Chapter 313: Fake Town (2)

Perseus POV

"Hey, what's up?"

"Your reaction to meeting a god is 'Hey, what's up?'" Jerah replied.

I've been meeting too many gods recently, it's insane, I should be awarded a medal or something because even the first hero and the first demon lord didn't meet everyone and I did.

"Should I be more casual?"

"I know that I'll be mad, but I'm curious." he said and his eyes narrowed on me further as I sat on the armchair opposite of him, "Go ahead."

"Yo, the fuck you want, bitch?!"

"What the hell do my daughters see in you?"

"Leilah and Lilith, I can understand, but I don't get what Maple and Dawn see in me either, maybe they like my good looks and great unbreakable plot armor?"

He is now counting down from 10 to 1 and is repetitively doing so as I felt an aura of hostility surrounding him, he calmed down a bit ever since Dawn entered the conversation.

I believe that she told him herself, I wish I could see his priceless face, but I don't wanna antagonize him any further, based on Maple's and Leilah's preference, they would want to invite him to the wedding.

I personally wouldn't want that since he might object and he might kill me. Luckily Lilith doesn't seek any ceremony or celebration as she's tired of those.

"Alright, I'm calm." he said as the aura of hostility dissipates, "I called you here because I know the goal of Cain, something that no one else knows."

"Cool, why don't his goons know?"

"Shouldn't you be more shocked? I thought that you'll be desperately begging me for the information while groveling at my feet, this is quite...annoying and underwhelming," he said with a very disappointed expression.

"I begged once, didn't do me any good, it only got worse, they poked me harder and harder in order to get a stronger reaction out of me."

"I don't feel guilt for accidentally being one of the causes of the project, so stop trying." he said before drinking some coffee, "Dawn was also a part of it."

"Unlike Dawn, you are doing nothing to stop it." I countered and only earned a glare, "And unlike a person with common sense, I'm gonna go after your ex-wife."

"I'm hesitating on whether I want to tell you what I know."

"Alright, I'll wake up then since characters like him will tell his plans once asked, just like every novel antagonistic character. Besides, I want to wake up in your daughters' as they are very cozy."

His cup of coffee then broke apart at my statement.

"Fine." he said before counting down to 1 again, "...First, his 'goons' think that they're fighting God for an opportunity to time travel back to when humans were allowed to live in eternal paradise. And as for Cain, he plans on killing himself."

"Uh, what?"

"Specifically, he plans on killing himself before he lost the possession of his soul, he wants to die with a soul intact, he wants to reincarnate."

"Won't reincarnation wipe your memory anyway? What's the point? He lived long enough to really not care whether he gets eternal death or reincarnation with no memories of the past."

"He also wants to go back to when God was weaker," he added, "Cain wants to make God feel what he felt, the helplessness...the despair...he wants God to pay."

"That's well...underwhelming, so he wants to go back, make God feel helpless, and kill himself."

"Let me explain it fully." he replied, "He wants to do what you just said AND take God's power and reincarnate as God himself, he wants to recreate this world into one that matches the perfect idealistic version in his head."

"So he wants to be God, that's quite ambitious. But that's quite bad...since well...I'm his grandson, right? I'll be erased from existence if he killed his past self."

"Right." he nodded with a bright smile, "And my family won't be affected since our origin isn't connected to anything that is of this world. No offense to my current girlfriend, but I would either still be with Dawn, and I would be in another world with someone else."


I woke up with a slight headache, just thinking about everything that Jerah told me last night gave me an eternal headache.

So to summarize, Cain will go back in time, take God's power, make the previous Lord Almighty feel despair, and then kill his past self to make his past self reincarnates as God.

On the bright side, his idealistic world will probably have no war, no conflict, and the project didn't exist...but I will also not exist.

I may be selfish for this, but I wanna continue to exist, my life is way better now, I deserve this. Heck, am I really selfish for wanting to exist at the price of a so-called perfect world?

He plans on resetting everything about that world, meaning that everyone else will also cease to exist, and...I rather have them all continue to exist, well not all, I would eliminate rapists, pedophiles...I want the majority to continue to exist.

But what kind of force is enough to take down God? He's still a powerful deity...heck, the bible said that he created the world, so if he got the power to do that...unless he has a god by his side.

Jerah's girlfriend is a goddess born in that world a bit more recently, it's still way after the gods chose to give up their there are chances that he got gods on his side.

The good news, I got 3 strong goddesses on my side, the bad news is he'll at least have the firepower that is 3 times that.

So I need to find allies and find much stronger weapons to make up for my lack of numbers...I got the moon...but it'll only work in this world, I can't bring it over to the other side.

Well, for now, I might want to convince everyone that is currently in the room, excluding my fox to start training to see if they can somehow get stronger than they are now, because if not, I'm...dead and wouldn't be the right word as I'll neither exist on the living or dead plane.