Chapter 214: Compensation (2)

Perseus POV

"Perseus, why are you sleeping on the couch?" Mom Rylee asked

I got up and rubbed my eyes to see that it was still only 3 am, she must have gotten up since she was sleeping all day, so she probably couldn't sleep after getting those hours of rest, just what did that old lady put in that soup, they recovered fast.

"Well, do you know how powerful girls are when they team up with each other?"

"Yes, it takes a lot to raise you." she replied

"Is that an insult towards me or a compliment to boost your own ego?"

"Both." she said as she headed to the kitchen and grabbed some leftover cake as some midnight snack before coming back and sitting nearby "So seriously why are you sleeping on the couch? Are you and your 2 scary girlfriends fighting?"

"...Technically, it is kind of fighting, so yes?."

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"Not really, not something my mother should know."

"Oh, come on, I'm a woman too, I know what a woman desires, or at least provide a perspective on it"

"Yeah, I also know what those 2 desires."

"So why are you still out here then? Unless..." her eyes went wide as if she realized something "Did it get physical?"


"You say that as if it happens often."

"Recently yes, especially with Leilah."

"How did the argument leading to you fighting?" she asked

"'re talking about bad, my mind was in the gutter..."

"What are you...oh..OH, ew, what is wrong with you?!" she exclaimed

"Shush, people are asleep."

"So why are sleeping out here? We're starting from the top." she finished her cake and used magic to send the plate to the sink

"Mom, I've lost 2kg over that last several hours, if I go back into that room, I might die from extreme weight loss."

"Isn't this your own fault? You pursued a goddess."

"I know, but too late to turn back time now."

"Where's your fox?"

"Maple got him, she also likes the cold."

"You know what, come to sleep with us instead of out did wash yourself after know."

"Yeah, whatever."

I then followed her into the bedroom, at first, I was planning to pull a spare mattress and sleep on the floor, but they both insisted for me to sleep in between them. Mom Nyra asked what happened but mom Rylee insisted that she didn't want to know and she didn't question it much.

"The reason why I didn't tell you guys-"

"You're scared that we'll treat your partners differently." Mom Nyra finished my sentence "It'll take some time, but we're going to get used to treating our future daughter-in-law normally. Unless it's around their parents, I don't think we can handle that, we might have a heart attack."



I need to start taking supplements, I'm not gonna last, can't believe those 2 took me by surprise last night. In the morning, after I woke up after a somewhat pleasant sleep, I brought my fox with me to go visit the house I bought a while back, Maple also tagged along.

My other house, the one that is under my name, this time, it's only 2 floors like the one where I currently live, and the size is barely any different, but it has 6 bedrooms, a smaller living room and cozier.

Ivy opened the door and let us in, the house is mostly empty inside since I haven't gotten any furniture in yet, but it seems that the 3 made themselves comfortable on the sofas.

"This came over this morning, it got a seal with a symbol of the northern royal family on it." Ivy handed me a letter

"Thank you."

It's basically a letter threatening me to compensate them over and over and they won't stop sending a letter until I do, I would complain about this to the post office, but I don't thin that will stop the royals to send it through other identities, so I just burned the letter.

"Why are you 2 here?" Ivy asked "Do you need us to do a job again?"

"Nope, I just wanna learn a tiny bit more about you guys."

"But..." she trailed off nervously

"No, I don't want to learn anything about the future from you or how you were raised and what environment it was in, but I want to learn more about you guys, I can't just think of you guys as people who'll do a commission for me, I'll be treating you no better than mercenaries."

Ivy really is timid, I wouldn't need to do a DNA test to know that she's Maple's. They're both really awkward around each other, understandable, I am too. it's really hard for me to look these guys in the eye without feeling a weird tingle and shivers in my back.

At lunchtime, we decided to have an indoor Korean barbeque with thinly sliced meats and this long flat pan and everything, at least I know that my future self was smart enough to teach em how to use chopsticks and Korean bbq. Maple was having a hard time doing it though.

"Sorry about Ruka and Lilith, it's hard for them to really accept this."

"It's fine." Asher shrugged "I understand, besides, I'm not exactly liked by a lot of people, so I'm used to it."

"What did you do?"

"Well, it's more like I wish to be left alone, and I'm usually quiet and don't contribute much it makes people feel forced to be my friend, which is a blessing in disguise as I am left alone."

"You know we love you and we'll be your friend." Orion replied

"I know, why did you think I risk getting into trouble by coming here?"

"Mom, you're cheating by using magic." Ivy commented as she then helped teach Maple on how to use a chopstick

This world does have Asian cuisines, but people just use a fork, so I get why it's difficult. But the scene in front of me is strange, it feels really unusual to know that these guys are mine, they share my traits and some of my looks, man...I just hope my future isn't grim, I wish to experience something like this everyday.