Chapter 202: Connection (2)

Perseus POV

After I managed to leave the bedroom, I got Buddy and escaped from the house, I was scared for my life there, so I went to Grandpa Wager's house where I was greeted by my grandmother at the door, I mostly went to check on grandpa Laker since he was staying over due to renovation of his home or something which he liked to do by hand and not used magic.

He's currently resting in his room or whatever, at least he's not dying of a heart attack or shock, cuz if he were to meet his time, it should be of old age or a dramatic death by the hands of my enemy for some emotional impact, which I will never let happen.

"He was shaking when he came home this mornin." grandma Lynda said as she gave me a large plate of sandwiches and gave Buddy a plate of some leftover chicken "He was summoned to warn you, so I assumed you've met him, what happened?"

"Oh, just some stuff."

"I may be old, but you can't fool me with that." she sighs "There's a reason why he's desired as a teacher, you know, he's a great warrior, probably one of our best dancers too, which was what attracted your other grandmother to him. he's been through a lot, so if he's shaking, it's either the demon lord made an appearance or something along the very same line."

"Well, yes, but I can't tell you."

"Hah, I knew you wouldn't be able to keep it from me." she chuckled and pinched my cheeks "You make me so proud, you know. You have a lot more ambition than your mother, at first, she aimed to just be a dance instructor like me, naïve and very indecisive.

"I was so proud when she came out to us and told us of her like for those of the same gender, it was one of the only times where she can muster up and make a bold decision, too bad about her first bo-, ah don't tell Nyra that or Rylee will get in trouble, but he was such a good boy, too bad, she never truly liked him."

Oh this some other flag? What guy do I have to kill? What if he's some stalker...or worse, a guy who pours milk before cereal? I must never let that guy into my family.

"Uh, what happened to that guy?"

"Oh, he tried to become a royal knight to impress your mother 3 months after their breakup." she answered with a wave of her hand "But he's dead now, mauled by some poisonous bears in the eastern continent while attempting to protect his comrades."

Oh, crisis averted, put down the guns everyone, he's already dead. Phew, I'd thought I'd have to kill a fellow brother from the village for a moment there, would have actually given me some guilty conscience there.

I then hear a creak and a long groan that came with it, it was Grandpa Laker who has just gotten out of his room wearing some green pajamas, he just sighs and signaled me to come over after he got his coffee, which means that we're gonna need a proper talk, I left Buddy with my grandmother for company and went into Grandpa Laker's room.

I got in and shut the door, he took a seat at a chair by his desk while I sat on his bed, we sat there in a couple seconds of silence before he took out this crystal and inject his mana into it to form a small barrier.

"It's to conceal conversations, useful when you're working with the heroes, never know when you're being spied on." he said as he sipped his coffee "Not even mine, one of these qualities was to be used by the heroes themselves or someone working close to em."

"Hmm, we're not so different after all."

"Where do you even think you got it from?" he scoffs "Anyway, a lady demon general was waiting outside your home earlier."

"Oh yeah Lilith, met her. Do you not like her? Considering you used to work with the heroes."

"Not necessarily, I just hate the demon lord, too much power for an individual. Even if I disapprove of your relationship, you're still gonna go see her, so do what you want, I don't give too much of a crap, besides, I ain't working with them heroes any longer, no need to worry, just make sure I get to see my great-grandchild in time, magic may extend my lifespan, but even I got a limit."

Well, he technically already has, but we'll move on.

"Well if you die, it better be old age or by the hand of my enemies for emotional impact."

"Heartless bugger, tch," he clicked his tongue in annoyance "You reminds me of Lynda back in her heyday. What were you 2 talking about?"

"Nothing much, a bit of mom Rylee's first boyfriend, you shaking, and that's about it. Might need to scroll up for some refresher."

"You talk weird sometimes." he complained "Anyway, that guy was a god, wasn't he?"


No use in lying now. He already made the connection, Cassius isn't a usual name people will encounter, though not many people know that his last name is Clay, it's enough to identify him since he put Maple in the conversation since people do know her last name.

"And the hell did you even befriend her?" He asked "I doubt Ruka or Leilah can just call a god over, even if they can befriend her, I doubt she'd pay any attention to you."

"I'll summarize, accusation of theft, a bunch of cheesy pickup lines...some teasing and prayers...yeah, that's about it."

"And the future daughter or whatever...oh grandson will marry a goddess who's been living under the same roof as I am, she wouldn't smite me for swearing and drinking in front of her, right?" he asked

"No, she's very open. Besides, last night must be fun for y'all."

"Say, I'm curious, you know that our village worships the sun and moon god, right? Since they've been silent, you'd reckon she finds it offensive if I asked? Unless you already have and know the answer, I'm not forcing it out of you though."