Chapter 442: Proclamation

Phineas POV

The loss weighed heavily on me, but God reassured me everyday. The battles fought, the sacrifices made, all seemed in vain as defeat loomed like an ominous shadow. Each day felt like a struggle against an insurmountable tide, threatening to consume every ounce of hope I clung to.

How was Perseus so strong?! he so strong? It's unfair.

But in the depths of my despair, whispers of reassurance brushed against my spirit. God's voice, a soothing balm amidst the chaos, reminded me that the story wasn't over and that despite the current darkness, light awaited at the end of this turbulent journey.

Every day, His assurances wrapped around my weary heart like a comforting embrace. They weren't promises of an effortless victory, but rather a steadfast belief in resilience, in the strength that emerges from adversity. And then one day...

"Come forth to the hallowed ground where divine forces converge." he said, "Stand as the harbinger of celestial might. Help me defeat the evil and eliminate the calamity."

In that moment, my essence ignites with a power that transcends mere mortal comprehension. It's as though the very essence of Michael came alive and his will courses through my veins. My heart pounds with the rhythm of a war drum, a symphony of purpose and determination guiding each step.

|I don't know any other music instrument, war drums is easy to write in, so yeah.|

Perseus POV

The crack in the sky in here again, and this time, we're just going to take the fight here, the time gauntlet doesn't seem to glow or act weird, so all we had to do was to just separate ourselves from fighting and wait for the attack. We've all already set some traps for the oncoming army.

I'm also expecting the extinction classes to come, people from the other side have a weakness against the mana energy from this world, it's deadly to them, so they have God on their side, and that weakness can be temporarily stopped.

Currently, we're hiding in the nearby snowy woods while leaving the area open and empty, we'll start attacking when we determine that most of their forces are here. We've

"I can see Rowan and Reiner heading our way." Dawn said as her eyes were glowing, probably using her goddess powers or whatever, I don't understand it.

But considering how the news of me killing Edward should have been sent to him first, he's probably after my head, and the fact that I'm over here shouldn't be that hard since anything dangerous magic levels that are detected always leads back to me.

Lachlan mentioned it, and Edward should know as well, I'm surprised that he wasn't a person on the representative list, but it's probably due to him being the crowned prince, so he's spared. What's more amazing is that they don't have any magic to detect whether each representative is alive or not, and probably will now, but it's how I was able to easily hide Edward and his family.

But as I was about to doze off on Maple's lap, I felt a portal opening, it was a smaller portal and we felt only 2 presence from the other side, well...3, but only 2 stepped through, one was Jerah and the other was Gabriel. The other presence felt weak, so it was probably Jerah's girlfriend.

"I've come in peace!" Gabriel announced and opened up a scroll and blasted this magic to cover the entire area.

"Whoa, it's covering till the south." Saber commented from far away, "...I can do that too. But this is different."

"O mortals of the terrestrial realm," Gabriel announced, "Heed this decree from the divine realm. The time has come for the celestial order to make itself known in your world. Bow under the words of the Almighty, for His will shall be made manifest.

"Know this, the almighty shall be accompanied by mortals blessed with the essence of the gods, and shall descend upon your lands. An army forged of celestial beings and those empowered by divine grace shall march forth, bearing the mantle of cosmic authority. Prepare, for the heavens shall open, and the convergence of celestial and earthly forces shall shape the destiny of all creation.

"And to Perseus Silver," he continued, "Heed this warning above all, the Almighty, in His might, shall wield the forces of retribution for the first loss incurred. His wrath, a tempest stronger than any storm, shall know no bounds. Prepare thy mortal heart, for the arrival of God's army, where angels and humans shall stand shoulder to shoulder, united by purpose and destiny to make you face true salvation."

Prepare my mortal heart? Shoulder to shoulder with angels? Destiny and salvation? Is this for real?

"Face true salvation. Heh."

Well, that part I can get behind. If salvation involves me not getting obliterated by some cosmic catastrophe, sign me up. Still, the whole thing feels like a comedy, and I'm playing the lead role without even auditioning, well, I am, but still, incredibly funny.

We called Jerah over as Gabriel opened a portal and went back and talked things over.

"You have 48 hours." Jerah said, "After that, the attack such as last time will not work, they're prepared."

"Are you here to help us?" Isfrid asked

"No, I'm only here to make sure that they can spare you from the brink of your death, but I will not be participating."

"Is this because Perseus is sleeping with mom?" Cassius asked

"No." Jerah asked and glared at me, "Dawn can do whatever she wants."

"My sisters?"


"Oh my me, why do you care about us now?!" Ruka complained, "Who we're after is our problem, even if he's a self-centered womanizer."

"God plans on having the others stall all of you while he has his way with Perseus, he wants Perseus personally, Cain too, especially after all his allies were found dead and continued to be assassinated even after you left."

"That's actually Anna's fault."

"Under your order."

"Actually Dawn's orders."

"For your goals." he countered

"Not to mention that he reeks of her before coming here as well..." Leilah pouted