Chapter 415: Blackmailed (3)

Perseus POV

As the searing lightning bolt struck, the eruption of energy was intense, a blinding flash of light that lit up the night. The bolt struck with a thunderous boom, and while it inflicted significant damage on the subordinates accompanying Rolan, it seemed to have barely affected the hero himself. His resilience and power were greater than I had anticipated.

Rolan, now furious, unleashed his own abilities. A clash of elemental forces ensued, with raw power crackling through the air as we locked in a fierce confrontation. The fucker really is much stronger due to the rest of the heroes being all nearby.

Our battle was an explosive exchange of spells, a duel that sent shockwaves rippling through the night. Fire and lightning erupted, ice and wind clashed, and the very earth quaked beneath the force of our conflict. The town's protective wards and security measures were no match for the explosive power of our battle.

It didn't take long for em to wake everyone up.

The town's inhabitants were stirred from their slumber by the commotion, and the alarm spread like wildfire. The guards, townsfolk, and even other heroes rushed to the scene, drawn by the intensity of our clash. Panic and chaos ensued as they attempted to assess the situation and contain the damage.

Rolan summoned searing flames that streaked across the night sky like fiery meteors. In response, I countered with raging torrents of water, seeking to extinguish the infernos that threatened to engulf the area. The opposing elements clashed, creating a frenzied whirlwind of steam and smoke.

Gusts of wind turned into cyclones, threatening to tear the very earth asunder, while jagged rocks, animated by my will, shot towards Rolan, who deflected them with walls of solid ice.

Bolts of lightning arced across the battlefield, illuminating the night with a vivid display of electrical power. They crackled and sizzled, leaving scorched marks in their wake as they danced through the air. The ground trembled under the fury of our attacks, the very earth bearing witness to the cataclysmic clash of forces.

The intensity of our battle was such that no one dared come close and interfere. The town's inhabitants watched from a distance, helpless spectators to a confrontation they could scarcely comprehend. The guards and other heroes, though compelled to protect their sanctuary, were paralyzed by the sheer magnitude of our powers.

The look of fear on everyone's faces...that's just what I like to see.

As the battle raged on, my senses heightened, and a sense of exhilaration coursed through me. The raw power I wielded, the powerful spells at my command...I'm enjoying the opportunity to show the enemies exactly who they were messing with.

The look of fear on the faces of those who had once seen themselves as invulnerable...I may not be the demon lord...I may not have abilities that were inherited through generations and centuries, but what I have is more than good enough to take the bastard in front of me down.

Man, it was a sight to behold. They thought they were untouchable, but now, they were staring at the consequences of their actions right in the face.

Rolan's arrogance began to wane as the ferocity of our clash took its toll. I could see doubt creeping into his eyes, and the realization that he was not invulnerable was etched all over and visible from his expression.

"Oh, I'm gonna make sure to end you today bud, so don't look so surprised just yet." I warned as I managed to grab him by the neck and I then used my demonic form to strengthen myself.

I was shrouded in an electrifying aura of darkness, I drew upon the power of the shadows and the electric energy that surged through me. My very presence exuded an otherworldly feel as my body was surrounded by crackling purple and black lightning.

With every strike, the lightning manifested as dark tendrils, like snakes of pure energy, lashing out at Rolan. They crackled with menacing intensity, coiling and striking with pinpoint precision. The darkness that surrounded me enhanced my powers, infusing them with an overwhelming strength.

I pressed the attack. The dark lightning crackled with malevolent energy as I unleashed it upon him. It lashed out like a relentless storm, causing Rolan to struggle to defend himself, but my power was relentless, and he had no escape.

Bolts of dark lightning danced through the air, they arced and coiled around Rolan, ensnaring him like a predator to its prey. His cries of pain and desperation filled the air, and the others tried to intervene, but I used my powers to scare them and keep them at bay.

With every strike, I left no room for him to counter or escape. The battle was a one-sided beatdown.

"This is what it feels like to be powerless! This is the game you were playing, like it, Rolan?"

Wait, I think I have another idea, better than killing him...I stared at him and used my powers, I'm going to make him wish for death instead. I then commanded him to look into my eyes and he did.


Rolan POV

I couldn't tear my gaze away from the figure before me, shrouded in the ominous aura of dark lightning. His eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that was both captivating and chilling. At that moment, I felt as if I had fallen into an abyss, a trance that held me captive.

The world around me dissolved, and I was plunged into a nightmare, a dream, or rather, a recurring nightmare that I had long suppressed. The visions of my past actions, and I was on the victim's side of things, all of it came rushing back, and I was forced to relive them.

I felt their pain, their fear, and the torment I had inflicted upon them. The consequences of my actions bore down on me with unrelenting force, and I suffered in a never-ending cycle of remorse and despair. It was as if the darkness within me had taken physical form, and I was powerless to escape its grasp.

n the trance, the world around me melted away, and there was only the darkness of my own making, a reflection of the cruelty and injustice I had perpetuated. My past sins and the agony I had caused had come back to haunt me, and I was left to suffer over and over again, a prisoner of my own conscience.