Chapter 307: Lilith's Spar

Perseus POV

Maple arrived later that morning and she said that she was called through a prayer because the anti-magic cult has found a way to bypass the heroes' immunity to poison and poisoned them to the point of near death.

Some heroes who split up from the main group were also brought to the best healers possible since they were allegedly attacked by demons, they don't know if it's just demon mercenaries from Tehios or demons hailing from the main continents.

They don't want to say that it's demons from the mainland yet, because they don't want to just recklessly start the war prematurely since the demons are more ready than they are.

There's also the fake rose project that I've totally forgotten, they got several sites for that, and even then, the few heroes who split off from the main group were doing it for me anyway since least one of the heroes were apparently detained and accused of doing so.

The saints and popes are called to heal the poisoned heroes and come up with plans to rescue the hero hostage or whatever, I'll just let the chaos move by itself. The anti-magic cult managed to bypass the heroes' poison immunity, that's sort of awesome, but the poison they use might be able to affect me too, so I need to be cautious.

And in return, I told Maple of Perseus 2's identity, she seemed fascinated by it.

"Alright, looks good." Perseus 2 said as he inspected Vince, "If you feel uncomfortable, go to see a local doctor or healer. If you still feel like something's wrong, use this guy to stalk me, I'll detect it, and I'll come again, but try not to do it too often, I have a life outside of traveling between words and solving different problems."

"Huh, responsible, do you reckon that your parents are willing to trade you for our Perseus?" Mom Rylee asked in a half-serious tone, "You don't have any weird qualities that I don't know about, right? Obsessively narcissistic? Prone to insult others while projecting your own insecurities?"

What the fuck? Seriously, they're supposed to be my mothers, and what do they mean projecting my insecurities, one comment from Ivy and they use it every time to put me down.

"I'm a Perseus Silver, narcissism sort of runs in our blood for some reason, all my children are more selfless than me." Perseus 2 replied, "But hey, I'm pretty sure that my parents would say no, they love me too much...I think."

"May I ask for a match?" Lilith asked

"Against who? Me?" Perseus 2 pointed to himself in surprise

"Yeah, just wanted to see who's stronger, you know, for fun."

"Eislyn, can you fight in my stead?"

"What?!" Lilith looks a bit offended by that, "You scared of something?"

"Yeah, I kinda don't wanna dirty my fist, they may be rated E for everyone, but I try to not be involved in fights after my retirement. Besides, she's more than strong enough to hold her own."


"Lilith's...quite angry to say the least." Leilah commented.

Lilith accepted to spar against the little Loli sword spirit, on the condition that if she wins, she gets to spar with Perseus. Like Leilah being a guardian spirit born out of a black rose, the sword spirit seems to be the same, except that she's a spirit born out of a sword and can wield her own body, the sword itself, in a fight.

Lilith felt insulted that she didn't get to fight the boss himself, but she seemed to be taking it seriously enough. Leilah said that Lilith is using her strength as a goddess. She got her bow drawn out and used magic to form an arrow.

We are in a clearing and Maple cast a barrier to keep any spells or debris from dispersing and flying away.

In a flash though, the little sword spirit transformed into an adult mature form and charged in quickly, at this point, Lilith quickly nocked an arrow and quickly shot one at Eislyn wo cut the arrow cleanly in half, which shocked Lilith a bit, who then rapid fire dozens of arrows at Eislyn who quickly parried everything and got close.

Eislyn really deserves a title as a mighty sword spirit or something if she doesn't have one, cuz she moved with this unmatched grace and precision, wielding the blade as if it were an extension of her own limb...which I mean, is sort of a literal extension of herself.

Her movements were fluid, almost dance-like, yet each strike held the power to cleave through arrows formed from the magic of a powerful goddess.

Eislyn's movement and style were swift and were a combination of impenetrable defense and precise cuts. It was as if she could predict every move Lilith made, countering her attacks flawlessly.

Any spell Lilith cast with her bow, no matter how strong, Eislyn cut everything down, the fight then sped up beyond what I can process with my eyes, her movement was beyond quick, Perseus 2 just tapped each of us in the head, and we were then able to follow their movements.

The spells Lilith cast were all explosive and powerful, Maple had to put up an additional barrier around us and it repeatedly cracked from the powerful force.

And despite being able to keep up now, within what seemed like mere moments, the battle reached its climax. Eislyn's blade met the goddess's divine arrow in a resounding clash, creating a blinding burst of light that momentarily blinded me.

When my vision cleared, I saw Lilith staggering backward, her bow nearly falling from her grasp.

With astonishing speed, Eislyn closed the distance between them and disarmed the goddess, sending her bow flying across the ground, with a tap of her sword to Lilith's head, Lilith fell asleep.

"Well, she put up a good fight." Perseus 2 said.

Eislyn at this point turned back into her form of a little girl and rushed to Perseus 2's side who then opened this portal with a wave of his hand.

"I'll be going now, I'd rather be gone before she wakes up pissed and demand a rematch," he said, "Try not to destroy the world while I'm gonna, I'd rather don't want to be forced to kill a fellow protagonist."