Chapter 326: Stop It

Perseus POV

I'm currently learning of every location of the base that Cain has in this state it has changed its name to H.A.P.P.Y. Solutions, which stands for Health Advancements and Positive Pharmaceutical Yielding.

I asked Dawn what does the yielding part of it meant and the term yielding apparently refers to the production, generation, or creation of something. In this case, it suggests that the pharmaceutical company is producing or generating positive outcomes, advancements, or solutions related to health and well-being.

The use of yielding in this implies that the company's efforts are resulting in beneficial and positive contributions to the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Apparently, the corporation did come out with a lot of revolutionary medicine and all that, but it came at the cost of secret human experimentation. They do have a legit legal lab that produces results, but experimentation on people like me produced better and more advanced results.


So I decided to go around with just Buddy, Dawn has prepared me proper phones that can't be traced, credit cards, and a lot of things ahead of time, so I can now go around normally.

However, Buddy will have to go around under the disguise of a cat, which he didn't seem to mind, I got proper fake IDs and everything. I also had to make my hair black since the whole completely same look would be too suspicious.

"Do you remember how to drive?" Dawn asked

"Uh, a bit, I got a license before, but I didn't own a car."

"I'll drive you since everyone is taking their time to learn, Leilah can teach them or go shop nearby when they want to. Leilah's pretty knowledgeable about this world."

"You know what, sure, one of their offices is in a nearby strip mall anyway, I can shop for stuff there."


"A full option SUV?! Woah, you've been living well."

"Well, I used to drive a truck to fit in, but I prefer this better," Dawn replied as we got in the car.

She started the car and then took off.

"How does it feel to have a literal goddess drive for you?" She asked

"You offered just so you can have some alone time with me, didn't you?"

"Buddy's here." she pointed out

"You get what I mean, look, he's just napping in the backseat."

"He did join us in learning about this world throughout the night, he really seems to like you, he told me a lot of good things."

"Well, what do you want to talk about?"

"Your therapist...she might be in danger."


"Cain is eliminating loose ends, Ms. Perez knows a lot of things about his organization, and he doesn't want any interruption for the next phase of his plans. You did rattle him a bit, so he is considering on delaying it."

"Does this mean that Briana is going to be a part of this elimination as well?"

"Of course, he isn't as heartless to go for their families, but it will still all go away if he becomes the next God."

"That's bad, huh...I'll scout things here today since we don't want Cain to know that their office got destroyed the moment you got here."

"Hmm? You're being cautious?" she questioned.

"Is that surprising?"

"Well yes, you've literally had sex with my daughter last night in my home on the first night you're here."

"You knew?"

"Duh, I knew that you did the moment I sensed a soundproof barrier. Lilith's expression also helped."


We arrived at the strip mall and I can see that a lot of the stores where I used to visit closed down, at least there was still a tech store where I bought several video game consoles.

However, there ain't a lot of physical game copies cuz a lot of the companies stopped selling physical copies for some reason, I also bought a lot of books from a nearby store, probably the most money the store made ever as I bought a lot of recipe books and story books.

Afterward, I went to the H.A.P.P.Y office and talked a bit with their staff, even using my powers to try and get some detailed info from them, all of the ones in this office are genuine people who actually worked for a genuine cause as they actually believe in the company/corporation.

And despite the world being more progressive and all that, the term 'supers' is now no longer commonly used, people like me are now just referred to as straight-up 'mutants'. People's opinions on mutants haven't changed though, a lot truly believe that we bring more harm than good.

The employee did say that their company's past is terrible, but they truly believe in its change and its now new board of directors. The change in their name signifies that.

I posed myself as a curious high school graduate who wants to learn more about mutants, and they were very helpful about it. Updated public info on our genetic makeup, the potential harm that can come from us, and possible benefits from having us around.

There are now countries that ban mutants from living there and will have to be shipped to other countries if they were found. At least there are now countries that are more open about accepting mutants as fellow human beings. So it isn't all that bad, it's just that there's no conclusive research that points out whether there's more harm than good.

But it doesn't change the fact that I have to destroy this office later, I'll spare the workers though.


"Learned anything new?" Dawn asked once I got back in the car.

I can see Buddy now sleeping on her lap while she was petting him.

"Yeah, we went from supers to mutants, the world is real progressive."

"At least you got more countries who are open to you guys now, we're living in one." she replied

"There's a senator trying to get all mutants executed." I pointed out.

"We may have a few mishaps every now and then."

"Cain also stations his headquarters here, so...there's a reason why it's open to accepting so-called mutants."

"Well, that's why we're here to stop it."