Chapter 412: Distracting (4)

Perseus POV

Weeks went by, I took lessons under Lilith on how to make certain drinks and cocktails, I sucked at it as I don't drink, so I can't adjust how certain drinks taste, but eventually, all 5 gave me the pass, I also had Zach taught me a lot of information for a super high price, since he's being monitored.

The heroes are currently living in this town that is in the process of a lockdown, but the main reason is to just keep intruders out. It was clear that the shadows would betray me as Rowan helped implement some device to counter Leilah, and my magical abilities were useless under the watchful eyes of the detectors. I was on my own, relying solely on my wits.

The town's perimeter was fortified with powerful barriers, and guards patrolled every inch of its borders. Magic detectors, like invisible sentinels, scanned the surroundings day and night, ready to sound the alarm at the slightest hint of magical interference.

It's so safe that unfortunately, the town, in its quest to protect the heroes and maintain its lockdown, had inadvertently attracted a growing number of individuals seeking refuge. since it's war and in this time of war and turmoil, it has become arguably the safest place on the entire planet.

While the town's leadership had initially sought to limit access to maintain security, the tide of war had brought a surge of people hoping to find safety within its walls. Refugees, survivors, and those who had nowhere else to turn had flocked to the town, seeking shelter from the relentless slaughter.

This influx of outsiders had created a delicate balance between providing safety and maintaining secrecy. The heroes and town leaders faced an ongoing challenge in distinguishing between genuine refugees and potential threats.

The lockdown, originally intended to keep intruders out, had now evolved into a double-edged sword, as those seeking safety inadvertently threatened the very security it aimed to preserve.

Though a lot of the refugees were kicked out later on since they had to keep the secrecy, they still tried to sneak back in, a few were successful as they spent longer time than me studying these formations and getting in, the guards knew this and would now focus on guarding the infamous routes in, leaving certain gaps that I could take advantage of.

The heroes themselves had also contributed to the town's defenses, sharing their knowledge and magic from our previous world to create wards and safeguards that this world had never seen before. They're even starting to use the magic guns, heck our village is too, super useful and quick, mostly inspired by my use of them against my fight with Phineas.

As the moon hung low in the sky with a cold wind breezing by, I carefully surveyed the area, looking for the ideal moment to slip past the patrolling guards. There, by the far wall, I spotted a momentary gap in their patrol pattern. This was my chance. I took a deep breath and began to creep out of my hiding spot.

I moved like a quick ghost, avoiding the dry leaves and twigs that might give me away. The chill in the air seemed to intensify as I neared the wall. I reached out and touched it, feeling the rough texture of the stone beneath my fingers.

My heart raced just a tad bit as I used my light ability to quickly pull myself up and over the wall and turn it off as soon as I was about to land, landing softly on the other side. The guards saw a small flash of light and headed to the spot, but they went away, I heard them murmuring about some magic firefly.

The town was eerily quiet, the only sound the distant hoot of an owl. I stuck to the darkest corners, away from the faint pools of moonlight that dotted the streets. I could hear the soft murmur of guards in the distance, their voices carrying on the wind, but I was somewhat safe.

I continued to move cautiously, blending into the town as best I could. Every door, every window, was a potential threat, but also a potential opportunity. I had to remain unseen and undetected.

As I ventured deeper into the heart of the town, I could sense the presence of the heroes growing stronger. That means that I'm close to the inn where they hand out for relaxation. Carefully, I approached the inn and peered through the fogged windows, where I saw the lively environment and the bartender doing his thing.

Everyone in this inn is capable of defending themselves, even the bartender, but...that's not stopping me. I waited for him to end the night, which took hours, but the opportunity came when he took out the trash, where I used the flat side of my blade to knock him out.

His eyes widened in surprise, and it seemed that he tried to activate some device to alert the others while casting a spell at me, but I was quicker and hit him again, and he slumped forward, unconscious. I quickly grabbed him to prevent him from crashing to the floor, gently lowering him onto a nearby wall.

I used my illusion ability to make him look like a sack of potatoes and snuck in as the bartender, I went to his bedroom and put him in the closet, can't kill him yet, his corpse will start to smell.

I began to rummage through the belongings, searching for any evidence or documents that might provide clues about the heroes' weaknesses that I could blackmail with. Drawers were opened, and papers were examined, but the initial search yielded no significant information.

As I continued my investigation, my ears caught a peculiar sound coming from a nearby room. Pretty thin walls, huh. At first, I dismissed it as the usual noise one might expect in such cramped quarters. However, the sounds grew more distinct, and a sense of curiosity got the better of me.

I approached the door to the next room and listened more closely. What I heard was undeniable, the unmistakable sounds of intimacy. I was supposed to be in the very heart of the enemy's stronghold, and the last thing I had anticipated was stumbling upon such a situation. 

This is one of the times when I wish I wasn't born with enhanced hearing, because, I can hear everything. As I was about to cast some sound barrier, I recognized the male's voice...Rolan...tho it also sounds like the woman's being beaten up as she's screaming in pain.

" demons are too energetic..." he said and I'm not going to repeat what he say next.

A hero and a demon...that's useful, but I'm gonna cast that barrier now. Too distracting since I actually gotta stay here.