Chapter 404: My Problem (4)

Perseus POV

"Perseus! Perseus!" Maple called me and furiously shook me awake

"Hmm? Did someone attack?"

"No, I'm...well, they're going to launch an attack." she reported, "I convinced Mark to stay away, but a group of people are being dispatched here, and one of my followers even said that a demon general is also attacking you."

"When is all this happening?"

"4 days." she answered, "That's not a lot of time, Ruka is already helping with the teleportation of everyone who can't fight."

"Hmm...well, this is faster than I thought, I barely used the time gauntlet and they're already starting this'll be better if we just all go into hiding and wait for the cleanup since no one can find our bunker."

"Your village is defending the tree."

"I know."

I then turned to my side and woke Dawn and Leilah up, I asked Leilah about the traps around the village and she said that everything was ready, I then asked Dawn to keep an eye on any possible signs of otherworldly invasions and keep her eyes on Isfrid when there's none of that.

"Did...the both of them actually agree to do with you last night?" Maple asked while adverting her eyes a bit

"I got pants on, don't worry, and yeah, they were in the should be awkward a bit later on, but for now, let's deal with our emergency."


As I stood there, gazing out over the peaceful landscape of my village, I could see that my parents couldn't shake the impending sense of dread that had settled in the pit of their stomachs. After all, their son is already being sent out to war. Of course, our village's culture and tradition were supposed them to be supportive, being a parent always came first.

I then called and told Grandpa Laker, who reported it to the chief before rushing home.

He came in the morning and helped with our family's evacuation and apparently, it's just been revealed that Grandpa Wager and Grandma Lynda are volunteering to stay behind and help out with the kitchen staff while they have strength. I tried convincing them to leave, but it is what it is.

"Rosa, go with them." I ordered

"Why?" she asked, "I can fight."

"You can, but you shouldn't this isn't your fight, just protect the family while I'm gone, I'll go pick ya all up after this is all over. I'll check in every once in a while."

"But this is war, the village is strong, but you lack numbers! This sense of pride is going to kill you, you need every person that can fight."

"I'm sending you away in case the terrible were to happen, but don't worry, unlike your world, I'll make sure that nothing like that would happen...have you ever heard the story of the first Perseus?"

"I have, you told me all the time." she replied, "He's a hero who had a happy ending."

"Exactly, I'll make sure to live up to my namesake."

The announcement had come, and now the countdown had begun. Our village would be under attack in four days, and I could almost taste the tension in the air.

Everyone's reaction was as expected, even though the news itself was shocking we had always known that our village was not immune to the troubles that plagued the world beyond. But now, the threat was real, and it was closing in fast, many were nervous, but that mostly came from the younger fighters, whose ages ranged from 14 to 16.

I'm a bit more prepared only because of my mental age, but I have no time to be nervous, I'm the cause of this attack, but even without me here, this village was always a target.

The first trap I set was a simple pitfall covered with a layer of leaves and branches. I knew that our attackers would be moving swiftly, and they might not see the hidden pit until it was too late. Once they stumbled into it, they would be momentarily incapacitated, giving us a precious advantage.

But...they'll spot that easily, they're all trained soldiers, and that's what we want. leilah placed some smoke and mist bombs nearby that contained dust made from the black rose petals, Leilah can activate them at any time, so they will have to go over the trap that are filled with cannibalistic animals that would jump up the moment they tried to go over it.

Some sort of bloodthirsty beaver or something was placed down there with a lot of food and water to sustain them, they're resupplied every 2 weeks, on the constant verge of starvation and death will make them very deadly, the only way to not make them sense you are to go high up in the sky, but that'll give the village advantage instead, since we can just shoot em down.

We also had talismans that emitted blinding flashes of light when activated. These would serve as both a warning system and a means to disorient and blind any attackers, providing a crucial advantage to our defenders.

A few of them were made by those enchanters from the village of the golden sand, and now you may be wondering, aren't they the heroes' allies? Won't they make the talisman with a flaw where they can detect it themselves?

They will, but I've also set them up to explode on top of that, they'll find it, and it'll then set up a time, while they laugh it off and get a lot of people in one spot...boom.

We also concealed magical traps in the form of seemingly ordinary objects like a fallen sword or a lost amulet. When touched or picked up, they would release powerful elemental spells, such as pillars of flame or freezing blasts of water, depending on the element imbued within, all deadly.

"Perseus, wanna give the fighters a spirit-lifting speech?" the chief asked

"Isn't that your job?"

"Yes, but it'll be better from our next chief, my wonderful successor who's blessed by the gods."

"Yeah, I want to do it less now."

"Why not do it as my son?"
