Chapter 195: Powerhouses

3rd Person POV

"How did the power go from this world to the other side...?" Cain was stumped "Are those 2 gods involved? But, even they can't control a god's power and send it over without me knowing, it requires a lot of energy to transport something from one world to the they will know Rolan sent this over, I would know if they sent a power over as well..."

As Cain was pondering on his own questions, Jerah and Dawn sensed something as well, something came over from the other side, even though the energy given wasn't larger than the ones that teleported the heroes, was an item sent here? But why would they waste so much mana just to send an item over?

But Dawn, after a long time, went to meet with Jerah as she needed a bit of help from him.


"So because you spread out your power to prevent these abilities from being extracted, now you do not have enough personal energy to contact a person from the other side?" Jerah asked

"Yes, please don't make me repeat myself." Dawn sighs "Last time, I contacted Perseus, it was thanks to that so-called fallen star that has been absorbing the surrounding mana for so long and it was enough for about 1 call."

"1? Didn't you bless it and inject your mana in it as well?" Jerah asked

"I did, but I doubt Perseus wouldn't salvage it and made it into armor and weapons." Fair enough, when do you want the call?"

Even though they both have separated, they were not truly on bad terms, and in times when one needed a favor, the other would help, though Dawn truly wishes that Jerah would help her cause, but Jerah has no desire to meddle too much with this world's affair and wish to just enjoy it.


Perseus POV

"Hey dad, we're back." Orion greeted me with a wave as soon as I arrived in my suite "Where's mom?"

"Uh, her residence." I answered "Sorry you 3, I'm so not used to social interactions, so I apologize for being so awkward."

"But you're always socially awkward." Vince pointed out

"Bruh, you're supposed to be on my side."

"Anyway, we all already got a place to stay, so we'll just head there after this, we only came to talk to you privately." Orion reported


Ruka and Maple joined us in my bedroom too since Asher and Ivy are also their children which gave them an existential crisis. The 3 then reported about what they did and how they stayed out of sight, I'll be honest, these guys are impressive that they did all that so efficiently.

"Well good job, so what will you guys do while I don't really have a job for you guys?"

"Explore, just to see what changed and how everything originally was." Orion then handed me his communication crystal "Just call me through that if you need anything, otherwise, we're planning a trip to enjoy some hot springs in the northern continent."

"Yeah, make sure to be safe and take care of yourselves, the world is kinda fucked up right now, and if people somehow find out that you're related to me, oh send a letter to Lilith, would you? She may be the strongest goddess, and a general who's responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of people, but she got a good heart."

The 3 of them then gave me a goodbye hug before they leave, which I just have to force myself to do it even though it was semi-awkward.

"I can't believe you still use the same kind of soap." Ivy commented "You still smell like fresh fruits."

"His favorites are mango or green apple scents." Leilah chimed in "Which is why sleeping next to him can be a real treat, you're going to be stuck with that scent even when he wakes up."

"I know, I sneak to sleep next to him all the time when I was younger."

Asher is pretty quiet, but at least he's very expressive. We bid our goodbyes as they can go do whatever while I continue with the tournament. Later that night, my dreams distorted, and out of nowhere, I'm back in this modern world, which means Dawn summoned me.

Currently, I'm at my old apartment, it has been redecorated, but some of the same pieces of furniture still remained. Dawn sat on an armchair and signal me to do the same. I sat, but right when she opened her mouth to say something, a swirl of bright orange light appeared right next to me.

Based on the sun goddess' face, even she isn't expecting this, and out of the swirl of light, Maple came out.

"Finally caught you in the act!" she exclaimed

"In the act of what?"

"Not you, her." she then pointed at her own mother "After you said she contacted you last time, I promised myself to monitor your sleep to see the next time she will do the same thing, and luckily it happened, and even if I'm weak, she wouldn't expect a goddess to break into your dream."

"Dawn, I thought you said you can contact me only once."

"Oh, I had Jerah help out, though don't worry, our conversation will be private even if it's at the cost of his mana." Dawn reassured and then turned to hug her daughter "I missed you so much, you look so much more mature than the last time I saw you."

She really is a goddess, Dawn is essentially hugging a ghost.

"C'mon sit, we have a lot to discuss, and with you here now, even more so." Dawn said happily and sat down as we all took our respective seats

"Mom, is it true that you and dad separated?" Maple asked right as she sat down

"Yes, we have gone on our separate ways, though on very good terms, as you can see, I can still ask him for favors." Dawn answered with a quick nod

"My life recently is a mess, you separated from dad and just a while ago, a daughter with Perseus."

"Wait what?"