Chapter 207: Well, Am I Cancelled Yet? (2)

Perseus POV

Crazy night, we rounded all of these people up and the watchers are more alert than ever, apparently, all these culprits are tourists visiting from other nations, all from different continents, 2 even coming from Tehios. That's how they got in, they are all registered adventurers who have been living here for at least 2 weeks.

Their top 3 in command got killed by the villagers before questioning, so we had to find the others, I got one where I used my ability to get him to answer all my questions, though unlike the top 3 in command, this guy doesn't know who hired them, only knowing what they want and their purpose.

"...killing me and pinning the blame on the villagers?" Edward exclaimed, "That doesn't make sense!"

"To blame our incompetence." Ruka replied "But these people here are also wearing fake robes, so there can be speculation of a villager hiring assassins to deter the investigations from being one of us and pitting Zoris against the anti-magic cult instead, either way, we'll get either the partial blame or the majority of it."

In the interrogation room are me, Ruka, the chief, grandpa Laker, and Edward, whom we just brought in. They tried to ambush the watchers in his home and were waiting for their allies which we managed to stop on the way, so they tried to retreat because the watchers and the royal guards around Edward are too strong.

"Yeah, and we don't really know the true culprits either." Ruka added "I even tried using my powers to dispel any enchantments placed onto their brains, but none of their memories are forcefully hidden, Perseus got all he could out."

"How do we know that?!" Edward exclaimed "Perseus is a genius, but not some god who can get people to tell him anything at will."

"No offense, but my champion CAN do all that, there's a reason why I chose him." Ruka countered "Just take our word, we have no way of knowing who the culprit is apart from just speculations."

"Well, I get why you can't trust that since your life was on the line here, these guys aren't weak, all have at least 7 stars, this is no joking matter." The chief chimed in "This could also be someone from Zoris, people are always finding a reason to start a war against us after all, it's quite impossible for 4 nations to fend off all the other 4 forever, especially if Tehios were to join in as well."

"That's a fair assumption." Grandpa Laker commented, "I've lived in Zoris long enough to know that a lot of the people there rather have us dead since we are a nation strong enough to just invade Zoris and take over the whole western continent."

"Our events might need to be postponed for a while, a lot of intruders are in our midst." the chief said "Perseus, get some rest and help the waters interrogate travelers and even some of our fellow villagers tomorrow, your ability will be useful in sniffing out intruders and traitors."

"Our own?" I asked

"Don't worry, they will understand." the chief replied "This is not the first time that these things have happened, even though I doubt anyone of us are involved, but...Zoris would like some assurance, and Edward here can accompany you as our witness."

"And what happens to those who are deemed intruders and traitors?"

"Well, we give them judgement." the chief chuckled "Either you can give it personally or I will, you can decide at the moment it happens."

"Cold-blooded, no wonder you're our chief."


To make sure the kids didn't come here for nothing, Grandpa Laker took on the job, the teacher of the heroes was reputable enough to not disappoint them since the heroes are more than popular, heck, worshipped even, and that's what the kids like. They wished to be like the heroes, and having the same teacher helps.

People were more understanding than I thought, apparently, people didn't mind being questioned, but as I questioned everyone, we only find one intruder amongst the terrorist, which I let them bring to the chief to do whatever he wants.

This is a bit of a pickle we're in, I don't know who is behind this, man, all those novel knowledge doesn't seem to help either. Edward wasn't completely happy either, this situation would have gotten out of hand.

The possibility of this succeeding was low since those who guard Edward would have still managed to alert everyone else, the difference this time is that no lives were lost, which is good for me, fatal injuries, quite a lot, but nothing that healing magic can't help. Destruction of infrastructure, also quite a bit, also can be fixed with the use of magic.

3rd Person POV

"Shit, dammit." Rolan cursed

In front of him are cardinal Morris and his personal holy knight, Rick, whom Perseus calls Robert. Even though disgraced, he was still needed by Morris.

"Well if he can defeat me, what was a group of 7-star mages going to do?" Rick questioned "I warned you, there is something strange about that boy, Sheila's former captain went insane and still is to this day, I almost went the same way."

"That's because you are weak!" Rolan accused "If I was also a 9-star, I would've won without even taking damage, the lord of the blue rose...tch, an annoying title for someone so young and arrogant."

"Well, I have a suggestion." Morris raised his hand "What about his family? His mothers are 6-star mages, difficult, but...not impossible. And if we want an even easier target, his little brother, I heard that Perseus is very affectionate toward that young boy, we grab the junior and we lure in the senior...we kill Perseus, their village will start a war and we can finally end that wretched nation once and for all."

"The war will be the easy part." Rolan commented "Help me gather allies, the other heroes will be of no help in this. We grab the little brother, and when Perseus comes, "

"As you wish." Morris bowed and head out leaving Rolan alone in his office