Perseus POV
I really didn't say a lot, and yet this is so heated, I sat there for a good fucking hour and It just went on and on, like I remember a guy drawing out a knife and having to be escorted out, the division was always here, and when Russo took power, despite his official status not being the highest, he got backings that made him a leader, only increasing the gap of division further.
I wasn't even needed, but I did speed up the process, all I gotta do now is instill the thoughts of assassinating him in the heads of these leaders, they'll then form some sort of coalition and do this Ceasar style.
After that meeting, I went around and talked with everyone and asked for their opinions, and with my ability, everything I said seeped into their heads and they wouldn't even notice that their murderous tendencies were increasing.
After my job was done, to ignite the fire even further, I went to the houses of Russo's most vocal and avid opposers to assassinate some of their soldiers and sabotage their food supplies some more, I put in a lot of laxatives, their toilet business is going to boom.
Lilith POV
I went to check with the demons and let's just say that my people are fairing pretty well, the war was always inevitable, and they are a bit relieved that it's finally starting and their fate is determined right after this.
I did try to convince some to stay away from the war, but I only did it to the people who were very weak and were going to die uselessly in the war, the rest...well, I'm not going to stop them, I'm only an observer.
I came back home to see the incident of Perseus' soul being gone thing and all the other chaos, and he then got up and went to get another woman, like does he not know when to slow down, he has 2 moms and 5 girls in his harem, that's 7, 8 if you include his grandmother his household already too many women.
Funnily enough, I somewhat like Rosa, her attitude resembles more of a younger me, but at the same time, I'm never going to say that to anyone, they'll laugh at me. Perseus went out to go to Tehios and as soon as he got back, he went to my mother to get spoiled...this guy's life revolved too much around women.
I went to the living room to watch the newly installed TV that we brought over from the other side, in the room, there were only Vince and Rosa, I joined them as they were watching this movie about some ship sinking or whatever.
"Hello." Rosa greeted
"Uh...hi...So, um, nice weather we're having, huh?"
"Yes, it's, um, quite pleasant."
"Conversation of the year." Vince snickered
"You may not be blood-related, but that trait of yours is awfully similar. Annoying."
"What trait are you talking about?" he pretended to put on an innocent face, "Why would this little brother of yours do anything to annoy you?"
"There it is...Rosa...or would you prefer Rosalina?"
"Rosa, please." she answered, "I like my nickname more."
"Huh, that's different from Perseus, he may not necessarily like the name Perseus, but he hates being called Percy even more."
"Why don't you call him Ellis?" she asked
"Oh we do, it's hilarious." Vince chimed in, "It's the only thing that can get him flustered after everything else we've tried."
"Yeah, I remembered how flustered he was during our first time, but now, nothing fazed him anymore."
"That's an inappropriate topic to talk about in front of me, don't you think?" Vince responded
Knowing that he's much older mentally, I really want to slap him a bit, the brothers both like to tease me for some reason, and I'm not even the easiest to tease.
Perseus POV
Those guys downstairs are talking too loudly, I'm in the house too. Besides, who the hell even likes to be called by their middle name...Ellis...ugh...that feels weird just saying it. I'll probably name one of my future sons Ellis so that whenever they call that name, it'll be referred to my son instead.
3rd Person POV
Perseus' strength has always continued to spread like wildfire, sparking fear and apprehension among those who had once been oblivious to his existence. The world beyond the village was united by a collective sense of dread.
They knew they had to take action, for the unchecked power within the young hero could no longer be tolerated. Despite being on different sides, they've all come to the same thought, and it was to come and launch an attack on the village, hoping to curb the menace before it consumed them all.
Alban and Roxa rejected the proposal since they knew that their goddess was with Perseus, but they couldn't reveal that specific reason as their goddess specifically asked them not to reveal her existence.
So Kano was sent as the leader of this specific mission, Roxa warned him to stay away, but he refused. His battle-hardened reputation was known far and wide, and the demons believed he was their best chance to subdue our protagonist.
Kano's reputation was that he was a towering, fearsome creature with eyes that gleamed with malevolence, a being whose very presence sent shivers down the spines of his underlings.
However, this reputation would be used against them, as Perseus was going to make them regret ever sending just one general to attack the village.
"This is bad, he's walking into his deathbed." Roxa commented about the situation, "Perseus defeated Phineas easily, what the hell can Kano do?"
"You can't question your lord's orders, and you can't stop Kano's stubbornness either." Violet sighed, "He's Lachlan's right-hand man, if he wins, it'll work in our favor, but it won' felt it, didn't you?"
"I did, the guy got his hand on some powerful weapon." Roxa nodded, "Let's just focus on defending the yellow rose's Kraken's attack for now, it's the most annoying army."