Chapter 213: Compensation

Perseus POV

"Well, they both have a fever, oh dear..." Grandma Lynda commented as she checked my parents' temperatures "Luckily, I'm here, so I can take care of them."

Both of my parents are in bed because they did not expect goddesses, while my super-religious grandparents are the ones who are taking this really well, unexpected. They wanted the truth and they got it, but, could be worst, how? I wouldn't know, but this reaction wasn't that bad.

"Grandma, how are you taking this well?"

"I always knew you were amazing, ever since I laid my eyes on you." she replied "A bit of an ambitious brat, but I've had a suspicion that you were blessed ever since you were young, otherwise you won't survive being a miracle child while being this talented."

"Thanks, I love you guys."

"Now go enjoy your life, I can stay here till they wake up." she shooed me away and then grabbed my arm as I was about to leave "Ask them to grant me a lot of pardons, I was also a mischievous brat. Since you're close to them, just make sure I get a lot of blessings, okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

This family of mine isn't the one I expected to get, they're very strange, but I like it, a family filled with mostly weirdos...they love me and took care of me, what more can I ask for? I would have probably been a very much nicer and more peaceful child if I were to be raised by them from the very beginning.


I met up with Orion later that day and gave him the keys to my other house where he and the other 2 will be staying for a while, I haven't really interacted with them much, but I don't know how to do it either.

They have a certain job and they have done it, they warned me of Cain's plan, the only thing they need from me now is to help them get back. As for the item they need, if I lose the tournament, I'll just have to resort to thievery.

I want to talk with them a bit, I just to learn a few things about them, my curiosity is killing me even though I know it's too good to know too much, I've watched enough movies to know, unless it's like the avengers where there are alternate timelines and stuff, well everything rest upon what the hell the author thinks fit and I'm just the victim. We'll see how it goes.


Later in the same evening, there was this small group of envoys who demanded to see me in a very aggressive manner, they were intercepted by the watchers, apparently, the royal family of the north demanded my head. I then went down the tree just to see them only to get berated without a chance of a counter.

Phew, the royal family was mad. People witnessed 'my brother' getting teleported away, but no one knew the culprit, and with this, didn't take long for the watchers and the rest of the village to clock in on who the culprit was, and I know in my heart that they'll back me up for this cuz what I did will sound merciful in comparison if it was done to someone else.

My prediction of the 2 being disowned was right, but the 2 families, especially the royal one didn't take it too kindly that they're being humiliated as people are now spreading the rumors of a royal family who has been endowed and spoiled with all kind of help in his life becoming useless in magic.

The royal family had been bringing in the best bloodline in the past to make sure that all their children are born with better than average talents, some of the people they brought in were even heroes, it has worked so failure with very little failure, but's a sign that their blood has gotten weak and that will ruin their reputation.

Insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I guess people are offended by different things, at least no nation in this world has the law of lese majeste, otherwise all those people would have been dead.

"Uh, right, you can tell your reigning overlord that I'm not giving anyone my head."

"You're lucky that our lord was merciful enough to not start a war with this stupid village filled with people born of dirty blood." the head envoy retorted

"Bro, that's kinda racist. not our fault that we're born like this."

"The lord expects a reply in a week." he replied "Surrender your life to him and your village of tree monkeys may be spared."

"Tree monkeys, original, I haven't heard that before, be more creative, man. Let me give you an example, your eyes are far apart, but they're still closer than your mom and dad will ever be. See, creative insults like this hurt most cuz-"

"You're like a woman, why can't you just shut the fuck up!?"

"Well, yeah? I may rant like a woman, but I can also pound y'all like a man...ok, guys stop giving me weird looks."

That sounded a bit sus, I admit, woah, I seriously need to start thinking before I speak.


Um ignoring my blunder, they left without a fight but dropped off the letter from the royal family of the northern continent, and they don't necessarily demand my death as the envoy said, but they required compensation where if I don't give one with an equal worth, my head will become the compensation.

Dumb envoys, you're supposed to convey it as it is, they were acting as some sort of anger translator. I ain't paying them anything though.

"What's wrong?" Leilah asked Lilith

"Lachlan is calling me to go back in 3 days." Lilith answered "I won't be with you guys till the tournament, we have to work on a project."

"Yes! Oops, didn't mean to do that out loud." I am then glared down by Lilith who then smirked a couple seconds later

"You're so gonna get it later."