Chapter 325: She Called Me What?

Maple POV

Mom looks the same as ever, though her slightly flushed face with her now rosy's the look that she used to give to Dad...and now it's directed at someone else.

It's a very complicated feeling, to say the least, I mean I do get that he's very different and he definitely has good looks, maybe it's his weird behavior and thinking maybe we find weird people attractive, but almost every female member of this family is falling for him is just mysterious.

"By the way, why are there so many people with small eyes?" Lilith asked

"What?" Perseus asked while facepalming, "There are legit Asian heroes back home. And wasn't there a Japanese hero that you were acquainted with before?"

"Yeah, but it's still strange. A lot of them look alike, don't they?"

" seriously don't know how to respond to that." Perseus replied

"I apologize." Mom said, "She's not racist, just ignorant."

"Yeah, besides, we don't all look alike."

"We?!" Lilith exclaimed, "You're one of those Asian people?"

"Yeah. Perseus replied, "Have I never told you?"

"But you don't have small eyes."

No offense to my sister, but Lilith doesn't seem to be joking and what's worse is that she's a demon... she's experienced this kind of treatment before, so why is she making these statements?

Perseus didn't seem that offended, but his and Leilah's effort in attempting to educate her about the division of humans in this world is having little effect.

"Besides, no offense, your skin is brown." Lilith continued and that statement made Mom spit out her tea all over Buddy who was napping on her lap, "Don't worry, I'll still love you, you're the best-looking one among everyone I've ever dated."

"I'm...southeast Asian," Perseus said in a slightly defeated tone.

"One more question, why do you humans hate each other so much? I read this history book last night, but why can't you just...I don't know, treat everyone like a human?"

"Oooh..." Ruka exclaimed all of a sudden, "I used this search thing and I learned that this planet is flat! I've never seen a flat world before. Look, this mathematician or whatever is super smart."

Perseus, Leilah, and Mom then all facepalmed at the same time, meaning that whatever Ruka has found may just be misinformation.

"Oh, Perseus, I think I found out why you're so weird now." Ruka continued as life seems to be drained from Perseus' body as time went on, "You know those vaccines thing that's used to help you against diseases, it may have given you this autism disorder or something."

Autism...oh, that disorder is rare in our world, but I remember the heroes of the past recording information about that, how come Ruka of all people doesn't know that it doesn't work like that? The village got all sorts of information.

"I...raised her better than that," Mom said while hanging her head low.

"I can't believe that she just called me I'm speechless, to be honest like I don't even know whether to be offended or not." Perseus responded.


Leilah POV

"Oh, so the planet isn't flat?" Ruka asked for confirmation.

Perseus let her use a tablet for quite a long time last night and she seemed to have gone through a lot of things with the internet, and she used Mom's phone just now to confirm her so-called findings.

We spent a good couple of hours lecturing Lilith, Maple, and Ruka on certain basic things to know about this world, at least they were studious enough to take down notes.

"So, you're saying that this powerful country that we're currently residing in is more divisive than our world? How?" Lilith asked.

"I know, I feel like I prefer our version of racism."

|What the fuck? I don't think that you should prefer any sort of racism. Stop trying to get me canceled.|

I turned to Perseus who is now contemplating his whole life decision after that statement.

"Mom, would you mind if we leave important discussions about Cain and i.portant things for later, it seems that everyone here needs a lot of basic training."

"Did you not tell them anything before coming here?" Mom asked

"We did, if anything Lilith should know the most among the 3 since we're in the same room all the time, but yet..."

"Well, I may have been distracted with sucking his dick, but I'm learning," Lilith replied shamelessly.

"Don't look at me for help, my lovely boyfriend, you wanted this."

"Yeah, I might need to go to a Buddhist temple and cleanse my mind." He replied.

"No amount of cleansing would cleanse your lustful degenerate mind."

"What did I do?"


Perseus POV

I woke up the next day with Leilah right next to me and no signs of Lilith or Buddy. I guess that the 3 girls really did spend the night studying under Dawn's tutelage. Buddy was probably also enjoying the company of his creator.

Currently, I'm sleeping in the guest restroom as Dawn took the main one where I used to sleep, I'm seriously surprised that she rented my place after I died, but sleeping here does feel a bit nostalgic.

"Hmm, you're awake already?" Leilah then yawned while pulling me in closer, "We got time, just rest here."

"We can't just relax all the time, our time here is limited and we can fully relax once we're back home."

"Well, you took a while to relax last night." she giggled, "Was it good?"


"Good, at least I know that I'm still capable in a 1 on 1 session, what are you planning to do today?"

"Send another message, there should be several of their facilities in this state alone, having them all erased from existence would scare Cain, would it not?"

"It would, is it fine if I rest for today? I'm a bit tired for the day."

After a quick shower, I went out to ask Dawn for some address, Cain is probably really rattled as he now loses a powerhouse family that has influences on the other side, I don't doubt that there are still surviving family members elsewhere, but Rolan is his only contact now...I'll now have to make him start lifting his finger.