Chapter 407: Aminu Vs Kano

3rd Person POV

"Well, well, aren't things a bit more destructive than expected?" Aminu commented as he looked at the destruction brought upon by Perseus.

The sea of flames, the craters Perseus left in just a few minutes...Aminu couldn't help but think that he had finally found a good successor, one who was already stronger than him...the countless battles, the sacrifices, the relentless training...had all led to this.

He had searched for someone worthy to carry on his legacy and found that person in his successor. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that his time as the chief was coming to an end.

Yet, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. His successor was not only strong but possessed a natural talent that surpassed his own. The chief had spent years honing his skills, but Perseus had a raw power that was already greater than anything he had achieved.

"Maybe he is a reincarnation of a hero, a hero that was born to save our village." he thought aloud

He then dashed toward the scene of destruction, his footsteps pounding against the earth and leaving cracks every time his feet made contact with the ground. As he ran, he entered the dense and treacherous forest, but, he had lived here all his life, he hunted these beasts for food and always came out on top, he was not scared in the slightest.

Emerging from the forest, he came upon the shipwrecked demons. The sight that greeted him was one of chaos and destruction. The demons, once powerful and fearsome, were now scattered and defeated. 

Amidst the wreckage, the chief spotted a figure, a formidable warrior, who stood tall and defiant. It was Kano, the demon lord's right-hand man. His eyes glinted with dense and pure mana, and he held a long blood red colored whip in his hand.

The chief and Kano locked eyes, a tension hanging in the air like a storm about to break. This was the moment they had both been preparing for, and it was clear that Kano was not going down without a fight. 

"You're a brave one to come here alone, old man. Your time has passed." Kano commented on his arrival

"Oh, I'm well aware of the passage of time, my friend. But there's always room for one more memorable battle, don't you think?" Aminu replied with a smirk, "My legacy always has room to grow."

"You find this amusing, chief? Your end is near."

"No, my end is not near, I will live till I see my daughter get married and my successor achieves my position."

"You speak as if you're already victorious."

"Victory often starts in the heart."

The battleground crackled with energy as Kano wielded his blood-red whip, the crimson tendrils snaking through the air with a sinister hiss. The chief stood ready, his spear held firmly in his hand, its metallic gleam contrasting the eerie red of Kano's weapon.

The others who were on the scene decided to take a step back and run to find safety because if these 2 were fighting with their full strength, trying to help or staying closeby would only result in death.

Kano lashed out with the whip, aiming to ensnare the chief. But the chief was quick on his feet, leaping to the air to evade the attack. He countered with a swift thrust of his spear, channeling his magic through it, and a burst of icy energy shot forth, encasing a section of the ground in frost.

Kano, undeterred, swung his whip again, creating a flurry of red lashes that sought to entangle his opponent. The chief twirled his spear in response, creating a protective barrier of swirling wind. The whip strikes were deflected, leaving the chief unscathed.

The chief conjured a gust of wind that dissipated the fiery attack, and in the same breath, he charged forward, spear aimed at Kano's heart. Kano swiftly rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the lethal thrust. He retaliated with a flurry of whip lashes that came dangerously close to the chief.

Kano's blood-red whip lashed out relentlessly, and the chief's spear danced through the air with precision. As they met, magic crackled and sparked, causing eruptions of fire, gusts of wind, and bursts of ice. The sea of flames that surrounded them seemed to respond to their conflict, casting an eerie light on the battlefield.

Aminu's body then crackled with electricity as thunder rumbled, and lightning arced toward Kano. With a swift flick of his whip, Kano deflected the bolts, the air sizzling with electricity.

"So, the magic earlier wasn't by you." Kano confirmed

"Obviously not."

"You truly are no weaker than we thought you were, I would have not stood a chance if you were still in your prime."

Kano then conjured shadows that twisted and moved like serpents. The shadows moved to ensnare the chief, but he cut them down with a radiant slash of light, dispelling the dark serpents.

The chief and Kano clashed relentlessly, the battlefield their arena of fierce combat. The chief's spear sliced through the air, and Kano's blood-red whip struck with deadly precision. Magic erupted from their very beings, casting fiery bursts, frigid gusts, and thunderous shockwaves.

The chief thrust his spear, channeling earth magic beneath it, creating stone spikes that emerged from the ground. Kano countered by summoning a whirlwind of dark energy, obscuring his movements as he lunged forward. The chief's barrier of wind protected him, deflecting the oncoming attack.

Kano's whip coiled around the chief's spear, attempting to disarm him. The chief channeled fire magic, causing the whip to smolder and release its grip. He retaliated with a burst of flame, but Kano nimbly sidestepped the attack, his whip crackling as it sought to strike its target.

The chief then summoned a blizzard, sending shards of ice hurtling toward Kano and causing the area to become foggy and hard to see despite the visible frozen patches of ground, scorched earth, and a sea of flames.