Chapter 381: Intervention

Perseus POV

With the electrifying Jonathan in my grasp, I took a leap of faith into the midst of the angelic army. The energy coursing through me was like a roaring tempest of sunfire and lightning.

The blade sliced through the angels, sending sparks of divine light in every direction. Their battle cries filled the air, one angel lunged at me with blinding speed, his blade glowing with celestial energy.

I parried his strike with a swift upward motion of my sword, the clash of our weapons creating a dazzling burst of sparks as I split his blade in 2. With a quick spin to dodge a blast of magic, I countered and charged forward, the sword crackling with lightning, and unleashed a wide slash.

The angel didn't even stand a chance as one cut was all it took to take him down. As I swung the sword, bolts of lightning arced from its blade, striking the angels with explosive force. With each strike, they were sent tumbling through the battlefield, they never stood a chance, this sword was just too powerful.

They attempted to close in since they had numbers and durability, but the sword's power surged through me, granting me both strength and agility beyond measure. I spun with a whirlwind of electrified strikes, creating a storm of explosive destruction that none could withstand.

For some reason, their bodies got brighter and stronger, God seemed to be blessing them from behind the scenes, and some who were brought down earlier were brought back up again.

I didn't allow the goddesses to join in as their strength is needed to handle God and charge mana for the array to teleport back. Leilah seemed great as she overpowered every angel in the area, though her rose pollen only slowed and poisoned them slightly. Ruka was doing a bit worse as she was a bit overwhelmed, though she got back on her feet pretty easily.

Since she can't overwhelm them with power, she uses her speed and nimbleness to get around. Buddy was the same way, though his large-scale spells are more devastating than ever, it'll be hard to not get caught up in it, even if the range isn't that wide, the power behind it was definitely way more powerful than an atomic bomb.

One of the stronger angels came and swung his massive blade at my sides, I used my speed to dodge it and jump on the blade to get high up in the air before bringing down my blade that burning super hot and crackling with lightning like there's no tomorrow.

The moment my blade made contact with his helmet, it was over. The angel didn't even stand a chance as the power of my power ripped him into a million pieces.

Haha, with this, I can fight both the demon lord and the heroes at the same time, my offensive power is going crazy just by wielding it, can't imagine the power output once I get into Satan form.

It is super tiring though, I need a lot of stamina just to sustain this thing, so even though I can overpower a lot of things right now, if it's a drawn-out fight, I'll lose, easily. Lucifer's ability is already depleting my stamina as is, with this...I will need a lot of sleep and high-caloric food after this.

Still, it's a price worth paying, this sword, even though the lightning power takes dominance over the rest of the power imbued into it...After all, it was made with the same weapon that can repel the giants, who else can even stop me?

My sword sliced through their ranks like a hot knife through butter. Angels tried to cast spells at me, but it was almost comical how easily the sword swatted away their spells. I couldn't help but smirk as I fought on, this was amazing. Just holding the sword made me feel invincible like nothing could stand in my way. It was exhilarating.

"Come at me losers, I'm about to get myself a time-traveling machine!"



As I watched my loyal angelic army being torn apart by the relentless might of Perseus, a chill of realization ran down my spine. It was a grim scene.

It was a bitter truth to accept, but it was undeniable that he truly was the calamity. If I didn't intervene, if I didn't put an end to his rampage, the very fabric of our world would unravel. I had to stop him, no matter the cost, for the sake of all that remained sacred in this realm.

Each life lost was like a dagger to my divine heart, a reminder of the trust and faith they had placed in me. They had followed my command and fought valiantly against the darkness and calamity itself, and now, they were paying the ultimate price for their loyalty.

As the unstoppable power of Perseus and his group raged on, I couldn't help but reflect on the bonds I had forged with these celestial beings, my own creation, and children. Their unwavering dedication had been the foundation of my rule, and now that foundation was crumbling.

The weight of my responsibility bore down on me. I had led them into this conflict, believing that they were enough to be able to handle them, the supposed harbinger of calamity. Instead, my actions had led to their demise, a demise that was brought without a chance to even struggle, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had failed them.

The realization that my arrogance had cost them their lives filled me with a deep and bitter sadness. I knew that I had to confront them sooner or later, not only to save the realm but also to honor the memory of my fallen warriors.

Their sacrifice would not be in vain, and I would do whatever it took to stop the calamity that had befallen us. I will interfere and end this fight myself, I will end this calamity, and I will bring peace to all worlds.