Chapter 344: Ghosts

Perseus POV

"Oh, you're back early," Ruka said as I arrived, "Where's the therapist?"

"She's putting in her notice and got her family members to do it on their jobs as well as well, I also got a doctor friend of hers in there just in case they need help."

Her family members are heavily involved with that organization, her parents worked there and recommended her into the organization, I'll be honest, I'm very reluctant about her parents since their past is similar to the researchers that worked on me, but I'll just do this for the person who gave me some sense of companionship in my first life.

"Won't you need to save that doctor's family as well? Since I doubt they would want to be safe alone."

"Of course I did, anyway we're attacking the extinction class soon, so have your fun while you can, you guys are to start the attack while I make contact with Meira, after that...I'm announcing my presence to the corporation, we have to do this early since Cain is distrustful of others right now."

"I'm supposed to go with you, right?"

"Yep, with this ring, we'll be better together anyway. And we also need to infiltrate the lower floors after we eliminate a good number of their bases. You've been there before, and you're the calmest compared to the others, you'll easily blend in with my disguise and the identity that Dawn worked on."


3rd Person POV

As Meira entered her house after finishing her job and grocery shopping early, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. The lights were dimmed, casting eerie shadows on the walls, and an uncanny stillness hung in the air.

She had returned home early from work, hoping to catch up on her favorite TV show and unwind. But it seemed like her house had a different plan in mind.

"Ummm~" She let out a contented sigh as she stretched her limbs, then gracefully sank into her couch.

Her eyes then caught a glimpse of movement in her peripheral vision. Her heart skipped a beat, and she froze. She turned to her side and saw a slight shadowy figure with a silverish glint, she didn't have time to make it out as she jumped and took out a gun in the nearby cabinet.

"Wow, violent woman. Does everyone in this country have guns?" A woman's voice asked

"Yeah, rights to bear arms and all that, and in this particular state, you'll probably find shotguns and rifles as well." a familiar male voice replied

"Then why the hell does my mom live in this state?!"

"You should go to the state of Florida, no, maybe Michigan. Texas seems calm in comparison."

"Who are you?!" Meira demanded as she pointed her gun and backed away, "I'll shoot."

"No wonder your therapist is a doctor, she's smart enough to not live here." the woman's voice replied as Meira got her phone out with her left hand and used that same hand to turn on the lights.

Only for her to see a familiar white-haired person and a beautiful blue-haired woman sitting on her couch, and they were both eating an energy bar.

"Luke?" Meira gasped and dropped her phone.

"Ooooh, I'm a ghost haunting your house," Perseus replied "I returned from the dead to haunt you forever!"

"Luke, please, I can't handle this right now. I'm begging you, don't haunt me. I promise I'll do anything, just don't haunt me!" Meira's face turned pale, and she clasped her hands together, "Go to that stupid goddess! Haunt her instead."

"Whoa, Meira, calm down! I'm not dead, I'm right here!"

"Meira, seriously, I know that this may be hard to believe, but I'm not a ghost. Look, I can touch stuff!" He picked up a nearby cushion and waved it around.

"But... you died. I saw the news. They said there was an accident." Meira's eyes darted between Perseus and the cushion, "Please, just take your new ghost girlfriend and go away."

He then approached her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Ah, a zombie!" she screamed, "I knew that the stupid medicine company was still sketchy. Please don't eat my brains, I have so much to live for, I haven't even gone skydiving yet."

"You have weird taste in women." the blue-haired woman commented.

"Oh, Meira, this is my...Ruka, I don't know what to call her yet." he introduced his companion, "Yeah, I might need to use my powers and forcefully sit you and calm you down."

"You should have done that earlier." Ruka chided

"It was funnier this way, our infiltration mission is gonna be a terrible experience, so I'm gonna have some early fun."

"Kidnapping her would have been fun."


Leilah POV

Seeing this world outside of dreams is a weird experience. As I walk, I can't help but notice the air itself. It's charged with magic, a tangible force that tingles against my skin. Colors seem brighter, and more vivid, as if someone turned up the saturation on reality.

The evening sky above is a swirling canvas of blues, purples, and pinks all mingling together in a breathtaking tapestry. Is this what it's like to live in a world where imagination isn't confined to the pages of books?

But there's a sense of danger lurking beneath the surface of this wondrous reality. Shadows seem to stretch a little too far, and the corners of alleyways hold secrets darker than mere night.

Though I can't worry about that, I'm in charge of going to talk with my father and make contact with gods who may have information on the powers of what the 7 gods are capable of.

I already made contact with Dad and we are to have a more civilized conversation, I also brought the fox along since a third opinion may help get more information. We arrived at this diner where he was sitting by the window, waiting for me.

"Hello Leilah, it's been a while." he greeted

"Have you ordered ahead?"

"Yes, a lot of food for both you and Buddy."