Chapter 211: The Right Fool (2)

Perseus POV

"Sheila, long time no see, you've aged horribly."

She was guarded by two 8-star level mages, she got this large golden staff with a charged spell ready and aimed it right at me. Might be a bit of a challenge trying to take her in alive, but I'll manage since my motivation is that I got something worse in store for her.

"Man, I've heard you talk a lot of shit about my village after you left in terrible shape, and here you are trying to kill me."

"That's because you beasts cheated." she retorted "That's all you demon-blooded fools do, you fight with no honor, you must have poisoned his meal!"

"Now tell me without having me force you, who else is behind this?"

"Why would I-"

"Tell me, who else is behind this?" I now used my ability and her eyes got into a trance as her lips then moved against her own will

"Rolan, Cardinal Morris, and his personal bodyguard, Holy knight, Rick." she answered and snapped out of it

"Anyone else?"

"Yes, but I did not pay attention as they were irrelevant."

Rick? Ah, Robert, man, he still has the job, that's a good update to know< I don't really hate the guy, he was just misguided, Morris though...the kraken project, and now this...I'm just fated to kill him.

"Well, Sheila, for a woman with a beautiful name, you sure have a venomous heart, and fortunately for you, I don't plan on killing you, I'll just make sure you live without your pride intact."

The 2 mages charged up their spell as I talked and sot it in my direction while taking out swords and charging at me as I intercepted them, i turned my body into light particles and dodged all their attacks.

They were good, their blade was clad with well-controlled mana and their techniques were definitely refined, unfortunately for them, no matter how strong they are, none of their attacks would do any damage if they can't hit a guy who can move as fast as light.

I parried their attacks and dashed in between them toward Sheila, but they quickly cast a barrier in front of her to block my blade, my blade cut through it, but the barrier slowed my blade enough for Sheila to shoot out her spell at me, hitting her goons in the process as well, I crashed against the wall after being hit by the sudden spell, but my armor easily absorbed the hit.

It's why I don't need a helmet, like the prince's necklace, my armor projects an invisible thing layer of barrier magic to protect my head, though Sheila's spell did blind me for a tad bit, just a couple of seconds since my regeneration came through, being a lord of a rose comes with good perks.

Ruka, who has just been watching me do my thing, took action. She charged in at Sheila who was preparing another spell and Ruka stopped that my using the blue petals to form a hand and pulled Sheila's hair, which jolted her out of her spell and Ruka shoot out several razor-like petals that grazed her face

I sank into the shadows and appeared right in front of her as she tried to flee from Ruka, but right as she turned around, a storm of blue needles sunk into her back, making her screech in pain. I kicked her in the chest and she fell backward which made the needles sink further into her skin.

I would step on her and push the needles deeper, but she's kinda loud, so I just created a small magic barrier to cover her mouth to prevent her screams from rupturing my ear, I then used my sword and stabbed into her tendons, just to prevent her from getting up to run.

Ruka then made the needles go away and let a storm of blue petals smash her head against the ground, which knocked her out. The 2 mages who guarded her got up and tried to flee too, but the storm of blue rose petals chased after them and penetrated their bodies, killing them.

"Man, you have no mercy."

"For the record, I still haven't forgiven you for impregnating me in the future." Ruka grumbled

"That's my fault?! And forgive me? I'm not at fault here."

"Your future self is, so you also share the blame." she countered

"What's wrong with me? I've always been nice to you."

"You're more of my backup guy when I find no one to marry, I tolerate you."

"Wow, thanks, so flattered."


After killing most of them, we let the survivors be our messengers to make our opponents not do it again, to warn them of the possible consequences, but as for Sheila and the prince...let me test Trevor's method.

It should be painful if they were awake, but they should be knocked out for a while. First, I used my own method and took out a vial of poison that I concocted myself, it doesn't necessarily kill, but it should make them feel a lot of pain when they receive healing magic.

I made it from these parasitic fungus spores, they root themselves onto certain magic animals and caused them pain, and they feed on the healing magic the animals used to relieve themselves, but the relief will be only temporary as the pain gets amplified as healing magic is put on them.

My dosage should last for 2 weeks, and that means they will feel tremendous pain if they are being healed. I got it in a needle and inject it into them, I then opened Trevor's second diary for instructions. I drew several magic circles on different parts of their bodies and inject my mana into all of them, I then used my best enchanting skills to mess up their mana.

This method is permanent, instead of disabling a person from using magic, it makes their mana veins unstable as I used my enchanting skills to restructure it entirely, so every time they use magic, it would be so unstable that it would collapse on itself and self destruct every time they used magic.

So, every time that they are tempted to use magic, like in self-defense situations, they'll just hurt themselves. Royalties who can't use magic...but this is more humiliating, since instead of pity of a magicless person, they'll be humiliated, they'll be disowned, and their children will be adopted by their relatives who are definitely better parents...these 2 will lose everything. Fools, shouldn't have messed with me.