Chapter 289: Interference

|A friend who read this asked why I was making fun of Ohio, he somehow doesn't know of the Ohio memes while I didn't know that he's originally from there either. So that's a funny thing I encountered today.|

Vincent POV

This must be in a dream because I am in this large empty black room, I see nothing, so I just decided to walk in one direction, I then see tat there was a white-colored space, a white room of sorts, I got there and rested for a bit.

As I sat alone in the empty white room, a peculiar sensation washed over me. It was as if someone else inhabited this space within my mind, a presence that felt both foreign and intimately familiar. I couldn't help but wonder who this person was and why their essence resonated with me so strongly.

I head toward the direction where the sensation feels the strongest. And it didn't take long till I see a figure sitting in a cage.

The figure before me seemed to radiate a gentle warmth, their eyes filled with wisdom and a knowing smile gracing their lips. Although they remained silent, I couldn't shake the feeling that they held the answers I sought. He looks very handsome, but I don't know why he's wearing a gown you see in a healer's office.

"Who are you? Why do I feel a connection to you?

The figure before me maintained their enigmatic silence, yet their eyes held a depth of understanding that words could not convey. His mouth turned into a small smile.

"Sir, what is it that you know? Why am I drawn to you?"

"I don't know either, but unfortunately, I'm not totally clueless either." he replied, "What's your name?"

"You tell me first, my brother told me to be skeptical of strangers, but I feel a connection to you."

"I'm...Lucifer." he answered

"That sounds fake."

"Well, it's more or less my nickname, but it's also one of the only things I have left to myself." he chuckled, "Now, what's yours?"

"Vincent...Vincent Silver, but my big brother calls me Vince."

"That's a good name."

"So, who are you, really? I really want to know!"

"Ah, my little friend, I could be anyone and everyone! A secret agent, a pirate, or maybe even a ninja. Who's to say?"

"Can I have a hint?"

"I've traveled across the world once, didn't end well though."

"Have you been to space like my big brother? Explored hidden treasure caves? Or maybe you're a famous noble?"

He just laughs in response.

"I do have a treasure, a power no one else can possess, well, only one other person can possess. Mine also died along with me." he said.

"So, you're a ghost? Are you here to haunt me?"

"No, not really, I don't know why I'm here either, but here I am. And shouldn't you be scared? I may actually be a ghost, you'll never know."

"My mothers will protect me, and my brother is one of the strongest people in the world, I am not scared of a ghost."

"That's a nice family you have, I love that...well, it's time for you to wake up now...we'll hopefully see each other again soon though." he said while waving me goodbye.

I woke up and did my usual routine, but for some reason, the dream I felt very real for some reason, it was really strange. Maybe I should ask sister Maple, she should know what to do.

Lilith POV

I got back after vandalizing many of the idiot's shrines and temples, only to find the same idiot hugging my boyfriend while crying profusely, I personally don't know how to react when I see my boyfriend being hugged tightly by a shirtless man.

And the shirtless man in question was the idiotic brother of mine.

"...thank you, if I learn to accept my flaws, I can be great again, right?" the idiot exclaimed.

"Uh sure, now let me go and put a shirt on please." Perseus requested.

"Well, how have you been?" Leilah asked.

"Good, we're good to go, right? I don't want to stay here any longer. We've been here for too long already."

"Yes, we'll head to the south, finish our job in our own continent and we'll try the machine again."

"Do you have a solution to help the little twerp not experience the thing again?"

"No, unfortunately." Leilah shook her head, "What about you?"

"Don't know either." I shrugged, "Never faced this kind of problem before, so I'm more clueless than you."

"Lilith!" Perseus called, "Can you be a dear and remove this crying guy for one second, he went from narcissist to crybaby real quick and he's too strong for me."

"You really can't live without me, that's funny."

"Yes, I can't, now please help me."

Can't believe that out of all the people who managed to turn my life upside down is him...and it started with me talking with Maple and Ruka, a reincarnated guy, never thought I'll hear about something like that, much less date them.

Can't wait to see the other side, I'm curious about how people like him are raised.


Perseus POV

Alright, we're finally in the south, I wouldn't have been allowed in, in times of war, regular visitors aren't allowed, but we just teleported in, and if asked, I got a document saying that I'm an official businessman, so I should be allowed to stay.

For now, we'll just watch the war, I contacted Zach and he said that the cult has sent people in to infiltrate the capital for sabotage, so I don't have to worry too much about their forbidden project thing.

Maybe I'll go stop the fake rose thing at the demon continents later, but the demon lord visits the thing regularly, so it's going to be hard to do it and get out undetected.

I should just focus on the war for now, hopefully, Phineas can get eliminated here, I don't like having him be my future interference.