Chapter 416: Blackmailed (4)

Rolan POV

As I drift deeper into this haunting dream world, I find myself reliving the torment I've inflicted upon others. It's an endless cycle of pain, and I'm the helpless person, doomed to die over and over. The faces of those I've hurt, the ones I've scarred, they materialize before me, their eyes filled with a mix of anguish and accusation.

With each passing moment, my own anguish intensifies, the guilt and self-loathing growing exponentially. The world around me blurs, and I realize that I'm sinking deeper into this nightmarish realm, a purgatory of my own making. I'm trapped in a cycle of remorse, forced to confront my past actions, reliving the suffering I've caused, dying over and over in this inescapable dream.

The world around me constantly shifts and contorts, throwing me into bizarre and nightmarish scenarios. I experience death in many ways, each more excruciating than the last.

One moment, I'm plummeting from a great height, the ground rushing up to meet me, the inevitability of a gruesome impact looming in the air. I feel the gut-wrenching terror of the fall, the sharp anticipation of pain, and then... I die.

In the next instance, I'm engulfed by suffocating darkness, struggling to breathe as I gasp for air in a confined space. The crushing weight of claustrophobia consumes me, and my desperate attempts to escape are futile. My vision narrows, my chest tightens, and I'm overcome by the sensation of suffocation, until... I die.

Another time, I'm surrounded by flames, the searing heat consuming me, my skin blistering, and my lungs filling with acrid smoke. The agony is unbearable, and I scream in pain until... I die.

Sometimes, I'm subjected to a surreal and disorienting experience where I'm trapped in an ever-shifting maze of distorted dimensions. Reality warps and bends around me, and I lose all sense of direction, my mind unraveling in the disconcerting chaos until... I die.

In another disturbing scenario, I'm chased relentlessly through a dark forest by shadowy, malevolent figures. My heart races and my legs burn with exertion as I struggle to escape, but their relentless pursuit ends only when their claws finally tear into my flesh, and the world goes black... I die.

As I finally wake from the endless cycle of torment and suffering in my dream world, I find myself thrust into a new nightmare. My groggy consciousness is greeted by a chaotic scene, and I realize I'm in the midst of a fierce battle against a powerful opponent...Perseus...what a scary power...

"Damn, you broke out, huh?" he sounded disappointed as I looked around and saw us standing in a giant lightning cage.

My muscles ache, my body battered and bruised from the unrelenting agony of my recurring deaths. I scramble to my feet, trying to make sense of the chaotic battleground around me. My opponent is a formidable figure, shrouded in darkness, radiating an aura of malevolence and power. His every movement is precise and deadly and his presence is oppressive and makes it hard to breathe.

With no time to think or plan, I'm thrust into combat. My instincts take over as I dodge a flurry of strikes, barely managing to evade the devastating blows aimed at me. Adrenaline surges through my veins as I summon all the strength I can muster, determined to survive and confront my tormentor.

But as the battle rages on, it becomes increasingly clear that this adversary is unlike anything I've ever faced. Their attacks are relentless, and I can feel their malevolent intent burning into my soul. It's a fight for my very existence, and I was losing, me...a hero, losing to a demon?

It's the nth time that I fought this person, and I'm still losing. I've poured everything I have into this battle, but it's a one-sided contest, a relentless struggle against the same indomitable foe. With each encounter, my hope diminishes, and the weight of my repeated defeats crushes my spirit.

How? He's not even a full demon! A halfling, why must the laws of this world be like this?! I need to escape, Cain can help me, I'll have him, I'll have him watch me violate his women! I need to escape.

My comrades broke through the barrier and attacked him, but in a momentarily flash, they all fell.

"The black rose..." I realized

"Yep." he nodded, "Your hero buds will pass out at best, but the rest...well, they're dead."

Hopelessness floods my every fiber as I watch my other comrades muster their last ounce of strength to break through the barrier and join me in this one-sided battle. They charge forward with unwavering determination, weapons raised, and desperation etched across their faces. I want to warn them, to stop them, but it's too late.

In a momentary flash, it all crumbles. My allies, my friends, those who had stood by me in countless battles, fall like dominos. The air is filled with the sound of their screams and the agonizing clash of their weapons hitting the ground. My heart sinks, and the weight of their defeat bears down on me, threatening to break me.

My opponent, an unstoppable force, moves with a swiftness and precision that defy explanation. They strike with merciless intent, their attacks landing with devastating impact. The onslaught is brutal and unforgiving, and my comrades are left battered and broken, their spirits shattered.

I'm powerless, unable to intervene, my every instinct screaming at me to run to their aid. But I'm locked in my own life-and-death struggle, still reeling from my own repeated defeats. The sight of my fallen comrades is a brutal reminder of the futility of our efforts, and the hopelessness of our situation.

I'm left standing in the midst of this one-sided beatdown, overwhelmed by a sense of despair that threatens to consume me. The weight of our collective failure hangs heavy in the air, and I can't help but wonder if there's any way to break free from this never-ending cycle of defeat.

"You monster!"