Chapter 384: Intervention (4)


After several hours of suffering, I was brought into a room of isolation with a glass mirror on one side, I then used my power to break out of all that, only to be on the side of this grassy field, and this time, in my own body, though it's transparent and see-through.

I walked up the hill to hear and see 2 people under a tree. One was a black-haired woman, Leilah, I presumed, and a much older Loki sleeping on her lap and enjoying the windy scenery, it looked very sweet.

I stood a little ways away, leaning back on my elbows and watching them from a distance as they enjoyed the windy, grassy field. They seemed so lost in their world, the wind playing with their hair, their voices soft as they talked about the scenery.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I observed them. They looked so peaceful together, so in sync. Moments like these made me believe in the beauty of love and the magic it could create.

"Can I ask you something?" Leilah asked

"Go ahead." Loki replied

"If I say that we could someday physically be together, would you want it?"

"If you can make it happen, sure, this world hasn't treated me well."

"I know, that's why I asked. What if I can bring you to a world where we can be together? Will you want to do it?"


"How's your therapy recently?"

"Ms. Perez suggested that you were some sort of my imagination."

"Oh, did she now? Well, it's an interesting theory, isn't it?"

"I don't know what to make of it. She said that growing up without love might have led me to create a manifestation of it."

"I see. So, do you think I'm just a figment of your imagination?" she asked with an annoyed tone, but she still kept her smile and continued to play with his hair.

"I'd wish you were, you were the only one who kept me somewhat sane."

"I understand why you're hesitant, but I assure you, I am real."

"It's just...It's hard to believe. I mean, how can I trust what I see and feel in this dream?"

"I know it's difficult, but you have to trust yourself, trust your heart. I'm here to help you, to guide you through your journey."

"But why me specifically then? Why would you, a spirit, the manifestation of death, choose to help me?"

"Because you deserve love and healing, just like anyone else. Your past may have left you with doubts, but that doesn't make your feelings any less real. You've had friends before, they gave you care, and I'm doing the same."

"I want to believe you. I really do. It's just's all so surreal."

"Surreal doesn't mean it's not real. Sometimes, reality can be stranger than dreams. And sometimes, dreams can reveal the deepest truths, we are just fated to be with each other."

"Then why was I experimented on? Was that my fate too?"

"I can't explain the past or the choices others have made, but I do believe that your fate is in your hands now. Those experiments may have damaged you, but they don't define you. You have the power to shape your own destiny, with or without the past."


The scene then shifted again and this time, it was a courtroom, I was there for hours watching Loki, he sat stoically, and his eyes were devoid of emotion, as he witnessed the proceedings unfold before him. It was a day that had been long in coming, a day when those responsible for his years of suffering would finally face judgment.

But as the trial progressed, a cold realization settled over him. One by one, the individuals who had played a role in his torment were either acquitted or had the blame shifted onto convenient fall guys.

He watched with a sense of numbness as lawyers cleverly manipulated the truth, witnesses conveniently forgot crucial details, and evidence was brushed aside or used to pin it on someone else.

The faces of his tormentors remained unscathed, their expressions smug and self-assured. They walked away with impunity, their actions justified or conveniently forgotten by a system that had failed him. Some faked their sadness and pity to show some empathy...but...I didn't need to be a god to tell...they weren't truly sorry.

With each evasion of accountability, after many cases, his anger intensified. It was a seething, all-consuming fury that pulsed through his veins, like a storm gathering strength. His hands clenched into fists, his jaw tightened, and his eyes, though soulless, burned with a cold rage.

The researchers had taken everything from him, and now, they were getting away with it. His anger wasn't just directed at those in the courtroom but at the system itself, a system that had failed to deliver the justice he had yearned for. It was a system that allowed the guilty to go unpunished, while he had been left to bear the scars of their cruelty.

As he left the courtroom, the anger burned brighter, a relentless fire that threatened to consume him. He knew that he couldn't rest until he had found a way to make those responsible pay for their sins, to extract the vengeance he so desperately craved.

However, he couldn't do anything, he was powerless, that realization...It was a sadness born from the injustice he had witnessed, from the knowledge that the world could be a cruel and unforgiving place.

Tears welled up in his eyes, an expression of pain and frustration that he couldn't articulate. He had been robbed of his chance for closure, for retribution, and that knowledge pierced his heart like a thousand needles.

I watched him cry, watched from a distance, drawn by the rawness of his emotion. There was a story behind those tears, a pain that ran deep.

I continued to observe, a silent witness to the complex emotions that played out before me. In a world marked by chaos and cruelty, there were moments when humanity's vulnerabilities shone through, reminding me that even in the darkest of times, empathy and understanding could still find a place. 

What could I have done?