Chapter 206: Well, Am I Cancelled Yet?

3rd Person POV

Cain then put a document on the table and signaled Jerah to pick it up, which he did and read it, the document of Loki. Jerah doesn't know too much about Loki as he knows about the teen/, what should I call him?

|Just call him boy, you're old enough.|

He's like 40.

|Yeah, and you're much older, you dumb f-|

Why do you abuse me, you're even younger than our protagonist.

|Do your job or no dinner.|

(Please help me.)

Jerah knows Perseus more as Perseus than he does about the boy as Loki, and this document helped, it has all sorts of information, time and date of death, age of death...

"He's your grandson?" Jerah asked in shock

"Don't focus on that, we're only blood-related, I have had other children throughout my life till now, he's nothing special." Cain waved him off

"Hmm, died at age 26...isn't he like a 3rd year?"

"The only institutes of higher education that accepted him are from the states, the UK, and Australia. He wanted to go to none of those before he resigned himself to the states. He wasted a few good years."

"So his body is still with you guys, interesting." Jerah commented "Do you not feel any sadness or remorse over his death or the death of his parents? And the latter, whom you've arranged."

"I told you, I don't care. It's not like God cares either, if he did, I should have been dead by now."

The conversation then went on again till Cain brought up the same question with Jerah saying that it's possible, but he has no way of truly knowing. Cain was a bit disappointed, but at least he knows that the possibility exist.

Cain thought

Perseus POV

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" Vince asked as he prepared to go to sleep "Did you make Leilah angry?"

"Not really, but I am sleeping here to escape her and Lilith, who are both currently sharing my room."

"Ok, good night, I look forward to your class tomorrow."

He then went into his room, my parents didn't question me much apart from wishing me a good night as I slept on the couch in order to escape those 2 thirsty women, they've been competing to like seduce me, it will eventually stop, but for now, I gotta escape, I don't think I can survive 2 nights in a row. Eventually, I will, but for now, for my own well-being, I won't want to sleep with 2 of them in the same room unless I have some bodyguard in there.

I slept for the night and later, I was awoken by Maple who was there with Buddy.

"A couple of the anti-magic cult people made their way into this village." Maple said "This is your territory, so do something."

"How'd you know it's them?"

"I saw the cross neckless and their emblems, doesn't take a smart person to piece it up."

"What about the watchers?"

"I don't know how they got past them either, it's why I woke you up."

"Man, can't I just get one day of rest, come on, let's go, we don't want to wake the rest up."

I didn't even get changed, I just sunk us into the shadows and travel through the village until I see one of those guys. it's weird that they're wearing their uniform instead of just blending in and wearing regular clothes since there are people working at night, walking around every now and then.

I let Buddy out to attack one of these people and I went after another, it seems that these guys may not be one of the people from the anti-magic cult like Maple suspected, but rather, trying to frame them for something. The difficult thing is beating them up silently to not wake everyone up while also trying my best to not kill them.

One brought his hand up and charged it up with mana that turned into fire magic, I used the shadows to create black tentacles to wrap around his wrist and pulled it down canceling the charging of his spell.

Once his arm got sunk into his own shadow, I used it to cut his arm off while using the tentacle and stuffed it in his mouth to suffocate him till he passed out from the lack of air, he panicked and didn't really try to alert the others. I can feel that the surrounding is colder than usual, which means that Buddy must have frozen them alive.

I then shot up a quiet purple magic beam that explodes into a purple firework explosion silently in the sky to alert the watchers that we were being attacked. I don't know what they did or are planning to do, but I got no time for that.

Buddy and I then went after them one by one, all of them were human, so that narrowed half of my enemies down if I want to know who was behind this. I can see watchers approaching my location, and I can even hear loud spells being cast which caused several houses to turn on their lights and took a peek outside.

"Aye, Perseus, you need any help?" a nearby neighbor shouted out the window

"Uh, I think the watchers got this under control, just keep yourself in the house to protect your family." I replied

Some of the people who were awoken did come help though, the people of this village didn't care as they were fearlessly jumping in to help me, help most of them are more merciless than I am.

"Oi, don't kill em, we need to question these guys." one shouted

They were quite literally bashing these guys' heads in, I'm glad to be born here, cuz we are fucking ruthless, especially that woman who just kicked the enemy in the nuts.