Chapter 440: Alban (4)

Perseus POV

Ok, talking normally and bringing up relevant topics isn't working, I'm gonna need to flatter them, lower their guard a bit, and make a run for it, I tried just waving my arms really quickly earlier, just to see if anyone can follow it, and it seems that Lachlan was serious, because his eyes saw it, it was very brief and slightly slower than me, but...his instincts and responses are quick.

"Oh, you know, the whole 'surround and intimidate' tactic. Very classic demon move! But hey, I can't help but notice your clothes there...impressive shoulders, must be a pain to find suits that fit, huh?

"So," I continued, trying to maintain a cheery tone, "how about we skip the whole impending doom part and chat over some... herbal tea? I've got this fantastic blend, that really calms the nerves."

"You stole them from our greenhouse." Alban accused

"Stole? Me? Oh, come on now, that's a bit harsh," I replied, trying to keep up the cheerful facade despite the totally false accusation. "I mean, sure, I might have borrowed a few... temporarily relocated some... herbs for a little research project. But stealing? That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?"

Lachlan's gaze narrowed, a silent threat simmering beneath their composed demeanor.

"Your denials are futile, halfling. The evidence is clear. You've trespassed and stolen from our domain." he chimed in as his eyes now turn to slits, "You've also killed my right-hand man, do you seriously think that I would let you go easily?"

"Okay, okay, you got me. Guilty as charged! But hey, let's not dwell on the past, right?... Please?"

"Can't we resolve this like civilized beings? I mean, I'm open to negotiations, maybe a community service deal, tidy up your demon gardens or something?"

"Negotiations? There will be no negotiations with a thief and a murderer. Your audacity knows no bounds."

Murderer? Do you not know who you are and who your companions are?"

"Right, about that... the thing with your right-hand man was a misunderstanding. I swear, it was an accident! Like, oops, my bad, didn't mean to hurl that fireball... or whatever it was."

"Enough!" he rudely shouted, "You have trespassed, stolen, and spilled demon blood. Your recklessness ends now."

As if in response, the air itself seemed to drop in temperature, the atmosphere thickening with an eerie energy. With a resolute nod from their master, the demon generals hesitated for a moment, exchanging a knowing glance before swiftly retreating.

A surge of otherworldly energy emanated from the Demon Lord, an aura that distorted the very fabric of reality. It rippled through the air, warping the air and causing a sense of disorientation. My resolve wavered for a short fleeting moment as the pressure of their immense presence bore down on me, a weight that made every breath feel like a struggle.

Colors seemed to dim and shadows stretched unnaturally, a testament to the raw power that radiated from the imposing figure before me. It was as if the world itself bowed in submission to the overwhelming dominance of the Demon Lord.

I gritted my teeth, struggling to maintain composure against the onslaught of their aura. The impact was visceral, a tangible force that stirred unease deep within. It was clear that facing the Demon Lord at full strength was an entirely different league, every fiber of my being urged me to flee, but I stood my ground, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

As my sword is taken out, it exudes a brilliance that rivals the sun itself, casting dazzling rays of light in all directions while it crackles with bright and powerful electricity. The blade hums with a beautiful resonance, its edge pulsating with a radiant energy that dances along with the powers of the black and blue rose.

The Demon Lord's initial assault was relentless, waves of dark energy surging toward me. With precise movements, I parried and deflected the onslaught, the radiance of my sword pushing back against the shadows so well that even Lachlan was surprised. The clash of forces created sparks of light that illuminated the area and blew them up.

His hands are clad in crackling energy, and conjured spells that lashed out with devastating force. Each spell was good enough to take out a town, and I had to fricking deflect them with my blade or cut them down, though the latter would result in the spells blowing up in my face.

As the battle unfolded, the surroundings got more destroyed by the moment. The castle started to break down from the forces of our attacks and I could hear the sound of crumbling stone and shattering debris every time our attacks clashed against each other, sending shards flying in all directions.

Lachlan's magic, a tempest of dark energy, distorted the very space around us, leaving traces of blackened, smoldering remnants in its wake. I ducked, weaved, and spun, my movements a calculated dance to evade the onslaught. Yet, despite my efforts, the surging magic threatened to engulf me, heck, I think his flames don't get naturally extinguished as well as they stuck to my clothes.

So I had to throw them away mid-fight and I had no time to put anything on as we continued to fight, I slowly tried to move away for my escape, but he used his max speed as well, and he was within about a 2 arms reach of me.

Reaching a relatively stable area with very little spatial disruption, I braced myself for teleportation. With a swift motion, I began to channel the energy required for the spell, focusing every ounce of concentration on the spell.

But in that fleeting moment, as the spatial distortion slowed me down a tad bit, Lachlan seized the opportunity. With a surge of dark power, he launched a devastating attack, aiming to halt my escape. Despite my efforts to defend, the force of his assault was too fast.

The spell landed with alarming accuracy, slicing through the air and connecting with my non-sword arm. Pain flared as the force caused my arm to be erased into non-existence. I managed to teleport away and landed back in the village.

I tried to heal my arm, but the seems to have something that lingered on my body to prevent me from healing it...fuck, that shit hurts.