Chapter 385: Intervention (5)


Have I been blind for so long? I thought, my consciousness grappling with a doubt that had never plagued me before. How could I have allowed these injustices to persist for millennia?

As I observed the chaos and suffering in the mortal realm, the weight of my own judgments bore down on me. For countless ages, I had believed in the righteousness of my decisions, confident that I knew what was best for the world and its inhabitants.

But now, as the consequences of my actions played out before me, doubt gnawed at my essence. I had intervened, I had guided, and I had decreed, all in the name of what I thought was a better world. Yet, the world seemed more fractured and divided than ever.

Perhaps I was too distant.

But now, as I witnessed the turmoil and suffering that had persisted for generations, I couldn't help but question the wisdom of my distance.

I had been an observer, a distant presence that occasionally intervened in the affairs of mortals. My divine wisdom and power were unquestioned, and mortals had revered me as a deity who was a manifestation of perfection.

But in my isolation, I had failed to fully grasp the intricacies of mortal existence, the complexities of their struggles and aspirations. I had been too quick to impose my will, too distant to truly understand the needs and desires of those I had sworn to protect.

As I contemplated the consequences of my actions, I knew that a fundamental change was needed. I needed to bridge the gap between the divine and the mortal, to listen more and dictate less, to embrace the imperfections and nuances of the human experience if I wanted to keep this title...

But is that who I am? I am a god. Changes were definitely necessary, but my pride, my authority, and status...It is the mortals who have strayed from the path of righteousness, their sins have led to their own suffering. I have offered guidance, but they have chosen to disregard it.

And after that, I abruptly woke up from the dream, and in front of me, was Curly who now possessed the time gauntlet within his hands, he pushed Perseus and used his limited powers to keep the others away, he tried to escape, but the blade pierced through his chest from behind.

"Thank goodness that you came here yourself." Perseus grinned, "I wanted to kill ya from day one."

"Fuck! I tried." Curly retorted as he bled out

"Now, give me that." Perseus took the machine and signaled the retreat.


Perseus POV

That motherfucker appeared out of nowhere with Wrath and Lust by his side, Lilith kept them occupied with Dawn and we now got it back and quickly make our retreat. God's going to live, but I made him doubt his existence and his prior decisions a bit.

I even lowered his guard a bit to deal good damage with my time in court. I also whispered some suggestions for him to go save Gabriel, so we'll have our replacement live at least, and when he invades in a couple of months with Cain. An enemy of an enemy is a friend, and I am their common goal.

The treaty was supposed to be signed within 2 months too...Man, I wish I could watch, but...maybe I'll come back for a week just to see the signing or something. For now, we need to go home and prepare to kill the scientists who possess the knowledge to copy abilities or at least have access to it, it wasn't 2 days as promised, but 1 day was all we could get.

Curly was stronger than before, and I saw God healing him and reviving him, it's not good.

But we got to the bunker and Anna said that she had done it already and got people to handle it on our behalf, so we could head straight home, and since she was coming with us, she apparently was expecting a reward.

"No, I told you-"

"1 date should be enough, let's go!" Maple cut me off

"What the fuck?!"

We got to the pre-setup teleportation array, and with the goddesses there, it was quick.

"Y'all ain't gonna say goodbye to Jerah? I know you already gave one, but We got a good 30 minutes for you to have another proper one."

"We already did,"  Lilith replied, "We just never told you."

"Alright. Let's go then."


3rd Person POV

On a battlefield that is a desert where humans are clashing with demons, the once golden sands had turned a deep, foreboding crimson from the blood spilled on both sides.

Lives were claimed with brutal and unforgiving finality. Bodies lay scattered across the sands, both human and demon alike. The harsh environment showed no mercy, claiming fallen soldiers to its scorching embrace. Some were reduced to lifeless husks, their vitality sapped by magic, while others were taken by mortal wounds inflicted by sword, spear, or other weapons.

Amidst the tragedy, moments of valor and defiance emerged. Heroes on both sides rose from the chaos. They stood as beacons of hope, rallying their comrades to fight on. Swords clashed, and magic surged as the battle continued, driven by a relentless determination to shape the destiny of this desolate desert battlefield.

The battle didn't look like it was going to end any time soon.

As the battle in the desert raged on, a sudden shift in the atmosphere heralded a profound change. Dark, ominous clouds gathered above, casting a foreboding shadow over the battlefield. The once-blazing sun was obscured, plunging the scorched landscape into an eerie twilight.

Though there were similar spells before, this was different...the power and energy behind it were stronger and more ominous. A deafening rumble of thunder rolled across the dunes, shaking the very earth beneath. Lightning danced within the clouds, an electrifying display of power that seemed to crackle with raw energy. 

And then, as if summoned by the very forces of nature themselves, a figure descended from the heavens. Cloaked in swirling winds and surrounded by an aura of crackling lightning, a large group of people plummeted from the darkened sky. They struck the desert floor with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the sand.

The battlefield fell silent for a heartbeat, as both humans and demons turned their attention to this arrival. The winds howled, and the lightning continued to arc and dance around the group.

"Oh crap, we got dropped in a battlefield with demons...and humans?" Ruka said in a questioning tone

"Did the war start already?" Perseus added and then quickly turned to Lilith and Maple, "You guys should have heard the prayers, why didn't you tell us?!"

"We have a rule against that, but now that you know, the 2 sides have declared war."  Lilith answered

"I'm so gonna let you hear this later, but let's head home first and hear the reports."