Chapter 380: Jonathan (3)

Dawn POV

As we got out of our makeshift forge in the bunker, I saw Perseus testing his sword out in the testing area, Buddy and Ruka were there with him. It was normal as I could see him being extremely excited by the power of the sword.

But what happened next was interesting, to say the least.

"Wanna make a bet?" Ruka suggested

"What kind?" Perseus asked

"We both are attracted to each other, so let's just cut to the chase, if you ask me out first, you'll have to break up with the others and be solely mine." Ruka answered, "Maple can be concubine, I guess, but if I asked you out first, I'll join the others."

"That's it?"

"That's it, I'm too tired of waiting."

"What about your list of guys you wanted to check out first?"

"Do you want to make the bet or not?"

"I got a lot more to lose compared to you." Perseus argued, "For you, either way, you'll get me, might want to add something if I win."

I'd always known that their friendship was something special, but lately, I'd noticed a subtle shift in their dynamic. It was as though an unspoken tension lingered between them, waiting for the right moment to burst forth. Those sideways glances weren't for nothing after all.


Perseus POV

A lot of Dawn's subordinate was sad to hear that Dawn would leave this world after stopping Cain, she asked them if they would follow her and live on the other side, but some of them decided to continue their lives here, they rather not change anything since they already live successful lives.

A few wanted to, they lived their lives with the ability to use magic, and hiding it from the world seemed to be too much of a burden, the world already treated people like me as monsters, what about them? 

They felt isolated, and they wouldn't mind going to the other side and living with people who they could find others who were like them and relate to. So we're gonna bring them back with us.

We're all now gearing up and headed to fight God, I know, fight God, such a scary statement, we know that we'll win,'s sort of a goodbye at this point, we'll leave right after defeating him, and I wouldn't know how this world would really turn out.

I went to the other bunker and greeted Meira and Ms. Perez for one last time, saying that I'll be leaving right after this and they're free to get back to their lives, the world will be chaotic for a while, but it's going back to normal soon.

I'm gonna disappear from this world, and have no plans on staying.

"Wait, so God is real? Wow." Ms. Perez gasped

"I told you before, he's real!"

"Well, I thought you were lying."

"I've shown you magic, and this woman right here was possessed by a goddess!"

"I'm a woman of science, I can have doubt."

"Are you actually planning to marry Dawn and her daughters?"  Meira asked

"Well, if our relationship goes well, then yeah, sure."

"Dr. Perez, can you influence him not to?"

"I can make him doubt it." Ms. Perez answered

"I'm here to just say goodbye because even if I ever come back, I'm not gonna disturb you..."


We got to heaven, and it was within the clouds, just sort of within another different realm. We were walking on solid clouds and some structures were very white and bright, kinda of hard to stare at. The buildings were grand, constructed from shimmering materials that glowed with a soft, iridescent light. They stretched high into the sky, their spires disappearing into another set of clouds.

The inhabitants were preparing for a battle of cosmic proportions. Angels clad in bright armor were sharpening their swords and their wings unfurled and ready for flight. 

Dawn pointed me toward one of the angels fighting in God's defense, Gabriel. An angel about 184 cm tall, slightly long light brown curly hair, and blue eyes. he was pretty good looking as well.

"That's our replacement."  Dawn said, "Only with him will nothing go down in Chaos, it would have been Michael...but well, you know where he went."

Gabriel isn't that strong though. Sure, he's kind-hearted, gentle, and empathetic, but were those qualities enough to rule the universe?

However, I can see it, he is a celestial being of immeasurable power and wisdom. He had been chosen because of his unique blend of qualities, a blend that could bring balance and harmony.

He was leading the 8000 angels and I can see that from the eyes of those angels, they trusted him completely. They ignored us and geared up and prepared for an invasion. Gabriel came to us briefly and wished us well in our attempts to steal the machine from God, and he would fend off Cain's army.

2000 angels and 1 God, how bad can it go?


So we went to God's section of heaven and we saw 2000 angels in front of it. A loud voice then came from behind the gates.

"I knew that you would come after me someday." God said

"Did our spy snitch on us?" I shouted

"...Yes, he snitched."

"Damn it, I even sent him a birthday gift."  Dawn cursed

"God has absolute control over his direct creations, no matter how loyal he was to his words, he was more loyal to God, idiots." One angel chimed in, "Now, you have one last chance to turn back, if you go now and let fate run its course, you will be spared."

"We're trying to save your boss!"

"And my  boss doesn't need your help."

Okay, their weapons and shiny armor look more intimidating now as their glare intensifies. I got my sword out and the angels now looked intimidated as they could sense its powers. I firmly wrapped my fingers around the sword's hilt, and an electric thrill raced up my arm.

The weapon felt alive, buzzing with power,  it gave off the heat of the sun and crackled like lightning.

I charged in and swung the sword in a wide arc, and as it cut through the air, a blinding burst of light exploded from its tip. It was as if the very essence of the sun and the fury of lightning had converged in that single, electrifying strike.

"Bring me THANOS!"