave her permission as they were witnessing the fight

The mage from the village of the golden sand then conjures up many more dust dragons to shoot at Perseus who is doing his best to cut each and every one of them down with his claymore. The fight then quickened its pace as Perseus and his opponent are flying in the air.

One was casting out high-level spells while the other is trying his best to deflect all the attacks and cut them down, the crowd was cheering even louder than Perseus' last match as this time, it was a fight of equals.

The fight was still far from over and it was just getting started.


On the other side of the world, Keith Hughes was checking himself in the mirror, to see if his clothes are on point since he has to meet a very important person that day. After finishing, he left and drove to a restaurant, he gave his keys to the valet and headed in.

After giving the name of the VIP room that he was given, he is then guided to it, inside, waiting for him was one man, the one man who possess authority so high that not even countries can touch him, Cain, the same man who was cursed to wander forever.

Cain is a main about 172 cm tall, he looks to be in his late 40s, and got a well-trimmed beard, and has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He dresses in a dark gray suit with a red tie, Keith then sat in front of him

"Sir, it's an honor-"

"No need." Cain interrupted him "Let's enjoy our main's first before we discuss the topic of Loki's body, not an appetizing topic now, is it?"