Chapter 417: Blackmailed (5)

Rolan POV

In my final moments, as I gasp for breath and my vision blurs, there's a fleeting, bitter reflection on my actions. A brief glimpse of the pain I've caused to others, the suffering I've left in my wake, pierces through the fog of denial that has shrouded my conscience. I taste the bitterness of remorse, but it's too little, too late.

Denial clings to me like a lifeline, and I refuse to accept the full weight of my transgressions. The darkness of my past deeds remains hidden beneath layers of self-deception, a protective shield I've built to shield myself from the truth. The weight of guilt is too heavy, too painful to confront.

As the battle rages on, I continue to fight, clinging to the last vestiges of my dwindling strength. Every fiber of my being screams for release, for respite from this never-ending torment. Yet, I refuse to yield, to surrender to the inevitability of defeat.

I'll win, I'll prove that I wasn't in the wrong all of this time, I have to...if I die...I'll lose everything, I ate that goddamn apple, I've met with Phineas in secret, I no longer have a soul capable of reincarnating.

I need to live, I need to become immortal, I need to rule the world.

With each strike, each desperate swing of my weapon, I fight to the very end. The pain, both physical and emotional, serves as fuel for my determination. I won't let this adversary be the one to claim my final moments. I won't let them see me falter, won't let them witness my surrender.

In my heart, I know that my actions have left a trail of destruction, a legacy of suffering and pain. With a final, desperate cry, I press forward, determined to fight until the very end, to prove that even in the face of hopelessness, I won't go down without a fight.

"You seriously need just to give up." Perseus said, "Man, I've waited so long for this, I tried to spare you a lot, but I'm sure a loss of one hero, the weakest one at that won't impact everything too much."

He then stabbed me with his blade, the stupidly powerful sword of lightning.

As the sword with the power of lightning pierces through my chest, a searing jolt of agony courses through my being. My vision blurs and time seems to slow as I feel the electrifying surge of power coursing through my veins, threatening to obliterate my essence.

The blade's edge, imbued with the raw force of nature, sends shockwaves of pain and energy radiating from the point of impact. The world around me is bathed in a bluish-white brilliance as the lightning dances along the blade, a visceral representation of my impending demise.

Every nerve ending in my body screams with excruciating torment, and I can taste the acrid tang of ozone in the air. My heart now feels like it's on the brink of incineration, as the sword's power surges relentlessly through me.

In this final, agonizing moment, my vision is consumed by the blinding brilliance of the lightning, and my thoughts become fragmented and disjointed. I catch glimpses of my past, the darkness that led me down this path, and a bitter sense of regret claws at the edges of my consciousness.

As my life force drains away, I can sense the inexorable approach of oblivion. As the world around me dissolves into an endless void, I am consumed by the abyss of nothingness. There's a profound and eerie silence, a desolation that permeates every fiber of my being.

I descend into this dark, empty expanse, feeling weightless and detached as if I've been severed from reality itself.

The darkness envelops me, and I'm unable to see, hear, or feel anything. It's a disorienting and suffocating emptiness, where time loses its meaning, and I have no point of reference. I am adrift in this eternal obscurity, a mere specter, fading away into the void.

As I sink further into the abyss, my thoughts become fragmented and ethereal, like whispers in the wind. Memories, dreams, and regrets flash before me, like fading stars in a distant galaxy. I am a collection of fading fragments, lost to the cosmic vastness of this nothingness.

I am a, I was a hero...but my death was not greeted with the presence of the sun goddess and the moon god...Not even the goddess of the fall...she's supposed to be the death goddess, I've sacrificed so much...

There is no sense of time or place, and I have no sense of self. I am reduced to the barest essence of my existence, a fleeting consciousness in the vast sea of emptiness. It's a surreal and unsettling experience, like being caught in an eternal dream from which there is no awakening.

I reach out, but there is nothing to grasp, no solid ground, no tangible reality. The abyss swallows me whole, and I am left with a haunting sense of finality as if I am fading into the very fabric of the universe itself. In this abyss of nothingness, I am no more, and there is nothing left but the echoes of what once was.


Perseus POV

After that fight, I escaped to find the demon, whom I've teleported into the bartender's room, where she was now taken care of by Mark, Terrence seems to can't heal the demon due to his holy power coming from Isfrid, harming her instead.

I'm going to resume the identity of the bartender for a couple more days and leave the poison like I originally intended, but for now, I need to investigate this soul merchant guy, still can't believe that I've missed this.

"I'll bring her to a demon who can get her home, you 2...well, just gather any info on the soul merchant, but don't turn him in till I got my use of him, he deals with human slaves too."

"You'll stay as Greg only for a couple more days, so won't Greg be announced as missing then?" Terrence questioned, "It'll be easier to disappear now, you'll just be reported as a loss of the attack."

"nah, I need to do some stuff, I'll be sure to not get you 2 involved."