Chapter 252: The God Of The North (3)

|Author's note: Just a fun fact, this isn't my first novel, my first ever novel is called 'Reincarnated into a World of clichés'. Similar isekai thing, but if any of you decides to go read that...well, expect many grammar mistakes, like a LOT, because I used no grammar checker, was too lazy to correct most of em, and was really sleep-deprived I slept every 7 am to 1 pm, and my sleep schedule then sucked lmao.

Why am I telling you this? It's close to 1M view, so I kinda want it to reach that, it's completed with 500+ chapters, totally free, I was offered a contract, but...yeah, go ahead lol.|

Perseus POV

The time for my match arrived, but most people are just looking forward to a performance after our match, apparently, one of the heroes decided to become this world's first idol or something and used her literal magic-filled voice to soothe everyone, apparently it's very euphoric.

Well, that's what I heard from Edward anyway, not that I care, I just gotta beat this guy in front of me and be done with it.

"If I win, I'll still give you the 2nd place prize, I have no use for these prizes anyway, and my collection lacks an orb."

"You're as arrogant as they say." my opponent replied as he scrunched his eyebrows "I only accepted this because I wanted to prove myself whether I deserve 2nd place or not, and if I placed above you without fighting you, I'll feel unworthy."

"Hmm, serious, I like you."

"I have a fiancée and have been betrothed to her since I was 8."

"I don't mean it like that."

"But there's a rumor of you-"

"That's new and I'll look into it."

"If they're related to me, try not to kill them." he requested as we then head to our sides.

Since this fight is the last ending fight, I might as well up my drama power a bit to make everything look good. I turned into my Satan form and gathered all my magic to clad my body to up the power of my output in close combat as he held out this giant staff with a giant orb.

I took a deep breath and steadied my nerves, and prepared to face the challenge head-on because I knew that that man clearly didn't get enough rest.

"Explosion!" he shouted

What the fuck?! As I was about to redirect my magic and create a barrier to surround myself, he instead shot a lightning bolt in my direction which I easily swat away, and in that second he cast an explosion spell.

After I come out of the smoke, I can see him cast a spell he didn't use against Finn, he used his magic to turn himself into a freaking giant, making him look a bit scary with his scowls.

My heart pounded in my chest, I locked eyes with the menacing figure before me. He wielded a staff, crackling with arcane energy, and a wicked grin danced across his face. I knew this wouldn't be an ordinary fight since all the pressure was on him.

He then charge up a spell as I placed all my strength on my pivot foot and jumped, and faster than he could react, I aim at my usual spot which was his jaw.

"You're a bigger target now, bitch."

He then turned normal again as I flew towards him with my wings. I headed toward his direction and he shot out a blast of dark magic compared to Finn, it was barely anything, I flew at him so fast that I crashed against the ground and miss him by a hair's width, the impact did blow him away though.

As I rose to my feet, I knew I had to close the distance. I lunged forward as he then thrust his staff forward, unleashing lightning bolts toward me. Reacting quickly, I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly bolts that seared the ground where I once stood.

I run in his direction and switched to my regular form to be fast and doge all his spells and got closer and closer, as I got close, I switched back to my more powerful form, my eyes locked with his. He swung his staff in a wide arc, attempting to catch me off guard, but I anticipated his move. Ducking low, I sidestepped the attack and unleashed a flurry of punches toward his midsection and crack his high-tiered armor.

His staff crackled with energy once again as he cast a strong and quick barrier to deflect my blows. But with each strike, I aimed for the small gaps in his barrier, hoping to land a decisive hit.

He tried to catch me off guard by disabling the barrier and hitting me in the face with a powerful spell and since I withstood it, I seized the opportunity, I charged forward, unleashing a series of swift strikes, aiming for his vulnerable spots. My fists connected with his ribs, and he stumbled backward, gasping for breath. The staff slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Without missing a beat, he conjured a fireball in his hand and hurled it toward me, but too late, I closed the gap between us once more, and the look of surprise on his face makes me feel amused. With a strong hook to the right side of his chest, I can hear his ribs cracking as he fell.

As I was about to land a deciding blow, the ref jumped in and stopped us to give me my victory as cheers echoed in my ears, I looked around and I can see Phineas in the audience, not in his private viewing room...he doesn't seem to look amused.

As I stood in the center of the arena, the cheers of the crowd is quite deafening as it's washing over me. The tournament had finally ended, and a sense of accomplishment coursed through my veins, I'm closer to my goals and I can get to slack off.

I should probably thank my grandparents and the chief for checking up on me often and helping me train for this thing, even if the training was hard and was only a part of their preparation to make me the next chief or whatever.