Chapter 196: Powerhouses (2)

Perseus POV

"What? You have a daughter? Are you pregnant?" Dawn asked "Who's the father?"

Maple just pointed at me with a red face and Dawn choked on her tea. I then proceeded to tell her what happened since the last time we met while she told me about Cain to plans to invade my new world secretly in a few years as well.

Dawn then told of what happened to her ever since she came here and why she and Jerah came here in the first place, which Maple seems to understand, probably because they're both gods, so eternity is something they both have to deal with.

"Say, how do you even kill Cain, didn't God like mark him to prevent him from being killed by others?"

"Well, that would only apply to people of this world." Dawn replied "I can kill him if you can keep him still for a certain amount of time."

"How long is that?"

"I'll tell you when you meet me in person, you're not strong enough yet."

What is it with people with not informing the protagonist early? Just tell me now so I can prepare better for the future, you'll never know what can happen, I want to prepare better for the future, I ain't gonna charge in with the power of friendship, that doesn't work in the real world.

"Ok, mom, did you actually sleep with him?" Maple asked

"Well, I was occupying the body of the woman who did, so by technicality, yes." Dawn nodded

"And, is it not awkward?"

"Isn't it more awkward for you knowing that you will marry him in the future?"

"Fair point." Maple pouted "Thing is, she's, and I don't mind marrying him, but it's still hard to comprehend, even though I am proud to give birth to such an adorable person."

"You don't mind marrying me? Seriously?"

"Please shut up." she said as she got up and just moved around the apartment

"So Dawn, you're living at my old apartment?"

"I bought it." Dawn replied "The government was pretty generous to pay the rent for this luxurious apartment for you, 3 bedrooms, a large kitchen, and your amazing living room."

"Well, they said they'll pay for any home I want, and for their lack of help, I might as well waste their money by picking expensive ones, I even applied for that stupid exchange program, which they also paid for."

"You were in Texas then, right?" Dawn asked

"Yep, that's where I met Meira, though it was her brother whom I've befriended."

"When this is all over and done, I'll retire back in my old world, make sure to have a spare room for me." she winked as soon as Maple came back in the room

"I'm telling this to Leilah and Lilith." Maple grumbled "Are you sure you 2 aren't dating behind their backs?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, after the last dual torture session, I can't flirt with your mother too much."

"Back on topic though." Dawn chimed in "You're going to get strong quick, and the other day, I've sensed that someone from the other side opened some sort of small portal and sent something here, they are clearly working for Cain, so you might need to find out who that is if you want to get close to Cain from the other side."

"Do you have any suggestions on who it can be?"

"I suggest the person from the Urgess family, they probably developed a device of some sort that can send small things over from time to time, they have the most experience in this dimension-crossing business."

"Well, Rolan doesn't seem to like me too much, so It's going to be hard getting certain information even if I can get close."

"Can't you just sweet talk him into giving information? Loki was very well known for using that ability, at first, it wasn't really a power, but he used it so much that it developed into one."

"Well, I can conjure up a city with illusions, but as for sweet talking, I don't think I can do that without making the heroes anymore suspicious of me than they already are. They know about the existence of supers, and they definitely know the existence of Loki, it's why not many people befriend me, they're scared that I'll force em into doing things against their will.

"If the heroes know that I possess the same ability, with the same looks, they're gonna know that I'm a reincarnate. And unlike the rose who are bind by their oath or the gods who respect the oath despite not swearing to it, they can spread it all they want and people will believe them, and all my secrets will just be out for the picking.

"The heroes already notice that I look the same as the guy who was on the bus with em, and Rolan definitely still is questioning himself on why I was even on the bus. The only reason that he's not pursuing that question further is probably due to him being religious and I could be a guy who was born to remind him that lives were lost to summon those heroes."

"You think too much." Dawn sighs and just came over to kiss me on the cheek

This caused Maple to come over and separate us though, it was just a kiss on the cheek, I don't see any reason that she has to be mad over it. Back to the Rolan issue, since he was brought over here at a relatively young age, what if the Urgess family is working with Cain, and they then like taught him to be some sort of 2 way agent.

Like, maybe, the heroes kill the demon lord, but instead of peace, he betrayed the heroes by killing em one by one and opened a portal for an invasion by Cain where they then take over the world.

At the very least, I know all of the powerhouses that I will have to face in the future unless there's some sort of other powerhouses hidden in the shadows somewhere.