Chapter 203: Connection (3)

Perseus POV

"I do know the answer on why they're silent, but I won't tell you any further as this question isn't mine to be answered."

"Haaah..." he sighs "Our village, unlike anywhere else, worship the sun and moon gods as if they're still active, no matter what, even if they have ceased to exist, we will continue to do so, but always receiving silence for an answer is very discouraging, I will just live with the assumption that they're too busy like the rest of us."

"Will you tell my parents that I'm planning to date a goddess?"

"No, unless you have other goddesses with you, I'll keep it to myself."

"What if I do?"

"Are you implying that this 5th mystery woman who you're affiliated with is a goddess?"


"Good, cuz if you do, I will have to tell somebody."

Well, he'll find out soon enough, hopefully, he won't have a heart attack then, for now, I'll focus on training for Rolan, I got the ring, but as always, I will have to be 'ready perfectly'.

"So what do you plan to do after this?" he asked "You told me a while back that you plan on fighting both the demon lord and the heroes, you do realize how impossible that is, right?"

"I know, but what am I gonna do? Do you think that if either side wins, our village will be left alone?"

"Definitely not." he answered "They will at the very least try to get us to be integrated with them under their rule, and as time goes on, no matter which side we're under, our traditions will be told to everyone, and it won't be long till someone abuses it and create some sort of dictatorship where they will monopolize our techniques and use them on the powerless.

"We may be as strong as a nation, but our numbers are manageable, the moment anyone goes rogue, we can track em them down and eliminate them. Pessimistic thinking, but our village is somewhat more responsible."

Afterward, we had a small conversation about gods and stuff where he was trying to expand his knowledge of them, the gods are beings unknown to people like us, and he wants to learn to say things more properly so that he won't offend any gods or goddesses in the future.


I went home and enjoyed a relatively normal day, but I'm more than scared for tomorrow, Lilith isn't seen around my house during dinner time, and even after I woke up, she was nowhere to be seen, that woman is waiting to pounce on me.

"So why are we at my shrine?" Maple asked

"For safety, Leilah isn't protecting me, Ruka is blaming me for impregnating her in the future, only you can help me from Lilith."

"What is she planning to do?"

"Have me as her reward, she's been stressed and she needs someone to help out."

"I thought you find her attractive."

"Yes, but she's also a goddess, I can't handle her yet. She's playing mind games, my weakness."

"And how does my shrine help?" Maple asked "She's a goddess who's stronger than me and the 3 other seasonal gods combined, what's stopping her from just teleporting in and you out with her?"

"She'll hesitate, and she likes you enough to not want to disappoint you, that's better than nothing."

There's a temple in our village with a shrine dedicated to each god, each are located inside their own chambers, I requested a permit from the chief to occupy the one dedicated to Maple for today, I boarded the windows and locked the only doors into the chamber with Buddy guarding it outside.

Lilith truly is a demon, this is torture for me, dammit, a goddess...this might be hard for me.

"Why don't you just get it over with?" Maple asked "You cowering behind me might be funny, but delaying it will only be worse. You like her, and she likes you, that's like true love if I've ever seen one. besides, you're lucky that Leilah even approve of you flirting with the rest of us."

"Lilith saw me as a fling at first, but what the hell did you and Ruka say that made her aim for me? That quickened our relationship, like I don't mind kissing and flirting, but she is wild."

"I'm not telling you a private conversation between me and my sisters. You sure you created a spatial disruption spell to prevent teleportation?"

"Yeah...Maybe, I don't know, take some supplements?" she suggested

"Look, I know that this will fail, but my plan is that, she will feel some guilt that she'll go a bit easy on me, I can't go all night, I'm not those kind of protagonist whose hair is long enough to cover my eyes."

"What the hell are you 2 doing?" a voice asked beside me

"What the-"

How the fuck did Lilith get in here? I thought of every spell, she would need to destroy the temple and the barrier Maple casted, giving me 2 seconds to escape, how the fuck?! Lilith just smiled and pointed at my shadow.

"You wouldn't want to get rid of your shadow by blinding yourself." Lilith said


"You would have absolute control of the shadows, but there is one more person who possess the same ability as you at a much higher level." Lilith giggled "Too bad, you were pretty smart, you would have escaped from my grip if your girlfriend didn't betray you."

"What the hell did you bribe her with?"

"I'll tell you later." She winked and grabbed me by the collar as I resign myself to my fate


"Did you think that you were going to get away from me?" Lilith giggled as she pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me

"No, more like trying to get you to go easy since it's clear I'm trying my best to escape from you."

"I actually prefer a tough challenge." she laughed and leaned close until our faces are a hair width away "It's why I like you a bit."

"Like me?"

"Get used to it." she then kissed me for what felt like 10 minutes before pulling away "You're mine after this."

I just sigh, because I know that I can't stop this woman, I placed both my hands on her cheek, which she only giggled in response even though she would swat my hands away every time I tried to do this.

"Let's get this done quick then." I sigh

"Quick? I don't do quick." she grinned