Chapter 439: Yield (3)

Maple POV

Our enemies retreated and tried to take Wrath and Pride away along with them, but I managed to eliminate them just in time. The 2 sins were already weakened and using my godly essence didn't strip my godly immortality like Lilith's did.

"Dad, why are you here?!"

"To stop them from fighting." he replied but Mom stopped him in his tracks, "Dawn, what the hell are you doing?! Our children are going to die!"

"It's...It's tearing me apart, Jerah," Mom whispered, her voice tinged with anguish as she held him back.

Her eyes, normally bright with warmth, now held a deep sorrow.

"But this is our fate, our family's legacy. I've tried to intervene, pleaded with them to cease this madness, but they're driven by forces beyond our control." Mom said

"I can't just stand by and watch them kill each other!" Dad tried to force his way through, but Mom stopped him and gripped his arm tightly, "Dawn, we can't just let this happen! They're our children, for the love of all that's good!"

"I know, Jerah. But every time we've stepped in, it's only fueled their animosity further. This fight, as horrifying as it is, has been a long time brewing. They need to resolve this on their own."

"But they'll kill each other!"

"I've tried reasoning with them, pleading, and even separating them for their safety. But nothing has worked. They're determined to settle this, no matter the cost."

"I can't just stand here and watch."

"You can and you will." Mom responded, "It's our duty to do so...we could have prevented it if we were here all this time, but we've left them, without any notice...the gap widened then and has continued since."

"We thought they'd find their way, learn to understand each other. But we were so wrong..."

"We were selfish, Jerah. We left for selfish reasons." Mom agreed, "We believed they'd sort things out while we're away, that they'd grow stronger by facing challenges on their own. Instead, it's led to this."

"Please Dawn...our family is already divided as is.."I don't care whose fault it is anymore. I just want to stop this madness!"

"I've tried, Jerah. I've tried to mend their rifts, to bridge the chasm between them. But they've chosen this path, and we can't force them to turn back."

"We can't just watch them destroy each other! Please let me go...I don't want to hurt you."

"I told you...We must, Jerah. It's excruciating, but intervening now would only prolong their agony. They have to resolve this, however tragic it may be."

"We're just letting them fight to the death..."

Dad sounded like a broken record. His voice, cracked with helplessness, mirrored the turmoil within me. I understood their agony, the torment of standing by while their own blood spilled in bitter enmity.

I know that deep inside I wanted to scream, to intervene, to halt the madness unfolding before me. But Mom's words echoed with a chilling certainty, a truth that stung deeper than any blade. They have to resolve this, however tragic it may be. And as I watched, helpless and burdened by the weight of unspoken regret, I knew that's better to just watch from the side.

Sometimes, letting go is the hardest act of love. They've chosen this battle, and all we can do is stand here, bearing witness to their choices.


Perseus POV

Damn, I'm fast, but this guy is just too strong for his own good. He did a good job dodging Lilith's attacks, so I took it upon myself to help restrain him a bit just so that Lilith could get a better shot, he was ruthless.

"Dude, killing your brother-in-law and sister at the same time isn't going to give you a good look."

"Shut up!" He said and swung his spear right at my neck, to which I evaded perfectly.

"Did I mention that I'm also super good friends with your saint?"

And he clearly wasn't listening. My mind raced, calculating his every move, searching for a weak spot. But Isfrid was a force to reckon with. His movements were precise, every strike powerful and deliberate for a killing blow. I had to be quicker, and smarter. The former wasn't hard, but the latter bit was lacking.

I feinted left, then darted right, narrowly avoiding another strike. The icy air crackled around us, mirroring the tension of the battle. I couldn't afford to slip up, not against someone like him, one mistake means getting hit, and getting hit, means death.

With a burst of speed, I lunged forward, aiming for an opening in his defense, my focus locked on exploiting that split-second gap in his defense. But just as I launched forward, a blur of movement caught my attention from the side. Lilith. Her arrows cut through the air, each one aimed at Isfrid.

Isfrid pivoted, deflecting the arrows with his spear, a growl of frustration escaping his lips. The slight distraction gave me the opening I needed. With all my strength, I swung, aiming for his side. And sure enough, I hit him right in the liver, he barely felt it...but his armor wasn't as lucky since I managed to open up a crack.

I pressed on, trying to push him back, but Isfrid wasn't going down easily. His movements were swift, his defenses were as solid as an ice wall. Lilith's arrows continued to rain down from the side, creating openings and forcing Isfrid to divide his attention.

Despite our combined efforts, Isfrid seemed unrelenting, drawing strength from his unwavering hatred. Which, I'll be honest, his hatred do you even hold one for that long, and yet it still remains that's just making it hard for me to end him, but useless thoughts.

But as the fight wore on, I sensed a shift. Isfrid's movements became less precise, his attacks losing some of their ferocity. Was his defense chipped away...or was this on purpose? To lure me in?