Chapter 434: Proclamation (3)

3rd Person POV

"Perseus, hand over the gauntlet if you want to live." Cain demanded with his hand out

"Pfft." Perseus held in his laughter, "Look man, I want to live too, but y'all are just in my way, can't live properly if all of y'all are alive."

"That's just the Texan in you, maybe shed those useless and violent thoughts."

"Oh no no, the Texan in me would want to measure with a lot of units that aren't metric, like football fields or washing machines."

"Perseus, last chance, hand it over, I may be able to negotiate with the rest to spare your life." Cain warned

"Nah." Perseus shrugged, "Trust me, I'm good."

With a roar of war cries, the angel warriors, wings shimmering with divine light, swooped in their celestial blades for battle. But before their onslaught could connect, Perseus moved with blinding speed. Threads laced with electricity zipped through the air, intercepting the angels' advance with swift slashes.

As more angels descended, the steel threads became a flurry of motion by the flick of his finger, an intricate defense against the celestial onslaught. Lightning crackled and entwined the thrones, the threads ensnaring the angelic beings in a mesh of shimmering steel and making them fly into each other.

Wings glittered as the angels attempted to corner him, but our protagonist was elusive. He danced through the chaos, threads flashing with electricity and fire, leaving a trail of light in his wake. Angels closed in, only to be met with a flurry of calculated strikes that left them fatal injuries by having their bodies cut by the threads.

More angels descended, their celestial presence intensifying the conflict. The threads responded by flying toward them with accurate precision. Seraphim, with their blazing wings, and thrones, emanating an aura of power, closed in, seeking to overwhelm the lone warrior, but Perseus remained evasive.

Threads lashed out with arcs of electricity and bursts of fiery energy cutting through the angelic ranks. With each strike, the threads wove an intricate pattern of entanglement, briefly halting the celestial advance. Perseus then pulled on the threads and tightened them, and they cleanly cut through the angels.

Perseus thought as he zoomed through the air.

Angels fell, their celestial radiance dimming against the relentless onslaught, and as the sins were about to interfere, 2 gods descended from right above them. The sins recognized them, they were Saber and Isfrid, the god of summer and winter respectively.

Saber emerged with dual axes ablaze with scorching heat and Isfrid wielded an ice-cold spear that glistened with frost. Saber roared with the intensity of a blazing sun, axes cutting through the air, leaving trails of searing heat in his wake. Isfrid moved with an icy elegance, the spear dancing in his grasp, freezing the celestial beings with each precise strike.

Angels flew in to intercept the attack, and Saber's axes clashed with destructive force, shattering barriers and casting waves of scorching energy. Isfrid's spear spun in a ballet of frost, freezing the angels in their tracks, and leaving a trail of shimmering ice crystals that exploded into many ice shards.

They then separated where Saber took on Pride and Isfrid took on Wrath, the worst enemies possible for them as Saber felt a scorching heat building within, not from his axes but from the egoistic flames of Pride attempting to engulf his very essence. The arrogance seeped in, whispering of superiority and entitlement, threatening to cloud his judgment with hubris.

Isfrid, facing Wrath, encountered a similar challenge. The embodiment of unbridled rage sought to surge through Isfrid's calm and composed demeanor. The chilling essence of Wrath attempted to frost over Isfrid's tranquility, stoking a fire of rage that threatened to shatter his icy composure.

In an unexpected turn, despite Saber and Isfrid's superior strength, the sins began to gain ground. Pride's whispers of arrogance slowly chipped away at Saber's fiery resilience, weakening his resolve as Pride's powers intensified.

Saber felt the heat of Pride's influence, a swelling sense of superiority clouding his thoughts. The once-unstoppable blaze within him flickered, the prideful flames threatening to diminish his fiery prowess. His swings became erratic, his movements faltering against the overwhelming force of Pride's influence.

Isfrid, on the other hand, faced a relentless onslaught from Wrath. The icy tranquility that defined him began to crack under the relentless assault of unbridled fury. Isfrid's precision faltered, his movements becoming unsteady as the raging storm of Wrath threatened to overpower his composed demeanor.

Despite their greater strength, Saber and Isfrid found themselves on defense. The sins' influence weakened their resolve, disrupting their balance and causing a shift in the fight. 

Saber struggled against the rising tide of Pride's arrogance, his once-blazing axes losing their intensity. The celestial embodiment of Pride grew stronger with each passing moment as it gained offensive ground. The frost that once enveloped Isfrid's spear began to thaw, the biting chill of winter losing its potency against the relentless fury of Wrath.

But before Wrath and Pride could close in, 2 powerful arrows blow their heads into a bloody mess. Isfrid and Saber knew who was responsible for it, but chose to ignore it and close in on the 2 sins as their bodies were healing back their heads. They can't kill them yet, if they use their godly essence now, they won't be able to participate in the fight further.

So they both took out these circular bombs and threw them at the 2 gods, the bombs then turned into golden nets. They were made to temporarily weaken the gods' healing and contain them so that they could take them all out at once when they win. The 2 then damaged the injured headless gods even further before heading off to fight the others.

Perseus continued his flight in the sky, but as he continued to fight, he was then intercepted by Curly.

"Dude, you should just quit already." Perseus said

"You too, I didn't think you would use those stupid wires." Curly retorted

"Wasn't in your plans, was it?"

"It wasn't." Curly admitted, "But we'll be used to it soon."