Chapter 286: Ignored (2)

|Author's note: I was in an elevator yesterday, and I saw a person reading webnovel, I was like, cool, a webnovel reader, but I then see the guy scrolling and one of my previous works came up, specifically 'Reincarnated into a world of clichés', and he clicked it, I left before I can see anything further.|

Perseus POV

"You've been ignoring me for 30 minutes!" Cassius shouted all of a sudden.

His voice boomed and the room shook.

"What the hell, man? I get that ugly and insecure guys like you are jealous of great relationships, but no need to interrupt."

"Aren't you supposed to be addressing me just between the 3 of us?! Isn't that why the others left?!" he continued to shout.

"Well, I guess you just don't have a lot of presence."

His mouth then started to switch, and his eyes too. He's emitting a dangerous level of hostile aura surrounding his body, scary really since he's a god, but it's all proceeding smoothly.

"Me? Lacking presence? ME?!" he shouted, "A superior being, the most beautiful and most eye-catching being in existence lacking presence?! Are you a fool?!"

"Eye-catching? That's a bit of an exaggeration, I've seen better, you know Ryan Reynolds?"

"You dare challenge me, mortal? Do you not see the magnificence that surrounds me? I am a divine being, far beyond your feeble comprehension. And now you brought a stupid mortal into our conversation?"

Man, this guy's vocab usage is something else, well, I'll do it too, just so I can piss him off a bit more.

"You don't even know who he is."

"I don't, but what I DO know is that my magnificent beauty will outshine anyone." he claimed.

"He's pretty handsome, besides, beauty comes from the inside."

"That's what ugly people say to make themselves feel better, but my magnificence comes from both inside and out."

Sheesh, no need to attack our readers.

"Oh, I see your magnificence, alright. But tell me, does it compensate for your insufferable arrogance? Your ego swells larger than the cosmos itself, and yet, what have you truly accomplished besides basking in your own self-importance? Oh no, I'm so beautiful and superior."

"Are you mocking me with my superior way of speaking?" his face is now red.

"Have you ever stopped to consider that your supposed beauty and power might be nothing more than a cosmic accident? Perhaps you're just an overgrown toddler playing with your vulnerable followers, oblivious to the true wonders that exist beyond your narrow perspective."

"I am divine! I am perfection itself!"

"Are you?"

"Oh, I need to calm down, stress and anger will only make me ugly." he said while taking deep breaths.

"You know, for someone who claims to be 'the epitome of beauty and superiority', you seem rather insecure. Tell me, does your arrogance serve as a shield to mask your own doubts?"

"I am not insecure! I am the embodiment of perfection! I have no imperfections, what am I to be insecure about?!" he demanded.

"Perfection, you say? But perfection does not fear being questioned or challenged. And now look at yourself, being defensive, clearly not perfect at all. It should stand unshaken, confident in its own worth, if you are truly perfect, you wouldn't argue with me. Yet, here you are, constantly seeking validation, desperate for others to acknowledge your supposed magnificence, trying to receive some praise from me."

"I don't need validation from anyone! And especially I don't need validation and praise from you, you little insignificant bug!"

"You know nothing! I am superior to all beings, and their admiration is my birthright!"

"Birthright? That's a bit of a stretch, besides their admiration comes through fear, they're scared of offending you."

"What are you talking about?! I can sense their feelings, it's genuine."

"Yes, they got it through your manipulations and lies, you taught them your greatness since they were young, that's why they admire you, heck I can do that too. True magnificence is earned through genuine respect, earned through acts of kindness, and compassion.

"Great people don't see themselves as great, they're great and magnificent because people around them said so without any influence coming from the person. But those are qualities you seem to lack, lost in the shadow of your own narcissistic feelings and self-centered self-obsession."

|I know that those last few words have similar meanings...I ran out of vocabulary. Yeah, that's my reason.|

"This isn't self-obsession, I am simply aware of my unparalleled magnificence."

"Of course, how could anyone miss your grandiose? Yet, beneath all that inflated ego lies a void of infinite insecurity, an insatiable hunger for validation that can never be satisfied. No matter how many beings bow before you, your own insecurities will always gnaw at the edges of your consciousness. I can tell, cuz I'm getting to ya."

"You think you can unravel me with your words? I am a god! A mortal like you cannot affect me!"

"Really? Hah!" I laughed in front of him in a mocking tone, "Indeed, you are a god, but you're an insecure narcissistic god seeking validation."

"You think you can undermine me with your feeble attempts of insults? If so, how wrong you are," Cassius spat while being visibly trembling with rage. "I am untouchable, invincible! Your words are nothing but the pitiful cries of an envious mortal!"

"Oh, how mistaken you are." I then laughed once again, "I have no envy for your shallow existence. In fact, I pity you. Trapped in a prison of your own ego, unable to see the beauty in the world beyond your own reflection, you just got pissed at being ignored, tell me you need validation without telling me you need validation."

"How dare you pity me? I am perfection incarnate! I am the one who should be pitied, for you shall never comprehend the magnitude of my greatness!"

"What greatness is there to validate?"

"What greatness is there to validate..." he repeated in an exasperated manner.

"It is nothing more than a facade, a fragile illusion you desperately cling to. Deep down, you fear being exposed, for beneath that self-proclaimed magnificence lies a void of emptiness and self-doubt."